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Done by: Daniel

• Warm up is usually performed before participating in sports or exercising.
• A warm-up generally consists of slowing increasing in intensity in
physical exercise, (examples of warm up exercise include jumping jacks,
squats and jogging.
Why do we need to warm up?
• To prepare the body and mind before exercise

• Increase the body’s muscle temperature to make the muscles loose, supple and

• Prepare the muscles, tendons and joints for more serious activity.

• Reduce the risk of injury during serious exercise.

Benefits of a warm up
• Increased speed of contraction and relaxation of armed muscles.
• Dynamic exercises reduce muscle stiffness.
• Greater economy of movement because of higher agility and stamina.
• Facilitated oxygen utilization.
• Facilitated nerve transmission and muscle metabolism at higher temperatures.
• Increased blood flow through active tissues as local vascular beds dilate,
increasing metabolism and muscle temperatures.
Warm-up stretching
•Static stretching:
•(Back, sides (external obliques), neck, forearms and wrists, triceps, chest,
buttocks, groin (adductors), thighs (quadriceps and abductors), calves,
shins, hamstrings and instep) .
•Dynamic stretching involves a controlled, soft bounce or swinging motion
How long to Warm Up?
• Should be relative to your level of involvement in your particular sport.
• A minimum of ten minutes.
• Warming up should at least consist of the following:
- 5 to 10 minutes jogging - to increase body temperature
- 10 to 15 minutes static and dynamic stretching exercises - reduce
muscle stiffness
- 10 to 15 minutes general and event specific drills - preparation for
the session or competition.
Thank you

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