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Ambo University

Waliso Campus
Department of Information
Submitted by: Dhugassa Akeyu
ID. No. itpgr/003/2015
Program: Regular
Submitted to: Birhanyehun A. (PhD)
Types of sentific Litreature
1. Journal paper
2. Conference paper
3. Proceeding paper
4. Poster paper
5. White paper
6. Grey literature
7. Peer review Articles
What is journal paper:-
A journal is a collection of articles (like a
magazine) that is published regularly
throughout the year.
Journals present the most recent research,
and journal articles are written by experts, for
They may be published in print or online
formats, or both.
 A journal is a scholarly publication containing
articles written by researchers, professors and
other experts.
 Journals focus on a specific discipline or field of study.
Unlike newspapers and magazines, journals are
intended for an academic or technical audience, not
general readers.
 A journal is a personal place where you can express
and jot down your thoughts, feelings of joy and
anger, hope and despair, excitement and
depression, love and sadness. The best and the most
valuable journals are active dialogues with self.
A conference paper:-
 A conference paper is the text of a paper or presentation
given at a conferences, seminars, symposiums or
similar which has been organised by a society or an
 These are sometimes compiled together with other papers
presented at a single conference, which are referred to as
conference proceedings.
 A conference paper is a paper that is orally presented to
an audience. Almost all conference presentations involve a
question and answer session after the presentation.
 Writers should aim to stimulate and guide the Q&A session
in order to receive helpful feedback on their work.
A conference paper is the text of a paper or
presentation given at a conferences, seminars,
symposiums or similar which has been
organised by a society or an organisation.
 These are sometimes compiled together with other
papers presented at a single conference, which are
referred to as conference proceedings.
Proceeding paper:-
 A particular step or series of steps in the
enforcement, decision, or administration of
rights, remedies, laws, or regulations an action,
hearing, trial, or application before the court.
 Proceedings paper (conference paper) in journals are
similar to standard journal articles in their structure
but they have a less rough review process, they are
published faster at a lower scientific impact.
Some example of proceeding paper are
 The secretary kept a record of the proceedings at
the meeting.
 he started the proceedings with a brief welcoming
 The proceedings of the conference will be published
by the researcher .
Poster paper:-
 Poster Paper? Poster paper is a heavy-weight paper
designed for printing posters.
 It's similar to photo paper, which you may have used at
home or in your office before.
 However, posters tend to be much larger than the
small prints you've likely created on your own.
Poster paper is a glossy type paper that comes in all
sizes and shapes.
Unlike other types of paper, poster paper is water
proof and does not crinkle up when wet or when glue
is applied.
Poster paper is a little thicker than normal paper or
construction paper, but is more durable.
White paper research:-
A white paper is a deeply researched report
on a specific topic that presents a solution
to a problem within an industry.
It is usually written by a company to illustrate
their knowledge and expertise through facts
and evidence; however, it should not advertise
or endorse a company's product.
Best identification of a whitepaper is
influential, authoritative, in-depth
report on a specific topic that presents a
problem and provides a solution.
Marketers create whitepapers to educate
their audience about a particular issue or
explain and promote a particular
A white paper is an authoritative,
research-based document that presents
information, expert analysis and an
organization or author's insight into a
topic or solution to a problem.
Grey literature:-
Grey literature is information produced
outside of traditional publishing and
distribution channels, and can include
reports, policy literature, working
papers, information sheet, government
documents, speeches, white papers,
urban plans, and so on.
Gray literature is information produced by
government agencies, academic institutions,
and also the for-profit sector that is not
typically made available by commercial
publishers. Examples of gray literature
include: Reports. Proceedings. Dissertations
and theses.
 Grey literature is materials and research produced by
organizations outside of the traditional commercial or
academic publishing and distribution channels.
 Common grey literature publication types include
reports (annual, research, technical, project, etc.),
working papers, government documents, white papers
and evaluations.
 Organizations that produce grey literature include
government departments and agencies, civil society or
non-governmental organizations, academic centres
and departments, and private companies and
What is peer review?
 Peer review is designed to assess the validity, quality and
often the originality of articles for publication.
 Its ultimate purpose is to maintain the integrity of science
by filtering out invalid or poor quality articles.
 From a publisher’s perspective, peer review functions as a
filter for content, directing better quality articles to better
quality journals and so creating journal brands.

 Running articles through the process of peer review adds

value to them. For this reason publishers need to make
sure that peer review is strong.
Thank you!

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