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“Writing is a journey into the unknown.”
Writers learn how to plan
and organize their
thoughts by recording
them onto a plot diagram
Let’s try this plot map with our mentor text “Lucy”
“Yes, Doug. I think you should come home to say goodbye...Okay, I’ll talk to her...I know, she is going to be
absolutely devastated. I too...see you soon.” My mother quietly hung up the phone.
“Katie. We need to talk.” She yelled from the kitchen.
Uh-oh. That is never good. Oh gosh. Thoughts flooded my mind. Why would my dad need to come home
from his business trip? Was I in trouble? Should I be worried? I didn’t have to think further because my mom came and
sat down on the couch next to me.
“Yes, Mom?”
“As you know, Lucy isn’t in the best shape and...well...the medicine we’re giving her isn’t working. She’s
still having terrible back problems. She hasn’t gotten up in two days.”
What? Not my dog! I have had Lucy since she was four. Now she is ten and a half.
“So your father and I have been thinking that...maybe we should put her to sleep so she isn’t in so much
That’s when the tears came. “No! Mom, you can’t! NO!! Take her to the vet. See if Dr. Malden can
recommend anything else. Please.” I pleaded. Just then, Lucy glanced up at me with her sad brown eyes and her
greying beard. Spread out on the floor she looked like a worn out old rug. I wanted to lie down and cuddle up with her.
Mom was quiet for a moment. Then she responded, “We’ll take her to the vet. But I was talking with your
father just now and he suggested that maybe he should fly home from Boston to say goodbye to her.”
“But what if the vet doesn’t have to put her...her…” I couldn’t say the word.
“I don’t know about that, honey. I want what’s best for Lucy. Don’t you?” I could see that Mom was sad,
Lucy continued- Our Mentor Text

“Yes of course,” I whispered. “But I love her so much!”

I went to bed that night feeling horrible. My eyes were puffy from crying, and I was hollow inside. I loved
Lucy so much and didn’t want her to die.
The next day at school was dreadful. If I wasn’t crying then I was thinking about Lucy. If I wasn’t thinking
about her, I was sulking. I wasn't even in the mood for recess. Instead, I talked to my teacher about Lucy. I rode home
on the bus praying that my old black Lab would be okay.
When I got home something weird was going on. My mom looked joyful. Her smile went up to her ears.
How could she be so happy at a time like this?
“Katie, guess what?” she asked. “I took Lucy to the vet like you asked. It wasn’t easy, either. I needed your sister
to help me lift her into the car. One of the assistants had to carry Lucy into the office. But as soon as Lucy saw DR.
Malden she forgot her pain. She jumped to her feet and ran to him.” Mom told me that Dr. Walden asked, “Why did
you bring this dog here? She’s so hyper she could be in a Kentucky Derby.”
We went out to the shaded carport and opened the back of the car. Lucy stood up, her tail was a
wagging. Her brown eyes looked lively and sparked with energy. Lucy held her head high, and her back wiggled like
she was learning to do the twist. She whined with nervous energy. I could hardly believe it was the same dof. She was
almost as excited as I was.
“I am so glad to see you!” I cried. I hugged my furry old pal for a long, long time. Then I brought her
inside to play.
A year later, Lucy is still getting around. I feel proud that I had faith in Lucy, otherwise she may not still be
with us. I learned that sticking to what you believe in can have some really positive results. Sometimes you just have
to believe in your furry friend...and to think I was worried.
Now You Try!

Now You Try!
The problem began when, ________________________________________________________________
After that, ______________________________________________________________________________
Next, __________________________________________________________________________________
Then, __________________________________________________________________________________
The problem is finally resolved when, _____________________________________________________
The story ends __________________________________________________________________________

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