Wild About Bidibidi's Flowers

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“FLOWER” Series, 1999 “FLOWER” Series, 2002 “ZINNIA”

F.A.R.M. (Fabulously & Absolutely Rural Made)
F.A.R.M. Bracelet carries with it an advocacy and love story... a story of a mother who suffers in silence because she
cannot send her child to school, a wife who quits her job to provide health care for a sick husband, a daughter who
has to earn so not to ask allowance from her parents, a woman who needs to earn for a living as she is abandoned
and became the sole provider, a woman who wants to be loved, to be confident, to feel needed, to be empowered and
to be beautiful in her own unique ways.

F.A.R.M. is also an advocacy for the love of ART, Creativity and environment. It is
about recycling, re-purposing, refining, and re-funding things. It is about glorifying
the old and the vintage. Each bracelet is one of a kind and is made from used and
discarded buttons.
As a F.A.R.M.er myself, I am proud to spread the advocacy and to represent the
place where it started it all.
It all started in BAAO, a small town in the province of Camarines Sur, Bicol Region.
All the F.A.R.M.ers were all born and raised in this small town. We share the same
passion and belief that helping with the advocacy can help the women in our town
get empowered.

Meet the F.A.R.M.ers

Bernadette Delos Santos, known as Manay BidiBidi to everyone and is the founder
of F.A.R.M. She is very creative, passionate and an artist. Her life revolves around
her love for art.
• colors are boundless expressions of creativity. Colors are never
subdued. They are permitted their vividness, their lushness. No
apologies here for starkness. Deep blues can exist side by side with
the brightest of yellows. Reds take a radical turn to orange against a
blue background with no transitional hues.
use pastel colors, as in her “Flower” Series (2000).
indiscriminately applies them to all the color palettes in the canvas.
Pastel then no longer becomes a hue, an indication of gradation.
Pastel develops its own expressive value.
• Usually it paints on paper and this makes the work is fragile and
needs to be protected with glass. The color may get dirty when loose
powder, so you need to know how to fix it with fixative or either be
very careful not to alter it and not beat him, or wind, nor have
moisture while working

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