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• Information plays key role in many areas in our life. Some of these areas are the management, planning, and evaluation
of an education management information systems is a centralized warehouse for the collecting the data, processing
reviewing in reporting of educational information and data including the institude and relevant faculities, students,
isntructors and employees. An information system must not only strive to gather, store and process information, but must
also assists in the formulation of the policies related to the education and their management and evaluation. There was
greater interest in highly relevant parameters such as students participation rates, students attendance, rate of students
retention the level of student academic achievement and issues with discipline.
• Research studies illustrates different factors which has positive as well inverse relationship with students academic
achievement (e.g school, environment ,teachers attitude, method of teaching , social background include home
environment , and so many others)among all those factors one is the educational level of students parents. Parents
attitude towards education is based on their level of education and educational experiences they have experienced during
educational life. It is fact that the higher attainments of parents in education the higher they will be conscious and careful
for the education of the children. Educated parents have belief which are reflective in the arrangement of educational
provisions for their children.The reason is that they can easily help out their children in their educational activities and can
motivate them for studies. These interaction of parents have positive psychological effects on children reduce children
hesitation and further increase confidence and trust of students in parents.
• Being overly involved can lead to stepping in too frequently to deal with issues the child should handle. Also not all
teachers are comportable with a parent volunteer in class. Some students are too distracted by the presence of their
parents which can cause a lack of fucos or behavior problems.Academic concerns, which might include issues such as
learning difficulties are disabilities, underachievement lack of attention from teachers, and bullying effect a number of
students, throughout their academic careers, from elementary school to collage.
• Parental education improves student achievement, self esteem, and behavior. It also helps to build strong relationship
Between Prents and their children.

• Profile of Respondents
• *Grade level and
Factors that affecting the
section Academic Performance
*Age *Economic
*General average *Family background
*Parents educational *Interest
backgruond *Parental Guidance

• Teaching strategies Level of parental


• Figure 1: Research paradigm representing the conceptual framework of this study illustrates the relationship of the profile to the factors that affecting the Academic
Performance and the level of parental education of the respondents. And also based on the findings researchers with the collaboration of the grade 10 students in
UIS proposed a teaching strategies to further assists the students,personal,emotional,and social.


• This study attempts to determine the difficulties encountered by Grade 10 students of Urbiztondo Integratred School in term in items of academic to serve as a basic
for improving teaching.School specifically,it answers the following questions.
• What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the following variables?
– 1.1 Section
– 1.2 Age
– 1.3 Gender
– 1.4 General average
– 1.5 Parents Educational background

• The following are the terminologies that were used operationally

and are defined for purpose of clarity.
• Parental education.A programs focus on enchancing parenting
practices and behavior such as developing and practicing positive
discipline techniques,learning age-appropriate child development
skills and milestones,promoting positive play and interaction
between parents and children and locating and accessing
• Academic performance.Is the event to which a student,teacher or
institution has attained their short or long term educational goals
completion of educational benchmarks such as secondary school
diplomas and bachelors degree represent academic achievement.
• Teaching strategies.Are the various method educators use in their
teaching practice and cover a wide range of techniques.Effective
teaching include preplanning outlining learning goals and criteria for


• Accordingly the study focuses on determining the Grade 10

students difficulties encountered and level of parental
education with respect to their section, age , gender, and
general average and the significant relationship of these
constructs as the basis on proposing teaching strategies which
is valuable to assists the holistic development of students.

• And also this study focuses on the impacts of Parental

Education to the academic Performance of Grade 10 students
in Urbiztondo Intergrated School.The data collection will be
conducted to randomly selected students in Grade 10 students
who will represent the population.


• This study aims to establish an understanding about the

relationship between PARENTAL EDUCATION WITH

• To the administrators and staff.This study will help to

assess a student regarding the impact of their performance in
• To the learners.This study will serve as their tool to identify
why some of the learners they can’t perform well inside of the
classroom.This method they can identify the different
• To the teacher.They’ll be aware of their responsibilities and
regulate their practice to produce positive learning results.
• To the future researcher.They can use this as their
reference source for future research research.They could
improve the research strategies,skill.knowledge that help this
research to be more credible.

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