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we are going to learn

The goals of To get know what is condittional
the actavities To know social function of
conditional sentence

To know types of conditional sentence

To know language feature of
conditional entence
Do you have a dream?
Do you ever have any willingnes to do but you can raise it?
Do yu ever study about “conditional sentences?
Discuss with your group

Identify the social function,

structure text and language
feauture from the video
Conditional sentences

Merupakan suatu kalimat If + Condition, cosequence
dalam bahasa Inggris yang
digunakan untuk
Cosequence + If + Condition
mengungkapkan keinginan,
harapan, pengandaian, atau
rencana yg mungkin dapat
social function
Menyatakan dan menanyakan pengandaian diikuti
perintah/saran untuk menyarankan dan memerintah.

Text Structure
struktur teks dapat mencakup:
• Memberi informasi
• Meminta informasi
Zero Conditional if/when + present + present/imperative
if/when + past + past

Conditional sentence type 0 adalah kalimat untuk

mengungkapkan kondisi berupa tindakan yang bersifat
kebenaran umum, pernyataan yang sebenarnya (general
truth), atau kejadian yang biasa terjadi.

If it rains, the road gets wet

If you stare at the sun too long, your eyes damage

It gets cold here when the sun goes down.

If you heat the water to 110 degrees, it boils

The terms "present" and "past" are used instead of "present tense (simple or continuous)" and "past tense (simple or
continuous"), for the sake of simplicity.
First Conditional If + simple present, simple future

adalah bentuk kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan

untuk mengungkapkan ketika konsekuensi atau
hasilnya memungkinkan untuk terjadi di masa yang
akan datang.

If it rains tomorrow, we won't go camping.

If you tell your mom the truth, she will forgive you.

If I come home late, I will get in trouble

If you are here, I will tell you my feel

Second Conditional if+ past simple, past future

We use the Second Conditional to talk about present

or future situations we think are impossible or
unlikely to happen.

I might work harder if they paid me better.

If you really wanted to help, you would be trying harder.

If you studied harder, you could do better at school.

If I were you, I would continue my study to get a master’s


*We use "were" with all subject pronouns in the Second Conditional (Subjunctive mood).
Third Conditional if + past perfect, future perfect

adalah kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan ketika ingin

mengungkapkan sebuah kondisi yang tidak mungkin bisa
terwujud sama sekali. Hal ini karena kondisi yang
diungkapkan sangat mustahil, atau hanya sebuah

You wouldn't have cut your head if you had been wearing a
safety helmet.

If my grades were good, I would have gotten a better job.

If she had taken the bus, she wouldn’t have had a car accident.
Now it`s time to you to give a
Thank You
have a nice day

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