AIC 4. Critical Theory in An Inspector Calls Grade 9

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Challenge ‘9’ your Analysis – Incorporating

Critical Theory
• To be able to
evaluate how you
can apply Marxism,
Psychoanalysis and
Feminist Theory to
‘An Inspector Calls’ • What do you know about
Feminism, Marxism and
Theorist: Karl Marx Key ideas: Key Terminology:
• Society is capitalist as it • Proletariat
is based on making profit, • Bourgeoisie
rather than by the • Capitalism
interests of all people. • Conflict
• The proletariat (working • Division
class) make money for • Hierarchy
the bourgeoisie (upper • Profit
class) who control the
means of production.

1. How could the text be viewed from a Marxist perspective?
- Which characters are important for this? Why?
- Which events? Why?
- What key quotations could you explore?
Challenge: Use the Key Terminology in your analysis.
Theorist: Simone de Key ideas: Key Terminology:
Beauvoir •Gender is different from one’s • Autonomy
biological sex and is a social • Dominant ideologies
construction. Society expects each • Dominant/submissive
gender to behave in a distinct way. • Equality
•Women are oppressed as they are • Gender role
only valued for their looks and their • Liberation
societal functions as wives and • Objectification
mothers. This is a restrictive gender • Patriarchy
role. • Power
•Women are ‘the second sex’ as they • Reinforce/Subvert
are seen as less powerful and • Stereotypical
important to men.
•Society is therefore patriarchal
(male dominated).

1. How could the text be viewed from a Feminist perspective?
- Which characters are important for this? Why?
- Which events? Why?
- What key quotations could you explore?
Challenge: Use the Key Terminology in your analysis.
Theorist: Sigmund Key ideas: Key Terminology:
Freud • Freud’s theory of Psychoanalysis suggests that • Conscience
the human psyche (personality) has three parts. • Ego
•The id is with us from birth. This part wishes to • Freudian
satisfy every urge it has immediately, regardless • Id
of the consequences. This is why babies cry to • Infantile
be fed, will snatch toys etc. • Morals
• The ego develops next. It is the decision- • Psyche
making part of our psyche and works by reason • Reason
and strategy. • Strategy
• The superego develops last. It reflects the • Superego
values and morals of society which are learned • Values
from our parents and others. It is our
conscience and means that we experience guilt.

1. How could the text be viewed from a Psychoanalytical perspective?
- Which characters are important for this? Why?
- Which events? Why?
- What key quotations could you explore?
Challenge: Use the Key Terminology in your analysis.

The play is about male lust and sexual

exploitation of the weak by the powerful.


Priestley’s main aim is to present a symbolic

confrontation between socialism and capitalism.

Apply your understanding
Marxism study question:
• The play is a symbolic confrontation between
socialism and capitalism, where neither
philosophy emerges triumphant. Discuss.

Psychoanalyst and Feminism study question:

• The play is actually about male lust and the
sexual exploitation of the weak by the powerful.
An Inspector Calls: Marxist theorists may argue that …
• Eva Smith represents the proletariat, who has been exploited by the bourgeoisie.
•Mr. Birling represents capitalist ideas and the belief that profit is key.
• The Inspector hints at social revolution when he speaks of ‘fire and blood and anguish’
if the bourgeoisie do not change their behaviour.

An Inspector Calls: Feminist Literary Critics may argue that …

• Mr. Birling expresses shallow and patronising opinions of women, claiming that clothes
are a ‘token of their self-respect’, and refers to women who for him as ‘girls’ believing
that thy would not have the resolve to keep their strike.
• Gerald and Eric both express a mixture of disdain and attraction to the prostitutes who
work in the bar, and objectify them in their descriptions of the older women.
• When Gerald keeps Eva in his friends ‘rooms’, she stays for the six months that is
convenient for him, treating Eva as if she is a commodity, dismissing her when it is no
longer easy for him to do so.

An Inspector Calls: A Psychoanalysist may argue that …

• Eric's character experiences all three stages: his initial treatment of Eva is the result of
his id, he wishes to satisfy his sexual urges without any consideration to Eva's feelings;
• when faced with the dilemma of unplanned fatherhood, Eric's ego uses logic to steal
from his father's work in an attempt to resolve his problems;
• in the end, when he hears of Eva's death, Eric's superego experiences deep and
sincere guilt- unlike that of Gerald or Mrs. Birling

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