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Potentially lead to an
improvement of
CBD Reduction in anxiety,
cognitive impairment, and
behavioural symptoms. discomfort factors.

Had a significant effect on

increased brain activity in the
right posterior cingulate cortex
The cannabis treatment The compliance with the
appears to be safe and side The most prevalent side effects treatment was high and
effects reported by the reported at six months was only less than 5% have
patients and parents were restlessness, appearing in less stopped the treatment
moderate and relatively than 6.6% of patients due to the side effects.
easy to cope with.

Careful titration schedule A professional instruction and

• Important for maintaining detailed parents’ training
a low side effects rate and sessions are highly important
increase of the success for the increasing of the
rate. success rate.
Self-selection bias
Observational study (no control group)
• Children of parents seeking cannabis
• No causality between cannabis therapy
therapy might not constitute a
and improvement in patients’
representative sample of the patient
wellbeing can be established.
with the specific disease

Subjective self-report
The questionnaire response rate at
• Based on patient’s parent’s
6 months (60%)
observation and not by the
• The estimates efficacy and safety
patients themselves (the report
of the treatment can be biased
might be biased)

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