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Gases 1
The three states of matter
• Matter can exist in three states:

• Solid: Has a definite volume and shape, both independent of

the container

• Liquid: Has a fixed volume but no fixed shape, takes the

shape of the container

• Gas: No fixed volume or shape, both dependent on the size

and shape of the container - the gas occupies the whole

Gases 2
Compressibility of solids vs. liquids vs. gases
• The volumes of solids or liquids cannot be changed when pressure is applied

• The molecules of a solid are highly ordered and cannot come any further closer to

each other

• The molecules of a liquid are not as highly ordered as in a solid but cannot come

closer to each other unless temperature is reduced

• Therefore, solids and liquids are incompressible

• Molecules of a gas are highly disordered and occupy a large volume in space

• Therefore, gases can be easily compressed to smaller volumes by applying

external pressure
Gases 3
Difference between vapor and gas
• When both the liquid and gaseous phases of a substance are present

simultaneously, the gaseous part of the sample is called a vapor.

• At room temperature, neither nitrogen or oxygen can exist as a liquid so

the nitrogen and oxygen gases making up the atmosphere are technically

not vapors

• Example, water has vapor above it at room temperature although it is


• Similarly, gasoline has vapor above the liquid which is responsible for the
Gases 4
Characteristics of gases
• All gases are entirely made up of nonmetallic elements

• All gases have simple molecular formulas and therefore low molar


• Gases can be monoatomic, example the noble gas elements: He, Ne,

Ar, Kr, Xe

• The diatomic gases include: Hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine

and chlorine gas

• Polyatomic gases include: ammonia (NH3), carbon dioxide (CO2) ,

methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6),Gases

propane (C3H8), butane (C4H10) 5
Properties of gases

• The measurable properties of gases include pressure, volume, and


• Pressure is the force acting on an object, per unit area, given as:

P = F
• Gases exert a pressure on any surface with which they are in contact

• Example, the gas in a balloon exerts a pressure on the inner walls of the


Gases 6
Atmospheric pressure
• Gas molecules like any other matter, experience gravitational

pull from earth

• However, the kinetic energy of the gas molecule is large

enough to not form just a thin layer of the gas on the earth's


• Nevertheless, because of the gravitational attraction,

atmospheric gas molecules do exert a pressure on the

Gases 7
earth's surface
Gas pressure and the barometer
• Atmospheric gas pressure is measured

by an instrument called a barometer

• Barometer - A closed-end mercury-

filled tube inverted in a mercury-

bath whose surface is exposed to the


• Atmospheric pressure supports the Hg

Gases 8
to a height of 760 mm
Standardized unit of atmospheric pressure
• Atmospheric pressure varies from place to place

• Standardized unit of pressure is called atmosphere (abbreviated as atm)

• One atmosphere pressure is defined as the pressure that will support a

vertical column of Hg to a height of 760 mm at 273K

• In English units this pressure is equivalent to 14.7 lb / inch 2 (abbreviated

as psi)

• Units of pressure are either atm, or mm of Hg, or torr, or psi

1 atm = 760 mm Hg = 760 torr = 14.7 lb / inch2 = 101.325 kPa = 1.013 bar

Gases 9
Calculate the pressure in atmospheres

exerted by a gas that supports a 270 mm

column of mercury

Ans. 0.36 atm

Gases 10
What is the equivalent of 0.630 atm pressure

in mm of Hg and in torr ?

Ans. 478.8 mm of Hg & 478.8 torr

Gases 11
A gas exerts a pressure of 720 Kg/m2. What is the

pressure exerted by the gas in atm and in mm of

Hg? (1m = 100 cm; 1 inch = 2.54 cm; 1 Kg =

2.205 lb)

Ans. 6.96 × 10–2 atm & 53 mm of Hg

Gases 12
The Gas Behavior
The physical properties of a gas depends upon only four


Pressure (P)

Volume (V)

Number of moles (n)

Kelvin temperature (T)

Gases 13
Inter conversion of gas volume units

1m3 = 1000 dm3 = 1000000 cm3

1cm3 = 1 mL

1 dm3 = 1 L

Gases 14
The Gas Laws
By keeping two variables constant different gas laws are known and

named after their discoverers

Boyle’s law

Charles’s law

Amontons’s law

Avogadro’s law

Gases 15
A model for studying gas laws

• Imagine a non-insulated cylinder with a

smoothly moving piston attached to it

• The pressure on the gas can be increased

or decreased by adjusting the weight on

the top of the piston

Gases 16
Boyle's law

• The number of moles and the

temperature of the gas sample are held


• The volume is allowed to vary as the

external pressure applied to the gas

sample is varied

Gases 17
Boyle's law

• As the pressure increases the volume of

the gas decreases

• Similarly, as the volume of the gas

decreases, the pressure exerted by the gas,


• Thus, the pressure of a gas is inversely

proportional to the volume of the gas

Gases 18
Graphical representation of Boyle's law

Gases 19
Boyle's law
The Boyle’s law states that with a constant number of moles of the gas,

and a constant temperature, the gas’s pressure multiplied by its

volume, is a constant

The experimental data above can be summarized mathematically:

P × V = constant or P1V1 = P2V2 = P3V3 = ….. = constant

Gases 20
Boyle's law and problem solving
• The mathematical representation of Boyle’s Law can be interpreted in two different

ways to solve two different types of problems:

P1V1 = P2V2

• Given a starting volume and pressure, calculate the new volume given a new

pressure at constant 'n' and 'T'

V2 = V1 * (P1/P2)

• Given a starting volume and pressure, calculate the new pressure given a new

volume at constant 'n' and 'T'

P2 = P1 * (V1/V2)

Gases 21
A 0.9L sample of a gas at a pressure of

700mm of Hg is to be expanded to a final

pressure of 0.3 atm. What is its final volume

in mL?

Note: pressure units on both sides should be same,

volume units on both sides should be same

Ans. 2763 mL

Gases 22
A 1.6 L sample of a gas at 720 torr is to be

compressed to a final volume of 900 mL.

What pressure in 'mm of Hg' must be

applied to bring it to the final volume?

Note: pressure units on both sides should be same,

volume units on both sides should be same
Ans. 1280 mm of Hg
Gases 23
Charles's law

• The number of moles and the pressure

of the gas sample are held constant

• The volume is allowed to vary as the

temperature of the gas sample is varied

Gases 24
Charles's law

• As the temperature increases the volume of

the gas increases

• Similarly, as the temperature of the gas

decreases, the volume of the gas, also


• Thus, the volume of the gas is directly

proportional to the temperature of the gas

Gases 25
Representation of Charles's law

Gases 26
Charles's law
The Charles’s law states that with a constant number of moles of the gas,

and a constant pressure, the gas’s volume divided by its temperature, is

a constant

The experimental data above can be summarized mathematically:

V/T = constant or V1/T1 = V2/T2 = V3/T3 = ….. = constant

Gases 27
Charles's law and problem solving
• The mathematical representation of Charles's Law can be interpreted in two different

ways to solve two different types of problems:

V1/T1 = V2/T2

• Given a starting volume and temperature (K), calculate the new volume given a new

temperature (K) at constant 'n' and 'P'

V2 = V1 * (T2/T1)

• Given a starting volume and temperature (K), calculate the new temperature given a

new volume at constant 'n' and 'P'

T2 = T1 * (V2/V1)

Gases 28
A 7.2 L sample of a gas sample in a cylinder

is at 0ºC and at a constant pressure. What

will be the final volume in mL if the gas is

heated to a final temperature of 150ºC?

Note: volume units on both sides should be same,

temperature should always be in Kelvin
Ans. 11156 mL
Gases 29
A 650 mL sample of a gas at 18ºC expands

at a constant pressure to a final volume of

1.6L. What is the final temperature (K) of

the gas sample?

Note: volume units on both sides should be same,

temperature should always be in Kelvin
Ans. 716 K
Gases 30
Amontons's law

• The number of moles and the volume of

the gas sample are held constant

• The pressure is allowed to vary as the

temperature applied to the gas sample is


Gases 31
Amontons's law

• As the temperature increases the pressure

of the gas also increases

• Similarly, as the temperature of the gas

decreases, the pressure of the gas, also


• Thus, the pressure of a gas is directly

proportional to the temperature of the gas

Gases 32
Amontons's law

The Amontons’s law states that with a constant number of moles of the

gas, and a constant volume, the gas’s pressure divided by its

temperature, is a constant

The experimental data above can be summarized mathematically:

P/T = constant or P1/T1 = P2/T2 = P3/T3 = ….. = constant

Gases 33
Amontons's law and problem solving
• The mathematical representation of Amontons's Law can be interpreted in two

different ways to solve two different types of problems:

P1/T1 = P2/T2

• Given a starting pressure and temperature (K), calculate the new pressure given a

new temperature (K) at constant 'n' and 'V'

P2 = P1 * (T2/T1)

• Given a starting pressure and temperature (K), calculate the new temperature (K)

given a new pressure at constant 'n' and 'V'

T2 = T1 * (P2/P1)

Gases 34
A gas in a fixed-volume cylinder is at a pressure of

54 mm of Hg and a temperature of 18ºC. What

will be the final pressure (in atm) on the gas if it is

heated to a temperature of 200ºC ?

Note: pressure units on both sides should be same,

temperature should always be in Kelvin

Ans. 0.115 atm

Gases 35
A gas in a fixed-volume cylinder is at a pressure of

500 torr and a temperature of 4ºC. What will be

the final temperature (K) of the gas if the final

pressure of the gas is 4000 torr ?

Note: pressure units on both sides should be same,

temperature should always be in Kelvin

Ans. 2216 K
Gases 36
Avogadro's law

• The pressure and the temperature of the

gas sample is held constant

• The volume is allowed to vary as the

number of moles of the gas sample is


Gases 37
Avogadro's law

• As the number of moles of the gas increases,

the volume of the gas also increases

• Similarly, as the number of moles of the gas

decreases, the volume of the gas, also


• Thus, the volume of the gas is directly

proportional to the number of moles of the

Gases 38
Avogadro's law

The Avogadro’s law states that at a constant pressure and constant

temperature of the gas, the gas’s volume divided by its number of

moles, is a constant

To summarize mathematically:

V/n = constant or V1/n1 = V2/n2 = V3/n3 = ….. = constant

Gases 39
Avogadro's law and problem solving
• The mathematical representation of Avogadro's Law can be interpreted in two

different ways to solve two different types of problems:

V1/n1 = V2/n2

• Given a starting volume and number of moles, calculate the new volume given a new

number of moles at constant 'P' and 'T'

V2 = V1 * (n2/n1)

• Given a starting volume and number of moles, calculate the new number of moles

given a new volume at constant 'P' and 'T'

n2 = n1 * (V2/V1)

Gases 40
To 81g of CO2 gas with a volume of 2 L is

added 24g CO2 at a constant pressure and

temperature. What is the final volume (mL)

of the gas ?

Note: volume units on both sides should be same,

number of moles is equal to given weight divided by the mol. wt.
Ans. 2592 mL
Gases 41
The combined gas law
• From the Boyle’s law the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume OR

PV = constant

• From the Charles’s law the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the

temperature of the gas OR V/T = constant

• From the Amontons’s law the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to the

temperature of the gas OR P/T = constant

• Combining all the laws, the combined gas law can be written as:

PV/T = constant

• Mathematically this can be expressed as:

P x V/T = constant or P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2 = P3V3/T3 = ….. = constant

Gases 42
Combined gas law and problem solving
• The mathematical representation of combined gas law can be interpreted in

three different ways to solve three different types of problems:

P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2

• The new pressure of the gas can be determined when the volume and

temperature are simultaneously changed

• The new volume of the gas can be determined when the pressure and

temperature are simultaneously changed

• The new temperature of the gas can be determined when the pressure and

volume are simultaneously changed

Gases 43
A 3.2 L sample of a gas at 4ºC and 200 torr

pressure, heated to 250ºC attains a final

volume of 7L. What is the final pressure of

the gas in atmospheres?

Note: pressure units on both sides should be same,

volume units on both sides should be same,
temperature should always be in Kelvin

Ans. 0.23 atm Gases 44

What volume will be occupied by a
sample of a gas at 87 °C and 720 mm Hg
pressure if its volume at 27 °C and 750
mm Hg pressure was 250 mL?

Note: pressure units on both sides should be same,

volume units on both sides should be same,
temperature should always be in Kelvin

Ans. 312.5 mL Gases 45

The ideal gas law

• All four variables, P, V, n, and T, can be combined into a single

mathematical expression called the ideal gas law.

PV/nT = constant = R

where 'R' is the universal gas constant

• The ideal gas law is usually written as:

PV = nRT

Gases 46
The gas constant 'R'
• The value of R was determined by experimentally establishing that 1.00

mol of an ideal gas at 1.00 atm pressure and 273K (Standard

Temperature and Pressure abbreviated STP) occupies 22.4L (molar

volume of an ideal gas)

• From the ideal gas law PV = nRT OR R = PV/nT

• Units of R are L·atm·mol-1·K-1

Gases 47
A 1800mL sample of a gas in a cylinder is at a

pressure of 90 torr and a temperature of 45ºC.

What is mass of the gas sample in the cylinder ?

(R = 0.0821 L·atm·mol-1·K-1, MW of the gas = 48)

Ans. 0.39 g
Gases 48
Application of Ideal Gas Equation (Densities of Gases)
• From the ideal gas law we have:

PV ═ nRT

• By rearranging the equation we get

• Multiplying both sides of the equation by the molecular weight, M we get

Gases 49
Densities of Gases
• But we know that

number of moles  molecular weight (M) = mass (m)


• And we also know that m/V = Density

• Substituting in the equation (1) we get:

Densities of gases are

expressed in g/L

• Thus, knowing the pressure (atm), temperature (K) and the molecular

weight of the gas, the density of the gas can be calculated

Gases 50
A sample of methane (CH4) gas is at a

pressure of 360 torr and at a temperature of

100°C. Calculate the density of methane

gas. (R = 0.0821 L·atm·mol-1·K-1)

Note: pressure units should always be in atmospheres,
temperature units should always be in Kelvin

Ans. 0.248 g/L

Gases 51

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