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Only about 9% of all companies make use of sound to make their brands more distinct, recognizable and memorable

- Brand Sense by Martin Lindstorm






and Intel with its unique trademark sound has been doing just that for years now.

Is the ingredient core to functionality and tenders

significantly different benefits than competitive offerings, simultaneously. Does the ingredient brand leverage the perceived value of the host brand and final product. Is the technology (C.A) sustainable over long term. Growth opportunities outside the alliance.


Convincing consumers that it significantly impacts performance of end product. Consumers must perceive chosen ingredient as superior to competitive offerings. Clearly placed/positioned symbol or logo on product packaging or body. Creating push and pull programs




Co-branding strategies
Existing New Market


Reaching Up
Enhances brand image and improves penetration

Reaching Beyond
Strong image and new customer base



Reaching In

Reaching Out

Greater penetration and Significant value addition to enhanced product functionality core functionality and new customer base


Ingredient Brand Penetration route sorted.

Host Brand Improved brand image in case its lesser known. Quick recognition and acceptance by consumers.

Ingredient can become point of entry, eg. quality standard, and exploit its CA. Direct contact with consumers possible. Shared R&D costs.

IB leverages quality perception of end product among consumers. Shared marketing costs.

Adds the exclusivity factor to final product.

Ingredient branding hurts the top-end players just as often as it helps the bottom-end players. -David Aaker.

The Intel Inside campaign aimed to "educate both the

retail sales associates and the consumers about the value of Intel microprocessors, and to explain to them the differences between the microprocessors" without the technical jargon. Many consumers were uncertain about the quality and reliability of microprocessors, and Intel found a way of taking away the mystery of the product, gaining the confidence of the end consumer that "Intel Inside" represented quality and reliability.

Identifying the problem:

Developing strategic course of action

Implementing strategic decision Assessing effectiveness of decision

Due to a number of clone products in the market, Intel

was unable to differentiate its products from the herd. Consumers were left baffled for choice and often guessing as to the content and performance of MP. Consumers knew Intel through its product offerings which were often being cloned. Intel wanted consumers to recognize its product through the brand Intel itself that connoted reliability and superior performance.

Intel Coop Program marked the birth of brand Intel.

The program intended to levitate Intel as a brand

through 3 strategic steps: 1. Developing and using a brand logo in advertisements of OEMs. 2. Engaging tier 2 and 3 OEMs in the program via profitable propositions. 3. Prolific advertisement to create awareness about importance and superiority of Intel chips.

Designing a unique logo.

Convincing tier 2 and 3 OEMs initially of the short

term and long term benefits of alliance and engaging them. Direct advertisement aimed at organizational rather product communication thus enabling a brand consumer connect.

Awareness of Intel logos prior to IB strategy was a

meagre 24% in European PC market. That, within 2 years of its launch soared wildly to 94% Worldwide sales within a year of launch of IB strategy rose by63%. By 2002 Intel broke into the list of top 10 most valuable brands.

2007: 2006:

Brand Equity

Interbrand Rank

2004: 2003:


$31,261 mln $ 30,954 mln $ 32,319 mln $ 35,588 mln $ 33,499 mln $ 31,112 mln $ 30,860 mln $ 34,670 mln

7 7 5 5 5 5 5 5

This presentation on Intels Ingredient Branding Strategy was prepared by:

Ajay Pal Singh- D02
Alok Wadhan- D03 Amit Gambhir-D04

Bhavik Sheth-D06
Pawan Aggarwal- D28 Sohini Patel- D43

Vijayendra Singh Pathania_ D51

Himangini Chauhan- D54

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