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4 Organization Development & Change

11 edition Thomas G. Cummings • Christopher G. Worley

Entering and Contracting

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Learning Objectives

• Describe the issues associated with

entering into an OD process.
• Describe the issues associated with
contracting for an OD process.

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Entering Into an OD Relationship (1)

• Clarifying the Organizational Issue

• What is the presenting problem?
• Gain a clearer perspective of the
underlying issues and symptoms
• Gather enough preliminary data to make
informed choices about the next steps

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Entering Into an OD Relationship (2)

• Determining the Relevant Client

• Identify organization members who can
directly impact the change issue
• Involve all relevant members in selection of an
OD practitioner and the subsequent change
• Complex situations with multiple organizational
units require additional data and interviews
with key organization members and customers
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Entering Into an OD Relationship (3)

• Selecting an OD Practitioner
• Experience and Expertise
• References – “How effective has the person
been in the past, with what type of
organizations, using what kinds of techniques?”
• OD Practitioner approaches the organization
with openness and insists on diagnosis vs.
having a “fixed” approach

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Essentials of an Effective OD Proposal

• Elements
• Objectives of proposed project: Statement of the goals in clear
and concise terms, including measurable results
• Proposed process of action plan: Description of 1) diagnosis, 2)
data analysis process, 3) feedback process, and 4) action-planning
• Roles and responsibilities: List of key stakeholders in the process,
including the OD practitioner, and the specific responsibilities for
which they will be held accountable
• Recommended Interventions: Description of proposed change
strategies, including training, off-site meetings, systems or
processes to be redesigned, and other activities
• Fees, terms and conditions: Provide an outline of fees and
expenses associated with the project
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Developing a Contract (1)

• Mutual Expectations
• Outcomes and deliverables are clearly
• Clearly defined working relationships and
involvement of stakeholders
• Expectations of OD Practitioner are clear
(publishing cases and results)

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Developing a Contract (2)

• Time and Resources

• Access to client, key managers, members
• Access to information
• Ground Rules
• Confidentiality
• Practitioner’s role in the process

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Interpersonal Process Issues in
Entering and Contracting (1)

• Client Issues
• Exposed and vulnerable in admitting the
need for assistance and dependency on
the practitioner to provide help
• Inadequate in the ability to solve the
organization’s problems
• Fear of losing control

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Interpersonal Process Issues in
Entering and Contracting (2)

• OD Practitioner Issues
• Empathy
• Worthiness and Competency
• Over identification
• Under estimate the importance of the
entry and contracting phase

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Factors Affecting
Client-Practitioner Dynamics

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