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Composition is a space in which individual elements must become one,
where images, text, color and graphics become a single design in which
everything is combined.
Architectural composition is a system for creating an architectural object and project.
The science of architectural composition teaches the general laws of form construction, the unity of form,
its content in architecture.
Depending on the functional, technical, economic and aesthetic requirements, the interior or exterior of the
building is created.
The harmonious unity of external components is called architectural composition.
The architectural composition of a building, depending on the purpose of the building, should be based
primarily on the principles of comfort and efficiency, a clear structure and internal volumetric
Concept of beauty in composition.

Sense of beauty was originally created in the labor activity of man, in the process of taming
That is why the concept of beauty is as old as labor. Because the person who always strives to
improve labor tools also tried to aestheticize them. During this time, man also learned from
nature how to create forms that correspond to the absolute purpose of the object. Thus, in the
labor process, the ability of a person to create efficiently and according to the laws of beauty is
created. As time passes, the content and form of ancient labor tools and household items, living
conditions themselves are gradually improved, and they acquire comfort and beauty.
At a certain stage in the development of people's labor activity, in addition to understanding the
beauty of nature, the concept of aesthetic taste begins to form, person acquires the ability to
aesthetically appreciate his own creation. Thus, in the labor process, human qualities, purposeful
creativity that obeys the laws of beauty opportunities are formed. development of people's working
The beauty of works of art is not created by itself. The reason for this was the search for a number
of artistic means and methods. Not every work or installation can be called a work of art.
In order for it to be truly beautiful, important conditions are consistency of form and its submission
to the laws of harmony.
The first thing to
consider when
designing a facade is
the proportions. The
facade should balance
the height and width of
your building in
relationship to its
surroundings. If you
have towering buildings
on either side, you may
want to add some
height and size to your
own building so it
doesn't look out of
1.Simplicity and symmetry. Symmetry and simplicity
are the fundamentals that architects and designers
continue to use because it makes for buildings which
are pleasing to the eye. ...
2.Uniformity. ...
3.Use the surroundings. ...
4.Environment. ...
5.Materials. ...
6.Color & paint. ...
7.Garden and landscaping. ...
Frank Gehry: Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
The Sagrada Familia church by Antoni Gaudi.
Using nature’s functional forms he solved a structural
He used columns that modeled the branching canopies of trees
to supporting the vault.
Norman Foster’s “Gherkin Tower”
has a hexagonal skin inspired
by the Venus Flower Basket Sponge.
As an architects and designers we need to find a new ways of viewing nature and understand what can be learned
from it. So it is a new way to find solutions based on existing problems in our globalized and climate-changed
world, and the same time to find new sources of inspiration in aesthetic way.
Actually architects and designers in their design concept they try to create highly efficient, more durable and
require less energy or fewer materials.
Another main aim should be to preserve the resources and to find ecological solutions by emulating nature’s
forms, solve problems in architecture.

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