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People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Higher School of Management Sciences Annaba


‫السلطة في االدارة‬
Developed by: Groupe:02
 Chemmakh
Dhikra. Framed by:
 Nouri Nouha.  Mme.Boutelhik nadjla.

2023 - 2024
Authority in administration is the cornerstone of effective
management and governance.It empowers individuals or
positions to make critical decisions and ensure the
completion of tasks. This concept is crucial in the world of
organizational management,in both the public and
private sectors.But what exactly does this concept entail?
And why is it a linchpin in administrative systems? And
finally how can we make sure authority and power are
balanced for responsible decision-making?
01 What is Authority in
administration ?

02 Sources of Authority in
Table of Content Administration.

03 Types of Authority in Administration.

04 Relationship between authority and power.

05 The role of authority in decision

06 Importance of authority in
Table of Content
07 Challenges in Exercising Authority.

08 Tips for effective authority in administration.

What is Authority in administration ?

Authority in administration refers to the legitimate power and

right to make decisions, give orders, and enforce rules within
an organization or a specific hierarchical structure. It is a
fundamental concept in management and governance, as it
defines who has the ability to control resources, direct
employees, and make important choices. Authority typically
flows downward in a hierarchical organization, and it comes
with responsibilities and accountability for the outcomes of
decisions and actions .
Sources of Authority in

 Legal Authority:  Traditional Authority:

Derived from Low, Authority based on long-standing
regulations,and government customs, traditions, and historical
statutes that grant power practices that confer power to
to administrative bodies. specific individuals or institutions.

 Charismatic  Competence theory:

Authority: Can be based on personal
Authority vested in an competence rather than formal
individual to their position.individuals with
exceptional qualities , intelligence ,knowledge, skill, and
charisma, and the ability to experience can have authority even
inspire and lead. without official roles.
Types of Authority in

Involves a top-down management structure where line managers make

Line Authority: decisions without consulting others,directly linked to achieve organizational
is giving to staff managers in response to an organization’s serves to
Staff Authority: support ,advise,and reduce the workload of line managers who may find their
existing skills and knowledge insufficient for larger , more complex tasks.

Also known as functional control , is a distinctive element within HR

Functional Authority: management . It grants the personnel manager special authority to oversee
personnel activities and serve as a key advisor to the top executive , playing
a crucial role in the organization.
Relationship between
Authority and Power

G Guiding force M Mutual dependence

Authority and power are mutually
Authority acts as a guiding force that
dependent. Authority relies on power to
directs and influences how power is
enforce decisions, while power gains
utilized in a giving context. It sets the
legitimacy and effectiveness through
rules and norms for the exercise of the endorsement of authority.
P Power as a foundation L Legitimacy & Control
Means that the authority of a figure or Legitimacy is a critical aspect of
institution is grounded in the actual ability to authority. It is the recognition and
exert control and influence, which is derived acceptance of authority that gives
from the power they hold .In other words it’s power its control. Legitimacy ensures
like saying:’’you can only lead effectively if that power is used in a socially
you have the means to make things happen’’. acceptable and lawful manner.
The role of authority in
decision making
Ensuring Accountability Streamlining Decision-Making
authority designates a clear decision- authority sets clear boundaries, specifying
maker, ensuring that accountability is who has the power to make specific
established, and the individual decisions. This clarity minimizes delays
responsible for a decision can be held and eliminates the need for extensive
responsible for its outcomes. deliberation and unnecessary approvals,
making the decision-making process more

Minimizing Role Ambiguity Balancing Autonomy and Collaboration

Authority involves defining clear To balance autonomy and collaboration,
roles and responsibilities, ensuring authority can be delegated to teams, granting
that individuals understand their them a level of decision-making freedom. This
positions and decision-making approach enhances teams' responsiveness and
authority. This clarity reduces adaptability while ensuring alignment with the
confusion and conflicts within the organization's goals and objectives.
importance of authority in
Effective leadership: Efficient decision making:
lies in providing clarity and
empowers leaders to provide clear direction,
foster trust, and shape behavior within their accountability for decision
organization. It enables them to responsibilities, expediting the decision-
articulate a vision, earn the trust of their making process by defining boundaries,
followers, and set a positive example, and facilitating the allocation of
ultimately guiding their teams necessary resources for effective
toward a common purpose and decision implementation. This enhances
strengthening organizational relationships. an organization's ability to make timely
and well-informed choices.
Organizational structure:

involves defining hierarchy, facilitating

coordination among departments, and
establishing responsibility and
reporting relationships. This structured
approach ensures clarity in roles and
relationships, contributing to the
organization's effective and efficient
Challenges in exercising Athority
Resistence to authority
Not everyone will agree with an authority figure’s decisions or actions.Handling
resistance, dissent, and conflict emotionally demanding.

Power abuse
Which is a serious ethical issue, it occurs when individuals or
institutions in position of power and influence,misues their
authority for personal gain, discriminate unfairly,engage in
corraption,violate human rights, limite transparency, misuse
resources, and exhibit authoritarian behavior.

Balancing authority and employees empowerment

It can be challenging for several reasons, as it involves finding finding
the right equilibrium between centralized ans decentralized decision-
Tips for effective authority
in administration
Communication skills: Continual learning:
establish open and transparent stay up to date with industry trends,
communication channels. keep employees management practices, and leadership
informed about decisions, changes, and skills. Being knowledgeable and adaptable
expectations. Effective communication is crucial for effective authority.
helps build trust and understanding.

Lead by example: Empathy and emotional intelligence:

leaders should set an example by understand and connect with the emotions and
demonstrating the behavior and work perspective of your team members.Empathy
ethic they expect from others. This can help build trust and a positive working
includes adhering to ethical and environment.
professional standards.
In conclusion, harmonizing power and authority in administration
is essential for effective leadership and efficient governance. When
power and authority are balanced and used judiciously, it fosters
an environment of collaboration, transparency, and accountability.
This harmony promotes trust and respect among team members,
enhances decision-making processes, and ensures that the
organization's goals and objectives are consistently met.
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