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Manajemen Konstruksi

Bagian 2 – Project Management Process

Avisha Gita Prafitasiwi, ST, MT

Manajemen Proyek
• Project management is the application of knowledge, skill, tools
and technique to project activity in order to meet or exceed
stakeholders need or expectation from a project. (PMBOK, 2000)
• Manajemen proyek adalah merencanakan, mengorganisir,
memimpin dan mengendalikan sumberdaya perusahaan untuk
mencapai sasaran jangka pendek yang telah ditentukan. Lebih
jauh, manajemen proyek menggunakan pendekatan sistem dan
hierarki (arus kegiatan) vertikal maupun horisontal. (Iman
Soeharto, 1999)

Area Keilmuan Manajemen Proyek
• Fungsi Dasar :
• Pengelolaan lingkup proyek (Project Scope manag.)
• Pengelolaan waktu atau jadual (Project Time manag.)
• Pengelolaan Biaya (Project Cost manag.)
• Pengelolaan Kualitas atau mutu (Project Quality manag.)
• Fungsi Pendukung :
• Pengelolaan Sumberdaya manusia (Human Resources Manag.)
• Pengelolaan kontrak dan pembelian (Project Procurement Manag.)
• Pengelolaan Resiko (Project Risk Manag.)
• Pengelolaan Komunikasi (Project Communication manag.)
• Fungsi Integrasi
• Pengelolaan Integrasi (Project Integration Manag.)
Management Project Process
Proses manajemen proyek secara umum digambarkan oleh PMBOK
seperti berikut:
• Initiating,
• Planning,
• Executing,
• Monitoring and Controlling, and
• Closing.

Management Project Importances
• Knowledge Explosion – The growth in new knowledge has increased the complexity of projects
because projects encompass the latest advances.
• Triple Bottom Line (planet, people, profit) – Businesses can no longer simply focus on maximizing
profit to the detriment of the environment and society
• Corporate Downsizing – Downsizing and sticking to core competencies have become necessary
for survival for many firms.
• Increased Customer Focus – Customers no longer simply settle for generic products and services.
They want customized products and services that cater to their specific needs.
• Small Projects Represent Big Problems – Small projects are perceived as having little impact
because they do not demand large amounts of scarce resources and/or money. Because of it,
measuring inefficiency is usually nonexistent.
Project management appears to be ideally suited for a business environment
requiring accountability, flexibility, innovation, speed, and continuous improvement.

Sumber : Iman Soeharto, 1999

Project Manager Roles
• The project manager is the person assigned by the performing organization
to lead the team that is responsible for achieving the project objectives.
• Unlike functional managers, who take over existing operations, project
managers create a project team and organization where none existed before.
They must meet the challenges of each phase of the project life cycle
(worker, vendor, etc) (Clifford F Gary, 2011)
• Project manager must have the following competincies :
• Knowledge—Refers to what the project manager knows about project management.
• Performance—Refers to what the project manager is able to do or accomplish while
applying his or her project management knowledge.
• Personal—Refers to how the project manager behaves when performing the project
or related activity.
Project Manager Skills
Decision making
Trust Building
Conflict management
Political and cultural awareness
Team Building

Project Management and Business Lessons to Learn
From Marvel Studios!

Marvel Studios,
originally known as Marvel also auctioned
Marvel Films in 1993, is off the film rights to “It starts with the comics
an American film and some of its most prized and us getting to rip
In winter 1996, Marvel
television production characters. Spider-Man pages out, put them on
announced it’s In 2009, Disney
company, produces the went to Sony, the Hulk the walls and start to be
bankruptcy. Revenues purchased Marvel for a
Marvel Cinematic went to Paramount and inspired. Avengers:
from comics and trading dizzying $4.3 billion.
Universe (MCU) films 21st Century Fox bought Infinity War,” Kevin
cards began to collapse.
and series, based on the rights to Daredevil, Feige. And it’s the
characters that appear in the X-Men and Fantastic breakthrough.
Marvel Comics Four.

Thank you.


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