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What are the 7 C's

of Communication?
The 7 C's of Communication are a set of guidelines that
can help you communicate more effectively. They are:
 Clarity refers to the use of clear and simple
language to convey your message.
 It is essential to express your thoughts,
ideas, and information in a straightforward
 Avoid using jargon, complex terms, or
ambiguous language that might confuse the
 Conciseness emphasizes the need to convey
information in a brief and to-the-point manner.
 Make sure your message is focused and free

Concise 
from unnecessary filler words or phrases.
By being concise, you can capture the recipient's
attention and save their time.
 Completeness implies providing all the
necessary information required for the
recipient to understand the message fully.
 Ensure that you include all relevant details,
facts, and supporting material.
 Incomplete messages can lead to confusion
or misunderstandings.
 Correctness emphasizes the importance of
accuracy and precision in communication.
Verify the facts, figures, and information
before conveying them to others.
 Use correct grammar, spelling, and
punctuation to maintain professionalism
and credibility. Incorrect information can
lead to misunderstandings, loss of trust, and
negative consequences.
 Courtesy refers to being polite, respectful,
and considerate when communicating with
 Treat the recipient with respect and avoid
using offensive language or tone.
 Maintaining a courteous tone promotes
positive relationships and fosters effective
 Concreteness involves using specific, vivid, and tangible
language to make your message more tangible and
 Avoid vague or abstract terms that can create confusion.
Concrete  Instead, use specific examples, facts, and details to
enhance the clarity and impact of your message.
 Concreteness helps the recipient grasp your message
more effectively.
 Consideration focuses on the recipient's
needs, interests, and perspectives.
 Before communicating, consider the
recipient's background, knowledge, and
 Being considerate shows that you value
their time and builds Support.
The 4 S of
 The 4 S's of communication is an
alternative framework that focuses on the
key elements of effective communication.
These elements are often associated with
presentation skills and public speaking.
 Structure refers to the organization and arrangement
of your communication.
 It involves creating a clear and logical framework
for your message.
 An effective structure ensures that your ideas flow
smoothly, allowing the recipient to follow your
message easily.
 A well-structured communication typically
includes an introduction, a body with main points
or arguments, and a conclusion to summarize key
takeaways or call to action.
 Substance pertains to the content and depth
of your communication.
 It involves delivering valuable and relevant
information to the recipient. Ensure that
your message is informative, accurate, and
supported by evidence or examples.
 When communicating with substance, you
establish credibility and build trust with
your listeners or readers.
 Style refers to the manner in which you deliver your
 It encompasses elements such as tone, language, body language,
and overall presentation style.
 Your style should be appropriate for the audience and the
context of the communication.
 Consider the tone of your voice, the words you choose, and
your body language to create a positive and engaging
impression. Adapting your style to the situation can help you
connect with the audience.
 Support involves using visual aids, examples, stories, and
other tools to enhance your communication.
 Visual aids, such as slides or props, can help reinforce
your message and make it more memorable.

Support  Incorporating relevant examples or stories can make your

communication relatable and engaging.
 Utilizing effective support tools can enhance the overall
impact of your communication.

 The effective communication is crucial for transmitting ideas, information, and messages in a
clear and impactful manner. The 7 C's of Communication provide a framework for ensuring that
communication is successful and understood by the intended audience.
 Additionally, the 4 S's of Communication offers a useful framework for public speaking and
presentations, emphasizing the importance of organizing and delivering content in a logical and
engaging manner.

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