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Prior the socrates, The Greek thinkers, sometimes collectively called the Pre-Socratics.
• -Empedocles

-the problem of the self

-the true task of a philosopher is to know oneself

-the worst thing that could happen to anyone: to live but die inside.

For Socrates, every man is composed of body and soul.


Three Components of the Soul

- The rational soul

- The spirited soul

- The appetitive soul

• In his magnum opus, “The Republic” (Plato 2000)


The Pre-Socratics pre-occupied themselves with the question of the primary substratum, arché that explains the
multiplicity of things in the world.

Socrates was the first philosopher to ever engage in a systematic questioning about the self.

For Socrates, every human person is dualistic.

• Plato, Socrates’s student basically took off from his master and supported the idea that man is a dual nature of
body and soul.

Augustine and
Thomas Aquinas

Augustine’s view of the human person reflects the entire

spirit of the medieval world when it comes to man.

• -man is of a bifurcated nature


Thomas Aquinas, the most eminent thirteenth century

scholar and stalwart of the medieval philosohy.

Two Parts of Man

- Matter, or hyle in Greek

• - Form, or morphe in Greek

Augustine agreed that an aspect of man dwells in the world and is imperfect while the other
is capable of reaching immortality.

• To Aquinas, just as in Aristotle, the soul is what animates the body; it is what makes us


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