Oral Com - Speech Context

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Scene 1: Someone making an

announcement to the public

Scene 2: Two small groups of people
discussing something separately
Scene 3: One person talking to himself
Scene 4: Two people speaking with each
other on the phone
Scene 5: A reporter appearing live on
1. Weave the scenes together
into a story. You are free to
interchange the order of the
2. Act out your story and
present it to the class within five
Speech Context refers to
the situation or
environment and the
circumstances in which
communication occurs.
Types of Speech Context

1. Intrapersonal – This refers to

communication that centers on
one person where the speaker
acts both as the sender and the
receiver of message.
Types of intrapersonal communication

a. Internal discourse – This involves inner talk or activities

such as thinking, reflecting, analyzing, or evaluating, which
are done entirely within the mind of the individual.
b. Solo written communication ​– This type of intrapersonal
communication involves writing that is not intended for
others. Journaling or writing in one’s diary are examples of
solo written communication.
c. Solo vocal communication – Unlike internal discourse,
which occurs only in the mind of the individual, and solo
written communication, which involves writing, solo vocal
communication is spoken aloud.
2. Interpersonal – This refers to
communication between and among
people and establishes personal
relationship between and among them.
Types of Interpersonal Context
a. Dyad Communication –
communication that occurs between two
b. Small Group – This refers to communication
that involves at least three but not more than
fifteen people engaging in a face-to-face
interaction to achieve a desired goal. In this type
of communication, all participants can freely
share ideas in a loose and open discussion.
3. Public – This type refers to communication
that requires you to deliver or send the
message before or in front of a group. The
message can be driven by informational or
persuasive purposes. “In public communication,
unlike in interpersonal and small group, the
channels are more exaggerated. The voice is
louder and the gestures are more expansive
because the audience is bigger.
Mass Communication – This refers to
communication that takes place
through television, radio, newspapers,
magazines, books, billboards, internet,
and other types of media

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