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React JS

March 2020

❑ Redux Core
❑ React Redux
❑ Assignments

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 Library

 Container that manages the Global State of the entire application through the Store (similar to Context)

 Can be used in React, Angular, Vue

 Very light (2kB)

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 Principles

o Single Source of Truth

o State is Read-only

o Changes are made with functions (reducer)

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Redux Core

 Flow

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Redux Core

 Example 1:

o Normal

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Redux Core

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Redux Core

 Example 1:

o Redux

npm install redux

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Redux Core

Get state from store

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Redux Core

Binding global state to local state in component

🡺 Re-render when global state in store changing

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Testing System Assignment

 Self-practice

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Redux Core

 Example 2: Structuring

Usually create 1 Root Reducer containing Child Reducer
Each Child Reducer is responsible for changing an attribute in the state
Accessing state: state.todo.todos
Define action.type as constant

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Redux Core

Create ActionCreator objects to return actions required for dispatch Creates Selector objects to return values which getted from store

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Redux Core


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Redux Core

View source code in Lesson_9_Resource

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Testing System Assignment

 Self-practice

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Redux Core

 Components

o Store

o Action

o Reducer

o Action Creators

o Selectors

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Redux Core

 Example 3: Multiple reducer

View source code in Lesson_9_Resource

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 Store (object)

o Store and manage state of the whole <App>

o There are methods to update state (via reducer)

o Available method

▪ store.getState()

▪ store.dispatch(action)

▪ store.subscribe(callback function)

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 Action (object)

o Component wants to change state on store must send action to Reducer

o Include:

▪ type (required)

▪ payload (optional)

Attach data No data

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 Reducer (function)

o The place to receive action and change the state in the store if needed

o Do not edit state directly 🡺 copy out a separate clone and edit

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 Reducer (function)

o 2 types

▪ Root Reducer

▪ Child Reducer

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 Action Creators (function)

o Create and return action object

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 Selectors (function)

o Extract information from Global State in Store

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o createStore()

o combineReducers()

o store.getState()

o store.dispatch()

o store.subscribe()

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 Best practices

o Redux Store should only store Global State, React Component will store Local State

o Using Global state when share data between multiple components

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React Redux
 Example:

Structure Provide Store for entire <App>

npm install react-redux

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React Redux

mapStateToProps() mapDispatchToProps()

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Testing System Assignment

 Self-practice

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React Redux
 Components

o Provider

o connect()

▪ mapStateToProps

▪ mapDispatchToProps

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React Redux
 Provider

o Provide Store for entire <App>

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React Redux

 connect()

o To connect a Component to the Redux Store

o Include:

▪ mapStateToProps (optional)

▪ mapDispatchToProps (optional) Closure - HOF

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React Redux

 mapStateToProps (optional)
o Mapping Global State into Component's props
o Called every time the Global State in the Store changes
o Automatically subscribe and re-render when the Global State in the store changes
state(required) và ownProps (optional)

Redux already implemented in the shouldComponentUpdate() method (shallow Compare)

⇨Using CreateSelector Toolkit for optimization

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React Redux
 Example 1: Global State

Redux Core React Redux

mapStateToProps () is similar to the Selector in Redux Core

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React Redux
 Example 2: Global State & props

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React Redux
 mapDispatchToProps (optional)

o Mapping the Dispatch (functions in Store) into the Component’s props.

o 2 ways:

▪ props.dispatch

▪ mapDispatchToProps() (recommended)

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React Redux
 props.dispatch

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React Redux
 mapDispatchToProps()

o accept functions or objects


Way 1: Function mapDispatchToProps()

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React Redux
 mapDispatchToProps()

Way 2 (Recommended): Action Creator Object

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React Redux
 mapDispatchToProps()

Way 2: function bindActionCreators()

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 Custom context

 Multiple Stores

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React Hook
 Example:

Provide Store for entire <App>

Shorter than Redux Core

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React Hook


Action creator

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Testing System Assignment

 Self-practice

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React Hook
 Hook must be provided with Provider

 Hooks

o useSelector()

o useDispatch()

o useStore()

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React Hook
 useSelector()

o Automatically subscribe when Global State is in store changing

o Using === operator for re-render checking

o Read more:

⇨Using CreateSelector Toolkit for optimization

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React Hook
 useSelector()

Redux Core

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React Hook
 useSelector()

React Hook

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React Hook
 useDispatch()

Redux Core React Redux

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React Hook
 useStore() (rarely)

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Testing System Assignments

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