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AG1 Portfolio presentation

Write two essays in the same document and upload it to Canvas-Portfolio.

Essay 1:
● Write an essay about the benefits of technology.
● You can choose to write about an electronic device in specific or technology in
general. Feel free to express your opinion.
● Include the objectives in UNIT 1 - Present time constructions.
● Highlight all the objectives that you use (Present time constructions).
Using the color red.
● Include a reference picture.
AG1 Portfolio presentation
Write two essays in the same document and upload it to Canvas-Portfolio.
Essay 2:
● Write an essay about an experience that you had that turned out differently
than expected.
● You can choose to write about something that you expected to be positive
and had a negative result.
● Include the objectives in UNIT 2 - Past time constructions.
● Highlight all the objectives that you use (Past time constructions.)
Using the blue color.
● Include a reference picture.
General instructions
● Write two essays in the same document and upload it to Canvas-Portfolio.
● Each essay should have a paragraph for the introduction, three paragraphs for the
body and one paragraph as a conclusion.
● Each paragraph should have at least 6 to 7 complete sentences.
● Each essay should use the objectives in at least 8 to 9 sentences.
● Underline or highlight the objectives of each essay using the corresponding
● Don’t forget to include pictures.
● Watch the next video as reference.
● Upload your portfolio on time because no extensions will be given.
● Deadline: Tuesday, Oct 24th at 7:16 pm.

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