Unit 2: Online Buying Behaviour and Models: Topic: Managing The Online Customer Experience

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Unit 2: Online buying

behaviour and models

Topic : Managing the online customer experience

Subject Code : BBA 304

• The previous topic mainly focused on the site designing and structure.
• The design phase of developing a web site includes specification of:
• the information architecture or structure of the web site using techniques such as site maps,
• blueprints and wireframes;
• the flow, controlled by the navigation and menu options;
• the graphic design and brand identity;
• country-specific localisation;
• the service quality of online forms and e-mail messages.
Learning outcome

Managing online customer experience PO 4 : Ability to understand, analyze Knowledge level

communicate internal, external and
global environment of business

Detailed description of last step in managing online PO4: Ability to understand, analyze and K1, K2, K3, K4
customer experience: communicate internal, external and
Development and testing of content global environment of business
The developmental stage is the point where the web site
itself is created.

At this time, your web designer will take all of the

individual graphic elements from the prototype and use
Development of them to create the actual, functional site.

content This is typically done by first developing the home page,

followed by a “shell” for the interior pages. The shell
serves as a template for the content pages of your site, as it
contains the main navigational structure for the web site.

Once the shell has been created, your designer will take
your content and distribute it throughout the site, in the
appropriate areas.
Elements such as the CMS (content management system)
like WordPress, interactive contact forms, or
ecommerce shopping carts are implemented and made
functional during this phase, as well.

Development of This entire time, your designer should continue to make

your in-progress web site available to you for viewing, so
that you can suggest any additional changes or corrections
content you would like to have done.

On the technical front, a successful web site requires an

understanding of front-end web development. This
involves writing valid HTML / CSS code that complies to
current web standards, maximizing functionality, as well as
accessibility for as large an audience as possible
Testing phase : Testing involves different aspects of the content such as spelling,
validity of links, formatting on different web browsers and dynamic features such
as form filling or database queries.

Testing is important for getting out bugs out and catching details that you might
have missed initially.

Testing of RESPONSIVE: Make sure your website shows up the way you want it to in all
browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and mobile web
browsers like Safari and Opera Mini. Test it on your cell phone, your tablet,

content and your colleague’s cell phones and tablets too.

CONSISTENT: You want your site to have a consistent appearance no matter

what screen it shows up on.

CORRECT FUNCTIONING: Make sure all of the links work, that the images
are properly sized, and that you’ve replaced all of the placeholders with actual
content. See to it that all of the forms and other input fields are working.
Marketing managers responsible for web sites need to have a basic awareness of web site
development and testing.
Necessary testing steps include:
• test content displays correctly on different types and versions of web browsers;
• test plug-ins;
• test all interactive facilities and integration with company databases;
• test spelling and grammar;
• test adherence to corporate image standards;
• test to ensure all links to external sites are valid.
Tools for web site development and testing

Basic text editors : Text editors are used to edit HTML tags.
• For example, ‘<B>Products</B>’ will make the enclosed text display bold within the web
• All web site developers will need to use them at some stage in developing content since
more automated tools may not provide this flexibility and may not sup- port the latest
standard commands.
Specialised HTML and graphics editors
• Specialised HTML and graphics editing tools provide facilities for adding HTML tags
• More advanced tools include content management systems which are today essential for
any site which is frequently updated to support marketing.
One must test the website and improve the shortcomings
before launching it.

A variety of software programs are available to help

Summary developers of web sites.

A web designer needs a range of skills because an

advanced website is build using several basic and
advanced tools such as Basic text editors, specialised
HTML and graphics editors.
Suggested Readings

• Chaffey, D., Ellis- Chadwick, F., Johnston, K., and Meyer, R. (4th Ed., 2009) Internet Marketing : Strategy,
Implementation and Practice, Third Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi. (Book referred)

• Strauss, Judy and Frost, Raymond (6th Ed., 2011), E-Marketing, 5th Edition, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

• Hanson, W. and Kalyanam, (1st Ed. 10th Conference, 2010), e- Commerce and Web Marketing, Cengage Learning, New

• Mohammed, Rafi, (2nd Ed., 2004). Internet Marketing : Building Advantaged in a Networked economy, Tata McGraw

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