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LUCIA M MIHAYO 19100334030099 CA/BCE/22/14120
1. Introduction:
A road is a long narrow stretch with a smoothed or
paved surface made to be used for travelling or to
allow passage of cars,motorcycles,cyclists,animals and
pedestrians from one point to another.
A pavement is a surface which is either artificial or
natural in which vehicles and pedestrians can pass.
Pavements can be made of asphalt, concrete or
2. Background:

In 2009 the road was just a way which allowed only
pedestrians and cyclists to pass, it means it supported only
light loads.
But due to increase in development, there were increase in
road users such as motorcycles, cars, pedestrian, and cyclists.
Therefore there was a need to design the road so as to
provide better condition for road users
3. Problem Statement:

Ibalelyengo road is an earth (unpaved) road which is 0.75km

length.The road is at a bad condition that is not suitable for the
road users since there is a problem of severe rutting and large
potholes which causes water to settle during rainy season. As a
result the road creates hardship to road users when using the
The scope of this project based on study of the characteristics of
different materials to be used, data collection and analysis,
design and recommendations of the design.
The design can be used during construction since it has
provided thickness layers and their required strengths and
specifications for the road construction.Hence the road will
be able to provide safety and comfort to the road users.
Objectives of the project
Main objective

The main objective of this project is to design the ibalelyengo road to stone
pavement standard.
Specific objectives
i. To determine engineering properties of the soil and stones.
ii. To determine traffic loading
iii.To determine layer thickness of the road.
Structural design of pavement is to protect the subgrade by
provision of appropriate pavement layers to achieve the
determined level of service with maintenance over a chosen
design period. This chapter involves various aspects related to
pavement design.
In Tanzania climate is categorized in three zones namely dry
(less than one month receive rainfall higher than the
evaporation), Moderate (1-3 month receive rainfall higher than
the evaporation) and wet (More than tree (3) month receive
rainfall higher than the evaporation). The moisture regime has
major influence on pavement performance as the stiffness and
strength of subgrade soils and granular materials vary with their
moisture content. (Pavement and materials design manual 1999)
3.Site survey.
Site survey is the process of visiting and inspecting the area to
which work is to be constructed. Site survey and planning
involves gathering all necessary information which helps in the
analysis and design process.
Knowledge on the Topographical features of the study area is
important since terrain has a major influence on design standards
for roads(Low volume roads manual)
4.Traffic count.
Traffic data collection and projections of traffic volumes are basic
requirements for planning of road development and management
schemes. Traffic data forms an essential part of design since it provides
informations on the design loading. Types of traffic counts include
automatic counts and manual counts (Leduc, 2008).
4.1 Vehicle equivalent factor(VEF).
 . The VEF is determined from converting the surveyed individual axle
loads. Adding up the EFs for each vehicle, and then deriving a
representative weighted average value for each vehicle class.
Guidance on the average VEF for different vehicle classes derived from
historical data in Tanzania, (Table 8 of the Low Volume Manual, 2016) .
 In determining the Daily Equivalent Standard Axle (DESA) Car, pickups,
three wheelers, bicycle and pedestrian should not be considered since their
VEF is negligible hence, they are just used for capacity analysis of the road.
(low volume manual 2016)
4.2 Determination of mean daily standard axle .
The estimated mean daily ESA’s for each vehicle class (DESA)
is obtained from the traffic data and the VEF’s as follows:
Traffic load class.
Table 2. :Traffic load classes(Pavement and material design manual,1999)
5.Field tests.
Field tests.

The dynamic cone penetrometer test (DCP) is used to determine the entirely strength of
the insitu subgrade layer.
 This is the traditional method based on the CBR test, but because of its many
advantages the designer would normally make appropriate use of a Dynamic Cone
Penetrometer (DCP) to obtain much of the required design information, particularly a
longitudinal profile of in situ strengths of the pavement layers of the existing road in
terms of DN values (penetration per blow in mm/blow).
 The DN number is normally converted to CBR so that a diagram of CBR versus depth
is obtained. The equation used to do this is based on the BS method of CBR testing and
Log10CBR = 2.48 – 1.057 Log10 DN((Papagiannakis and Masad 2008)
6. Laboratory testing.
Laboratory Testing
Laboratory tests should be conducted to the selected samples
in order to obtain information which should later be used in
the analysis of the results. The tests which can be conducted
are as follows:
Moisture content
Atterberg limit test
Proctor test
Natural Moisture Content
Apart from soils in dry desert areas, the voids within all-natural soils contain
Some soils may be fully saturated with the voids full of water, some only
partially saturated with a proportion of the voids containing air as well as water.
 Moisture content (or water content) is simply the ratio of the mass of water to
the mass of solid particles and is an invaluable indicator of the state of the soil
and its behavior.
The test is carried out by oven – drying a sample at a temperature between
1050C and 110 0C until all of the ‘free; moisture is expelled. This usually means
leaving the sample for a minimum of 12 hours’ period. The test is carried out as
(Central material laboratory testing manual , 2000)
Grading (Sieve Distribution)
The grain (or particle) size distribution of soil was
determined by mechanical analysis. Mechanical analysis
(or Grain size analysis) is the determination of the different
size ranges of particles present in soil. These fractions (size
ranges) were expressed as percentages of the total dry
weight of the soil.
 The test is carried out as in test 1.7 (Central laboratory
testing manual,2000)
Atterberg Test
Soils contain fines (silt and clay) which exhibit properties of plasticity and
cohesiveness. These depend on the amount and mineralogy of the fines as
well as the amount of water content present
If the water content is decreased, the soil becomes stiffer until there is
insufficient moisture provide cohesiveness when the soil a cracks or breaks
up easily if remolded. Thus, depending on the water content of the soil, the
cohesive soil mass may possess of the following four consistence states
Liquid limit
Plastic state
Semisolid or semi plastic solid state
Solid state
Proctor Test
Proctor test is the compaction test which is used to determine
the optimal moisture content at which a given soil type will
become dense and achieve maximum dry density.
Proctor’s test is to be carried out to understand compaction
characteristics of existing gravel with change in moisture
content. (Central laboratory testing manual, 2000) Test 1.9.
7. Pavement design.
Types of pavements
The pavements can be classified based on the structural performance
into two, flexible pavements and rigid pavements.
In flexible pavements, wheel loads are transferred by grain-to-grain
contact of the aggregate through the granular structure. The flexible
pavement, having less flexural strength, acts like a flexible sheet (e.g.
bituminous road). On the contrary, in rigid pavements, wheel loads
are transferred to sub-grade soil by flexural strength of the pavement
and the pavement acts like a rigid plate (e.g. cement concrete road
Selection of type of pavement.
Select Initial cost for construction of the road, initial cost of
construction of the road, Availability of good materials, Cost of
maintenance, Environmental/Site conditions, Traffic intensity
and construction procedures. All the factors combines together
to the selection of pavement type to be used in construction tion
Stone pavement.
Stone Pavement
Cobble Stone Paving is an historically well-established option consisting of a layer
of roughly cubic shaped or selected stones of thickness about 100 - 150mm, laid
on a bed of sand or fine aggregate within mortared stone or concrete edge
The individual stones should have at least one face that is fairly smooth, to be the
upper or surface face when placed.
Each stone (or cobble) is adjusted with a small (mason’s) hammer and then tapped
into position to the level of the surrounding stones. Sand or fine aggregates is
brushed into the spaces between the stones and the layer then compacted with a
roller(Low volume roads manual,2016)
Pavement Structure Design,
This is a durable surface that is laid down intended to sustain
traffic loads. The pavement structure should have adequate
thickness that all the transmitted traffic loads can be bleared or
transmitted in a safe manner.
This is a function of traffic loading and insitu soil strength.
The pavement structure comprises of Subgrade, Sub base, base
and wearing course.(low volume roads manual,2000)
This chapter describes the methods to be used for
determination of proper data and or methods to be used for data
collection and analysis so as to reach the desired problem
solution, different methods are to be used to achieve the project
objectives, the following methods are adopted;
A.Soil Sampling and laboratory testing
The soil tests will be done according to CML manual at TANROADS
BUKOBA laboratory where by sample will be taken from the site for
classification tests.
I. The disturbed sample soil materials were taken for a depth of 1m-1.5m .
II. Sample which was taken is 50kg to avoid insufficiency during sample
testing. The soil testing was done according to (Central material
laboratory manual,2000) at TANROARDS BUKOBA laboratory.
Laboratory testing

Tests done were Atterberg limit test, compaction test, water content and
grading of soil.

B. Traffic survey.
Traffic Load Class was obtained after carrying Traffic Survey along the
road for the purposes of pavement design.
Procedures to Determine TLC
 The following are steps is to be taken for determination of Traffic Load Class, TLC
after carrying out traffic survey along the existing road
Determinetion ot TLC
Determination of Traffic Volume per Vehicle Class Traffic survey was
conducted along the road including counts of motorcycles, cars, goods
vehicles, buses, pickups, Trailers, non-motorized vehicles and pedestrian.
The survey was performed for seven days consecutively for 12 hours
 Determination of Mean ESA, DESA and CESA this involved the
determination of the mean axle load Equivalent Factor (EF), Vehicle
Equivalence Factor (VEF) per day.
The EF (ESAs/axle) is derived as EF = [P/8160] n
Where by:
P is an axle load in Kg,
n is power exponent (lies between 2.5 and 4.5 where a value of 4 is
recommended for LVRs.
where AADT is traffic data of each vehicle and VEF is Equivalent factors
Determination of TLC cont..
For pavement design of the Road, the Cumulative Equivalent
Standard Axles (CESA) in each direction for each traffic category
expected over the design life was calculated using the formula.
CESA = 365 x DESA x [(1 + r) N – 1]/r
To determine traffic load class, the table below was
Traffic load class.
Table 2. :Traffic load classes(Pavement and material design manual,1999)
DCP test.
 The main objective of carrying out DCP survey was to assess the quality
(structural strength) of the materials of individual layers in a pavement
structure along the existing road and then evaluate the results in the
proper way so that to identify an essential method of improving the
existing sub-grade materials and the fundamental properties of the
materials and layer thickness for construction of new pavement structure.
DCP test
Table 3: Frequency of DCP testing (LVR Manual, 2016.)
• The analysis is to be done automatically using the AfCAP LVR-
DCPv.103 program and the results from the survey data are to
be used directly to determine the uniform sections
(homogeneous) of each test point along the road so as to
identify DN values.
Pavement layers
 The layers for the Road consist of the Sub-grade/Improved Sub-grade,
subbase and surface.
All Subgrade materials should be tested in the laboratory as per CML
and per Manual (MoW 1999), General Requirements and by considering
the Climatic conditions as shown in the tables below.
Subgrade requirements.
Table 4 :General Requirements for Sub-grade layers (MoW 1999)
Table 9: Materials for Pavement layers (MoW 1999)

The stones for surface are to be of thickness equals to the
surface layer thickness,the selection of size of the stones based
on the specifications(manual pavement labour based technology
for rural road work)
OUTCOME data analysis

01. -To atterberg limits TANROAD

- -tests
and -cone -Identifying excel
determine BUKOBA measurements penetrometer consistency of
engineering laboratory soil
properties of
soils -balance
-a stop watch

-sieve analysis TANROAD -tests and -sieves Knowing the excel

-brush particle size
BUKOBA measurements -balance distribution of
laboratory -pans soil.

Proctor test TANROAD tests and - rammer To determine excel

-moulds MDD and
BUKOBA measurements -steel plate OMC.

2. To determine MESA At site Traffic -data To Excel

counting sheet determine
traffic loading -pen TLC

03 To determine -hardness and TANROADS tests -Loss excel

properties of toughness BUKOBA Angeles
stones laboratory abrasion
-steel plate
-stop watch

AIV and TFV TANROAD tests -AIV and strength excel

S BUKOBA machine
laboratory -tamping
1 0+250 1655 7.7 3.2 0.9 38.4 16.1 22.3 7.9
2 0+500 1839 7.0 3.5 2.3 35 19.6 15.4 4.0
Test done Test method Results

TFV (dry) CML test 2.7 125KN

TFV(wet) CML test 2.7 90KN
Specific CML test 2.2 2.63
Water CML test 2.2 1.77
ACV(dry) CML test 2.6 23.7%
ACV(wet) CML test 2.6 26.6%
AIV CML test 2.8 8.4%

Day Large Bus Small Bus Light Good Medium Good Heavy Good
Vehicle (LGV) Vehicle(MGV) Vehicle(HGV)3
2Axles 2Axles Axles
Monday 10 12 9 2 12
Tuesday 13 11 5 5 5
Wednesday 8 8 3 5 8
Thursday 11 10 6 11 10
Friday 4 6 16 2 12
Saturday 6 7 5 3 11
Sunday 7 11 3 6 16
ADT 8 9 7 5 11
ADT/2 4.2 4.6 3.4 2.4 5.3
Estimation of Mean Daily ESA(DESA) For Direction 1

Vehicle Type ADT/2 VEF(ESA/Vehicle) ESA/Day

Large Bus 4.2 2.4 10.11

Small Bus 4.6 0.3 1.39

Light Good Vehicle (LGV) 2Axles 3.4 1.5 5.04

Medium Good Vehicle(MGV) 2Axles 2.4 4 9.71

Heavy Good Vehicle(HGV)3 Axles 5.3 4.5 23.79

Total ESA/Day 50.04

Estimation of Mean Daily ESA(DESA) For Direction 2

Vehicle Type ADT/2 VEF(ESA/Vehicle) ESA/Day

Large Bus 4.2 1.2 5.06

Small Bus 4.6 0.15 0.70

Light Good Vehicle (LGV) 2Axles 3.4 0.75 2.52

Medium Good Vehicle(MGV) 2Axles 2.4 2 4.86

Heavy Good Vehicle(HGV)3 Axles 5.3 2.25 11.89

Total ESA/Day 25.02

Design Life (N) = 20 years
Vehicle growth rate (r) = 4.5%

Traffic loading for design of a 6.5m

From Table 8 -5of Low Volume Roads Manual the Traffic loading for a 6.5m carriageway is the
total DESAs in the heaviest loaded direction

Traffic Loading (DESA) = 50.04

Estimationof Cummulative ESAs (CESA) per All Vehicle Classes over design life

The design CESA can be computed from the following

equation ;
CESA = 365*DESA*[(1+r)N - 1]/r

= 379,634.11

= 0.38 Million equivalent

standard axles (MESA)
Traffic load class(Tanzania low volume roads,2016)

Since the obtained 0.38MESA was found in the range of 0.3–0.5, then
the design TLC is TLC 0.5.
Pavement Required DN Section no.
layer(mm) value for
TLC 0.5 1 2 3

0.36 to 0.46 to 0.59 to

0.46km 0.59km 0.705km

0-200 <=6(6.9) 21(80P) 45(80P) 15(80P)

200-400 <=12(14) 19(80P) 53(80P) 17(80P)

400-600 <=19(19) 35(80P) 33(80P) 26(80P)

600-800 <=25 15(80P) 36(80P) 40(80P)

Table 4.5 Relationship between CBR values and DN values for various material class(Low
volume roads,2016)
Table 4.6 Results of existing upper layer properties .

Uniform Chainage 0-200 layer 200-400 layer 400-600 layer 600-800 layer
section (km)
Av. DN class Av.DN Class Av. DN class Av. DN Class
value value value value

1 0.36 -0.46 21 G7 19 G7 35 G3 15 G7
2 0.46-0.59 45 G3 53 G3 33 G3 36 G3
3 0.59-0.705 15 G7 17 G7 26 G7 40 G3
From the above Results, the Road sections show that the
existing upper two layers (up to 400mm)has existing upper
materials of G3 and G7, The Existing Sub grade after being
Cut should be blended or Improved by Compaction to archieve
suitable sub grade materials with Minimum G7.
The Observation show that, the existing top layers was found
to have inadequate strength for sub grades, therefore after
compaction of existing material, then improved sub grade
Materials(G15) should be Imported from Selected borrow pit .
Requirements for subgrade layers(moW 1999)
Requirement for improved sub grade layer (standard
specification for roadwork, 2000)
Materials for pavement layers(MoW 1999)
Requirement for sub base layer of G45 materials(standard
specification for roadwork,2000)
Sub grade - G7 of 150mm thickness
Improved Sub grade - G15 of 150mm thickness
 Sub-base - G45 of 150mm thickness
Test done results specification References

TFV (dry) 125KN Min.100KN Standard specification for

TFV(wet) 90KN Min 60% of TFV(dry) Standard specification for
Specific 2.63 2.4-2.8 CML 2000
Water 1.77 0.6-2 CML 2000
ACV(dry) 23.7% 30% BS 812 PART 2-1975
ACV(wet) 26.6% Min 75% of ACV(dry) CML 2000
AIV 8.4% Max. 30% CML 2000
Since,the size of stone to be used as a surface material ranges
between 100 to 150mm length(manual pavement labour based
technology for rural road work)
Therefore the selected size is (150X100X50)mm
Sand for bedding used for paving stones shall shall not contain any
deteorious materials and shall comply with the grading requirements
Grading requirements for bedding sand.
The design report has covered almost all design aspects required for the design. The
traffic counts was done for determination of current traffic volume and then
forecasted due to increment of road users after upgrading tthe road. Site
investigations to determine the quality of existing pavement was done and analyzed
by AfCAP-DCP software for low volume roads using DN-method. With DCP, the
existing layers were evaluated to determine the in-situ layer profiles so that to
determine the suitability of existing materials. With the results obtained, the
pavement design was carried out as per Low volume Roads Manual -2016 and
Materials and Pavement design manual - 1999.
Therefore the subgrade is G7-150mm, improved subgrade G15-150mm
thickness,subbase is G45-150mm thickness and the surfacing is of stones with size
During the site investigations, laboratory tests of borrow pits to be used
were not tested, so it is recommended that all borrow pit materials should
be tested before being used for constructions.
Also further study should be conducted on hydrology characteristics of
the area so as to provide the drainage structures on the road
Aarts, L., & Van Schagen, I. (2006). Driving speed and the risk of road crashes: A
review. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 38(2), 215-224.
Autelitano, F., Garilli, E., & Giuliani, F. (2020). Criteria for the selection and design
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259, 119722.
Biancardo, S. A. (2023). Building Information Modeling Approach for Roman
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Systems (pp. 173-183): IOS Press.
Cook, J., Petts, R., & Rolt, J. (2013). Low Volume Rural Road Surfacing and
Pavements: A Guide to Good Practice. OTB Engineering UK LLP, London.
Dietze, M., Groth, J., & Kleber, A. (2013). Alignment of stone‐pavement clasts by
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Nascimento, F., Gouveia, B., Dias, F., Ribeiro, F., & Silva, M. A. (2020). A method to
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Rasoulian, M., Becnel, B., & Keel, G. (2000). Stone interlayer pavement design.
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Yoder, E. J., & Witczak, M. W. (1991). Principles of pavement design: John Wiley &
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications, LOW VOLUME ROADS –
Manual 2016
 TANROADS, (2003) Field Testing Manual 2003
Republic of Tanzania, Ministry of Works, Pavement and Materials Design Manual –
Republic of Tanzania, Ministry of Works, Road Geometric Design Manual – 2011

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