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Content Management System

A computer application that allows you to publish,
edit, manipulate, organize and delete web content.
WordPress Interface
• 1. Front End:
- The front end is what visitors to your website see. It's the user
interface that displays your content, design, and layout. The appearance
of the front end is determined by the theme you choose for your
WordPress site. Users can navigate your site, read blog posts, and
interact with different elements.
• 2. Back End (Admin Dashboard):
- The back end is where you, as the site owner or administrator, manage
and control your website. To access the back end, you need to log in to
the WordPress admin dashboard. The dashboard provides a user-
friendly interface with various menu options and settings. Here's an
overview of the typical components of the WordPress admin dashboard:
a. Dashboard:
- Displays an overview of your site, including recent activity, statistics,
and quick links to common tasks.
b. Posts:
- Allows you to create, edit, and manage blog posts.
c. Pages:
- Similar to posts, but typically used for static content like About Us,
Contact, or Home pages.
d. Media:
- Manages your media library, where you can upload and organize
images, videos, and other files.
e. Comments:
- Manages and moderates user comments on your posts.
f. Appearance:
- Controls the visual aspects of your site, including themes, customization,
and widgets.
g. Plugins:
- Allows you to install, activate, and manage plugins to extend the
functionality of your site.
h. Users:
- Manages user accounts, roles, and permissions.
i. Tools:
- Provides additional tools for importing and exporting content, among
other functions.
j. Settings:
- Contains general settings for your site, such as site title, tagline, and
permalink structure.
k. Updates:
- Notifies you of available updates for WordPress core, themes, and plugins.
Top Level Domain
• .com (commercial)
• .org (organization)
• .net (network)
• .gov (government)
• .edu (education)
• .mil (military)
Cloud Computing

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