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Pronoun is a word that takes the place of or

refers to a noun. You may recall that a noun is a

word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.

1. Please give this letter to Jane. Please give this letter to her.

2. Do you like the manager? I don't like the manager. The

manager's not friendly.
Do you like the manager? I don’t like him. He is not friendly.
Our cat’s name is Steven. Our cat is black and white.
Our cat’s body is mostly white. Our cat has for black
paws. Our cat has a long black tail. Our cat purrs a lot.
Our cat never scratches. Our cat likes to play. My
mother, my father, two brothers, and three sisters love
our cat.
Personal pronouns represent
people or things.
Personal Pronouns : Subjects and Objects

Subject Pronouns I We You She He It They

Object Pronouns Me Us You Her Him It Them


 I really like pizza.

 It easy to understand.
 I want her to listen.
 She is my mother. I love her so much.
Singular Plural

First person I, me, my, mine We, us, our, ours

(the person speaking)

Second person You, your, yours You, your, yours

(the person spoken to)

Third person He, him, his, she, her, hers, They, them, their, theirs
(another/ some other it, its
persons or things)


• Mike is in class. He is taking a test.

• The students are in class. They are taking a test.

• Kate and Tom are married. They have two children.
Possesive Adjective and Possesive Pronoun

Possesive Adjective Possesive Pronoun

My Mine
Your Yours
His His
Her Hers
Its -
Our Ours
Their Theirs

Show that something

belongs to someone Replace nouns.
or something.

 John’s car is blue. Mine is red. (“Mine” replaces “My car”)

 That is my car. (“my” shows who owns the car. So, “my” is
an adjective because it mdifies NOUN-CAR)
1. He came to see (my / mine) neighbours.
2. William and Tracy love (them / their) dog.
3. (Your / Yours) pen is on the table. ( My / Mine) is in my hand.
4. (Ours / Our) school is in the mountains.
5. Patricia lives near (her / hers) mother.

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