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Emerging Trends

Chapter-19 (R.G)
Globalization issues in PM
• Evolution
• Challenges
• Models
 Four Phases of Software Industry
 Purely Local
 In early days (till mid-70’s)
 Industries were located near market (US & Europe)
 Global on-shore
 Mid-70’s to late-70’s
 Professional moved from other countries to project locations
Globalization issues in PM

 Global off-shore
 In 80’s
 Senior people at on-site
 Rest of the team at off-shore

 Global distributed
 Multiple distributed teams
 Communicating seamlessly
Globalization issues in PM

 Challenges

 Cultural differences
 Communication Issues
 Time zone issues
 Hiring & retention
 Training
Globalization issues in PM

 Models (for execution of global projects)

 Resource model
 Primary team – decides on work allocation
 Extended team – Executes allocated work & reports to
primary team

 Life Cycle model

 Different teams specialize & handle different life cycle
 Ex: Requirements team – closest to customer
Globalization issues in PM
 Integrated Team Model
 Team in different locations work in close unison through all
the life cycle phases as peers.
 This model seems to be the best of all models
 The teams have to have a good level of understanding

Comparison of the three models:

The qualitative results depend on drawing a correlation
between two variables:
• Motivation levels and team satisfaction
• Need for well defined processes and communication

Impact of Internet
At least six things will change, which will require project
managers to adapt both technically and systematically.
• Hyper-speed reporting:
PM need to run a status report on all of the organization's desktop and laptop
computers and tablets and mobile devices. In the past, this process might take
weeks. But with the IoT, a PM could run a report on the quantity and condition of
all of those pieces in an instant.

• Complete monitoring and process control:

IoT allows project managers, management, and stakeholders to monitor and control
activities in real time. The overall snapshot of a comprehensive system is monitored
on a single screen, which allows overseers to immediately attend to any

• Explosion of valuable project data

With the IoT, historical data will become available immediately, which is extremely
helpful for current and future projects. Everything from budgeting to individual
meetings with team members will be recorded in great detail, providing a solid
foundation for future decisions.
• Super-deep data analytics:
PM upgrade their skills related to data handling, increasing spend and resources
toward data management, hiring experienced data analysts, and accounting for
data analysis when creating the project timeline.

• Stricter ethical and legal implications:

Today's internet-connected devices send data to each other extremely fast. One
error could create a domino effect that could topple an entire project. PM should
be aware of this early on so that the project can be completed with minimal ethical
and legal risks.

• Expectations for all stakeholders:

Once companies adopt IoT, the marketplace will be transformed into a level playing
field. Only the strongest and the fittest will survive. PM is to be aware of the most
useful technology available and enable the team to use it.
Effect of Internet on PM

1. Reduction in Staff Training time through e-Learning

2. Reduction in s/w distribution cost & time

3. Reduction in time for distribution of accurate info.

Training planning

Advantages of E-Learning:
 Training materials in multimedia

Form by a Competent Trainer

 Captured once & stored in Internet/Intranet

 Employees access this material

when needed based on convenience

 Can be supplemented by classroom training & books

S/W Distribution

Advantages of Web-based deployment:

 Self Service model

 S/W placed on website for downloading
 Only authorized customers can download

 Removes shipping, deployment costs

 Reduces time lag
Communication enhancements

Advantages of Web-based communication:

 Sharing “project information” in distributed projects

 Inexpensive mode of communication

 Through chat, instant messaging, internet phones

 Access to info. Anytime/anywhere

Managing Projects For internet
 Types of Internet applications:
 Non-interactive websites
 Interactive websites (B2C, B2B)
 Exchanges (through web communities by many parties)
 ISPs, ASPs, Portals (Google, Yahoo, MSN)
Characterstic of models

 Very simple deployment models

 Need mass customization
 Self Service
 Convergence of media
 Importance of standard
Effect on PM activities
 Unknown customer requirement mgmt issues

 Configuration mgmt issues

 Design & development issues: componentization,

reuse, conformance to external standard

 Performance testing issue

 Need to do right in first time

Effect on maintenance phase

 Call center

 Centralized support (distributed support)

 Fix distribution (Self service model)


People focused
Important people related questions

 Ensuring consistency & predictability in people

related processes & practices when:

 Training offered is not consistent

 Capabilities of people vary widely

 High turnover of people

 Balancing individual aspirations & org. goals

People Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM)

 Enables org.s to streamline processes & practices

 Developed in SEI & documented in CURT-95

 Provides guidelines to hire & retain human assets

 Five levels of maturity

 Each level has some KPAs (Key Process Areas)

 In order to achieve a level, all KPAs of previous level

must be satisfied
People Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM)

 Level-1 (Initial)
 Org. performance depends on individual performance

 Managers are not formally trained in people skills

 Interview & appraisals conducted in ad-hoc manner

 No effort to develop people’s skills

 No synergy between personal & org. goals

People Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM)

 Level-2 (Repeatable)
 Common mgmt practices established

 Work env. guidelines available

 Healthy across-the-board communication

 Proper Staffing of projects

 Training needs taken care

 Performance mgmt & compensation done

People Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM)

 Level-3 (Defined)
 Knowledge & Skill mgmt of work force

 Workforce planning & Competency development

 Career Development

 Competency based practices

 Participatory culture
People Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM)

 Level-4 (Managed)
 Mentoring to spread experience & knowledge

 Team Building

 Org. level Competency mgmt

 Org. Performance alignment

People Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM)

 Level-5 (Optimizing)
 Personal competency development

 Continuous workforce innovation

 Coaching

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