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Prof. Vandana Jagtap, MITWPU, Pune

The future of AI
1. AI for autonomous driving
2. Weaponization of AI
3. Drug Discovery and regulation
Siri, Alexa and other voice assistants are examples
of conversational AI
What is AI?
• Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of the human process by
machines (computer systems). These processes include the learning,
reasoning, and self-correction.
• Artificial intelligence allows machines to replicate the capabilities of
the human mind.
• From the development of self-driving cars to the smart assistants like
Siri and Alexa, AI is a growing part of everyday life.
• As a result, many tech companies across various industries are
investing in artificially intelligent technologies.
Why AI?
• One single reason for needing artificial intelligence is its ability to
automate tasks and processes, leading to increased efficiency,
productivity, and the ability to tackle complex problems at scale.

• Artificial Intelligence enhances the speed, precision and effectiveness of

human efforts.
Application of AI
• Following are some sectors which have the application of Artificial Intelligence:
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in
1. Cybersecurity
The threat of cyber-attacks to military systems can cause loss of critical military information and lead to military system
2. Warfare systems
Defence forces from several countries around the world incorporate AI into weapons and other warfare systems used on
space, air, naval, and land platforms. Employing AI in these systems has resulted in efficient warfare systems that are less
dependent on human input.
3. Target Recognition
AI strategies can increase the accuracy of target recognition in complicated combat environments. These strategies enable
defence forces to attain a comprehensive understanding of potential operation fields by analysis of newsfeeds, documents,
reports, and other information.
4. Monitoring of Threats and Safety of Military Personnel
Monitoring of threats and situational analysis heavily depends upon ISR operations (Intelligence, Surveillance, and
How to Build an AI: What Is Required to Build an AI System?

• Step 1: The First Component to Consider When Building the AI Solution Is the
Problem Identification
• Step 2: Have the Right Data and Clean It. (Structured/Unstructured)
• Step 3: Create/choose Algorithms (Searching, classification, regression, clustering and
• Step 4: Train the Algorithms
• Step 5: Opt for the Right Platform (TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, PyTorch,
Microsoft Azure ML, Amazon SageMaker, IBM Watson Studio, Google AI Platform
etc.. )
• Step 6: Choose a Programming Language (Python, R, Java, JavaScript, C++, etc.. )
• Step 7: Deploy and Monitor
The future of AI
• 1. AI for autonomous driving
• 2. Weaponization of AI
• 3. Drug Discovery and regulation
AI for autonomous driving

• Autonomous vehicles are parts of some industries like Agriculture, transportation and
military are some of the examples.
• The AV’s have to perform tasks based on sensor information and AI algorithms.
• Vehicles need to collect data, plan their trajectory and execute the trajectory
1. Analysis of AI in the Autonomous Vehicle

• A typical autonomous vehicle is shown in figure below.

• The number of sensors with real time data and the need for intelligent processing of the data, AI is
used in the central unit as well as in the multiple electronic control units (ECU) of the automobile.
• Since AI has been used in many areas, including robotics this is a natural fit of the technology.

1. LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensor

creates detailed 3D maps of surroundings.
2. RADAR determines the object's distance. It also
uses Doppler Effect to detect object motion
3. Wheel Encoder: to measure the rotation and
speed of wheels accurately
4. Ultrasonic sensors : detecting nearby objects and
1. Analysis of AI in the Autonomous Vehicle

• The AI has to interact with multitude of sensors and has to use data in real time.
• AI algorithms are computationally intensive: therefore hard to use with CPUs that have memory
and speed restrictions.
• Internal communications : that are prone to latency which can disturb the decision making of the AI
• Power consumption: The more intensive AI algorithms consume more power, which is an issue,
especially for electric vehicles that depend only on the charge of the battery.
AI is used for several important tasks in a self driving automobile.
1. Path planning for navigation system of the vehicle.
2. Interaction with the sensory system and the interpretation of the data coming out of sensors.
Phases-I, starting from simpler and more deterministic use cases such as driving in a known environment.
The algorithms used can be sufficiently relieved if the vehicle operates in only specific conditions that
present fewer unknowns.
AI Technology/Algorithms used in Automated Vehicles cont…
• Sensor Data Processing
• Path Planning
• Path Execution
• Monitoring Vehicle’s Condition
• Insurance Data Collection
AI Technology/Algorithms used in Automated Vehicles
1. Sensor Data Processing
• Sensors generates real time data streams for the information about the road, other vehicles on the
road, similarly as human can perceive them.
• One of the main tasks is to detect and identify objects ahead and around the vehicle.
• Artificial neural networks (ANN) are the algorithms typically used for this task.
• Deep learning, because a neural network contains many layers that contain many nodes.
• A deep neural network is shown on figure 2 although the number of nodes and layers in practice
can be much higher.
The analysis of video input uses machine
learning algorithms and most likely neural
networks in order to classify objects

Figure 2: Deep Neural Network Diagram.

2. Path Planning
• Path planning is important in order to optimize the trajectory of the vehicle and to lead to better
traffic patterns.
• This can help reduce delays and avoid congestion on the road
• Planning is a very suitable task for artificial intelligence algorithms.
• It is a dynamic task that can take into consideration a lot of factors and can solve an
optimization problem while executing the path.
• AVs enables self-driving vehicles to find the safest, most convenient, and most economically
beneficial routes from point A to point B by using the previous driving experiences which help
the AI agent make much more accurate decisions in the future
• Ex: Probabilistic Roadmaps (PRM), A* Algorithm, Dijkstra's Algorithm, Rapidly-exploring
Random Trees (RRT), Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), etc..
3. Path Execution
• After the path is planned the vehicle is able to navigate the road conditions, by detecting objects,
pedestrians, bicycles and traffic lights in order to reach the destination
• Lidar-based Object Detection:
• Many autonomous vehicles use Lidar sensors to create a 3D map of the environment. Lidar-
based object detection algorithms process this point cloud data to detect objects, calculate their
positions, and estimate their velocities.
• YOLO (You Only Look Once):
• YOLO is a real-time object detection system that divides an image into a grid and assigns
bounding boxes and class probabilities to the grid cells. It can detect multiple objects in an image
quickly and accurately, making it suitable for real-time applications like autonomous driving.
• SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector):
• SSD is another real-time object detection algorithm that performs detection in multiple scales. It
uses a set of default boxes at different aspect ratios and scales to detect objects across various
sizes. SSD is known for its speed and accuracy.
4. Monitoring Vehicle’s Condition
• The most promising type of maintenance is predictive maintenance.
• Determine the condition of the machine and to predict what is likely to fail and when it is going to
• It tries to predict future problems, not problems that already exist.
• Both supervised and unsupervised learning can be used for predictive maintenance.
• The machine learning algorithms used for this task are classification algorithms like logistic
regression, support vector machines and random forest algorithm.
5. Insurance Data Collection
• Data logs from a vehicle can contain information about the driver’s behavior and this
can be used in the analysis of traffic accidents.
• These data can be used for processing of claims.
• For fully automated cars the liability will shift from the passenger, who is no longer a
driver, to the manufacturer.
• In the semi-autonomous vehicle, we will still most likely have some liability of the
Weaponization of AI
• Weaponization of AI means to the use of artificial intelligence technologies for military
• specifically to develop and deploy autonomous or semi-autonomous weapons systems.
• These weapons can range from drones and robots to cyber warfare tools, all of which
incorporate AI algorithms to make decisions and potentially engage in combat without
direct human intervention.
• The concern with the weaponization of AI lies in the ethical and moral implications.
• AI-driven weapons, if not properly controlled, could raise serious issues related to
accountability, accuracy, and the potential for indiscriminate harm.
• There are ongoing debates and efforts within the international community to establish
regulations and agreements to ensure the responsible use of AI in military applications, with
a focus on maintaining human control over decisions related to the use of force.
Weaponized AI for cyber attacks
Combination of technical for solutions to mitigate

• Addressing the threat of weaponized AI in cyber attacks requires a combination of technical solutions. Here are
some solutions to mitigate the risks associated with weaponized AI in cyber warfare:
• International Agreements:
• Create global agreements to regulate AI use in cyber warfare, defining boundaries, prohibited actions, and
consequences for violations.
• Enhanced Cybersecurity:
• Strengthen cybersecurity with advanced intrusion detection systems, machine learning for real-time threat
detection, secure coding practices, regular security audits, and robust encryption methods.
• Ethical AI Development:
• Promote ethical AI practices by integrating transparency, accountability, and fairness into AI algorithms.
Establish guidelines and ethics boards for evaluating the ethical implications of AI projects.
1. AI Capability in Swarm Drones
Drone Swarms are a group of drones operating in conjunction with ground
manoeuvre forces. This provides an aerial manoeuvre capability during offensive
as well as defensive tasks. The shaping of the battlefield can be greatly influenced
by Drone Swarms, thereby allowing preservation of decisive columns of
mechanisedforces initially and the application of such forces at a place and time of
Target Detection & Identification:
Target detection and identification algorithms used in the system enable detection
and identification of small-sized targets, vehicles and structures from a high
altitude and over a large distance.
Project Drone Feed Analysis – AI based RPA feed and data
How it will Serve the Nation:
• Exponentially efficient and effective use of strategic surveillance assets
• Reduces the operations engagement time • Technology driven
• Aids in situational awareness and informed decision making
• Increases the area under surveillance
• Drastically reduces cost of surveillance missions and analysis

Applications: Conventional military Intelligence Survelliance Target

Acquisition & Recoinassance (ISTAR) Missions, Smartization of Road
Opening Party (ROP) Ops, Live Monitoring of counter terrorism
operation, Border Surveillance, Illegal Immigration Movement, Drugs
Trafficking, Disaster Response, Progress Monitoring (Traffic, Agriculture,
Shipping & Construction etc).
Drug Discovery and regulation

Fig: Method domains of artificial intelligence (AI). This figure shows different AI method domains along with their
subfields that can be implemented in different fields drug discovery and development.
Applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in different subfields of the pharmaceutical

Fig: Applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in different subfields of the pharmaceutical industry, from
drug discovery to pharmaceutical product management.
Role of artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery

Fig: Role of artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery. AI can be used effectively in different parts of drug
discovery, including drug design, chemical synthesis, drug screening, polypharmacology, and drug
Leading pharmaceutical companies and their association with
Artificial Intelligence (AI) organizations
Trends in AI
Trends in AI
Trends in AI
Trends in AI
Trends in AI
Trends in AI
Future of AI
Future of AI
Future of AI
Future of AI
• Can Machines And
Intelligence Be

• Art, Music, Dance

and Choreography,
AI Augmented
Design, Write
Novels and Articles

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