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AGRICULTURE IN INDIA : Importance, Problems and reforms

Agriculture: Cultivation of the soil in order to grow crops, rear

livestock, agro-forestry
Majority of Indians work in the agricultural field.
Reasons: vast level land, rich fertile soil, wide climatic variation,
ample sunshine, long growing seasons etc
Importance of Indian Agriculture:

1. Provides food for population and fodder for livestock

2. Provides working capital for non-agricultural development
3. Provides raw materials for agro-based industries
4. Large part of the market
5. Support export
6. Gives employment
Problems faced by the India farmers

Ø Lack of irrigation facilities

Ø Size of landholdings
Ø Lack of storage facilities
Ø Good quality seeds
Ø Inadequate transport facilities
Ø Unreliable rainfall
Ø Agricultural marketing
Ø Soil erosion
Ø Low status of farmers
Ø Faulty land use system
Ø Land tenancy
Ø Lack of mechanization
Ø Lack of education and training
Ø Limited use of fertilizers
Ø Lack of crop diversification
1. Small and fragmented landholdings- Small landholdings does not support
modern method of cultivation

2. Good quality seeds: good quality seeds (HYV/ high yield variety Seeds)are
expensive; farmers can’t afford it

3. Unreliable rainfall- Indian agriculture depends upon Indian Monsoon which is

uncertain and uneven

4. Soil erosion- Topsoil erosion is a major problem due to different reasons such
as deforestation, improper management of soil, faulty cultivation etc

5. Faulty cultivation of crops: grow same crop in the same piece of land which
will reduce the soil fertility.
Quick Quiz
1. Define the word agriculture.
2. Indian farmers can grow any crops. Why?
3. Mention any five problems faced by Indian farmers.
4. Explain how the faulty land use system affects Indian agriculture.
6. Lack of mechanization: farmers are poor and illiterate, use old and primitive
and outdated techniques, most of the work done manually

7. Limited use of fertilizers: farmers cannot by expensive chemical fertilizers and


8. Lack of irrigation – depend upon conventional method of irrigation, proper

modern method is not practiced in many regions

9. Lack of storage facilities: proper storage facilities are inadequate in the rural
area; farmers are forced to sell the product immediately after harvest. (distress sale:
seller has to sell the product urgently)

10. Inadequate transport facilities: lack of cheap and efficient transport system;
most of the villages are not well connected with market centres; rural roads become
useless during rainy season
11. Agricultural marketing: farmers- depend upon local market or brokers/ money lenders to
sell their farm produce; minimum price; marketing is inadequate and not standardized

12. Low status of farmers:

· generally poor, helpless and lack enthusiasm,

· children of farmers are not interested in agriculture- willing to accept low income jobs
in towns

· rich farmers invest their surplus income in non-agricultural activities

13. Land tenancy: farmers are not the owners of land; owners are Zamindars- not actual
cultivators, the tenant cultivators do not take much interest in the growth and development of

14. Lack of education and training: research in agriculture do not match international
standards; no proper communication between research institutions and the farmers, small farmers
could not enjoy the benefits of agricultural research due to poverty.
Remedial Measures
· Consolidation of landholdings
· Taken steps to provide HYV seeds
· New irrigation techniques
· Cultivation of land with different crops throughout the year- to reduce soil erosion
· To increase soil fertility- use of chemical fertilizers and green manures
· Given subsidy to buy fertilizers and HYV seeds
· Adequate and accessible storage facilities
· Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana – link NH with rural roads
· Agricultural research centres
· Promote mixed farming
Green Revolution :
Objective- Food scarcity to food self-sufficiency
Key element

Usage of large capital and technological Impacts

input Subsistence to commercial
Adoption of modern scientific methods of
Adoption of new technology- created
more employment
Use of HYV seeds
Increased rural prosperity
Proper use of Chemical fertilizers
Development of intensive agricultural
Improvement in marketing and storage production

Consolidation of landholdings
National Agricultural Policy

Objective: to promote sustainable agriculture

· Private sector participation
· Wide coverage of future market to minimize the price fluctuation
· Promotion in animal husbandry, poultry, dairy etc
· Priority to rural electrification
Agricultural seasons

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