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Trojan War
The Iliad
Characters and
Achaean Calchas
Ancient Greeks who lived
in the region of Achaea.
Loyal to religion and
in Greek mythology, a
priest of Apollo and the
most famous soothsayer
Tradition among the Greeks at the
son of the mortal Peleus,
time of the Trojan War
king of the Myrmidons, and was a Greek hero who
the Nereid, or sea nymph, took part in the Trojan
Thetis. Achilles was the War. Protesilaus would
bravest, handsomest, and
greatest warrior of the army become famous for being
of Agamemnon in the the first of the Greeks to
Trojan War.
Odysseu Troy
die at Troy.
was a Greek hero famed for ancient city located in
shis intellect and cunning. He
created the plan to sack the
present-day Hisarlik,
Turkey. It is best known as
city of Troy using a giant the setting for the Greek
hollow horse. myth of the Trojan War.
The Trojan The Iliad

Achaeans sacrificed before
commencing hostilities in the
Trojan War to allow the Gods to
indicate their will for the future and
outcome of the war
A snake appeared with a
back as red as blood which
slithered off the altar and up
a nearby plane tree
The Trojan The Iliad

The Soothsayer, Calchas
his interpretation of this
unnatural event; the seige of
Troy would last for nine
years, and in the tenth the
city would fall
The Trojan The Iliad

protected byWar
Troy or Ilium was a place
Apollo with his silver
bow. The first casualty of the war
was Protesilaus. A monument was
erected and was buried with
The Goddesses Athena and Hera
helped the Achaean forces.

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