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TOEIC Practice - Part 6: Text


In Part 6 you will read four passages of text, such as an article, a letter, a form and an e-mail. In each reading
passage there will be three blanks to fill in. You will read four possible choices for each blank. You should read
the entire passage to make sure you choose the correct choice in context.
Example 1: Letter
Sid's Stationery
2 Smythe St, Toronto, Canada M1B 5T6
Tel: (416) 295-1725

December 1st, 20--

Kerry Michaels
1 Stevens Rd.
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada M1E 4H7

Dear Ms. Michaels:

Holiday Sale

Seasons Greetings. As a _______ customer, we wanted you to be among the first to know about our upcoming holiday sale. All
craft paper, specialty printer paper, and decorative envelopes will be reduced by 50% for the month of December.

(A) value
(B) valued
(C) valid
(D) validate
As per tradition at Sid's Stationery, we will be having a Christmas raffle. This year the grand prize is a 2-night stay for two at the
Meridian Inn _______ Toronto Island. The winner will receive a free double occupancy stay in the penthouse suite as well as a free
dinner on the moonlit patio.

(A) through
(B) on
(C) over
(D) at
Money from ticket sales will be _______ to The Family Foundation, a local organization that provides food and clothing to those
who need it most this Christmas.

(A) purchased
(B) donated
(C) funded
(D) collected
We look forward to seeing you this Christmas season.
Example 2: Internal Memo


TO: Sales Staff

FROM: Management B.K.
DATE: OCTOBER 9th, 20--

Please be aware that there was a misprint in an advertisement for our store in this week's local
free press. The ad states that on Saturday all men's formal footwear is on for 55% percent off
rather _______ 15% off.

(A) that
(B) than
(C) then
(D) they're
If customers come in and ask about this sale, please _______ and explain the printing error.
Offer them an additional 5% off coupon to thank them for coming into our store. The coupon
can be given out even if the customer decides not to purchase any shoes.

(A) apologize
(B) compromise
(C) categorize
(D) Analyze

Please call a manager to the sales floor _______ you encounter any customers who have the ad
with them and demand to receive the 55% discount. These cases will be handled on an
individual basis.

(A) because
(B) whether
(C) if
(D) before
Thank you.

Madrid is fast becoming one of Europe’s most important business center. Many of the
continent’s most innovative companies and dynamic businesses are already located here.
Many more are joining __________,
7. (A) it
(B) them
(C) those
(D) that

from cutting-edge IT start-ups to well-established corporate finance institutions. In its new role
as innovation hub of Europe, Madrid today boasts several world-class conference __________.
Add to this
8. (A) calls
(B) tools
(C) facilities
(D) localities
excellent infrastructure and first-class hospitality and it’s easy to see why the city is now host to
some of the world’s most important trade fairs. In addition to all of this, ___________ , Madrid
remains one of the

9. (A) simply
(B) needless
(C) of course
(D) in spite of
world’s great cultural cities, offering any and every form of culture and entertainment. Just one
more reason to reconsider Madrid.

LightWorld was established in the U.K. in 1997 and has _________ grown into an international

10. (A) while

(B) for
(C) then
(D) since

network of over 50 stores in eight countries. LightWorld is a market leader in providing lighting
solutions for the home and office ________ are practical, stylishly designed, and economical.
We are currently
11. (A) that
(B) who
(C) these
(D) whose
inviting expressions of interest from potential franchisees. LightWorld is interested to hear from
you if you would like to open your own ________ of if you would like to run a LightWorld
network within your own
12. (A) opening
(B) light
(C) outlet
(D) setting

country or territory. For more details about this offer or more about our company, please email

The number of American households doing their banking online grew by 39.2 percent last year.
Experts predict that number to increase by a _________ 22.5 percent this year, and

13. (A) more

(B) larger
(C) further
(D) superior
another 17.6 percent the year after. A total of 33.2 million American households are currently
banking online. Young adults ages 24 to 35 with household incomes of $75,000 or higher are
most likely to do their banking online. Today, nearly _________that group (48 percent) views
14. (A) half
(B) twice
(C) double
(D) two times
bills online, and 46 percent pays bills online. Older adults, those over 65, at all income levels, are
the least likely to bank online.
A representative for the American Association of Online Bankers says banks ______________
their customers to bank online,

15. (A) to encourage

(B) encouragement
(C) are encouraging
(D) have been encouraged

“because online banking is much cheaper for banks to provide than traditional in-perso teller
Most connection problems ________________
19. (A) does solve
(B) are solving
(C) could solve
(D) can be solved
by trying one of the following:

1. Power cycle: Shut off both the modem and the computer and wait for 30 seconds. Turn the
modem back on first, and then turn on the computer. After the PPPoE light stops blinking
and stays on, you can reconnect to the interent. NOTE: If your modem does not have an
on/off switch, ______________
20. (A) insert
(B) depart
(C) unplug
(D) enclose

the modem from the electrical wall outlet to turn it off.

2. Check for line interference: Make sure your modem is not on or __________
21. (A) in
(B) off
(C) near
(D) throughout
other electrical devices that may interfere with the signal. This includes your computer
monitor, stereo speakers, cordless phone (or its base), or a halogen light.
3. Call the Peacelink Telephone Support Center: You can talk to a technical support
representative. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to midnight, Eastern
time, and Saturday and Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern. 800-555-HELP.

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