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Would you rather

1. Would you rather kick off your career in a high-paying job that you don't love or start at the bottom
in a field that genuinely interests you?
2. Would you rather come down with a sudden case of wanderlust and embark on a spontaneous trip or
carefully plan and save up for your dream vacation?
3. Would you rather have the ability to cut off one hour from any day in your past and relive it, or find
out the exact date of a significant event in your future, but you can't change it?
4. Would you rather be able to kick off your day with perfect health and vitality but have your energy
gradually go down as the day progresses, or start the day feeling exhausted but gain more energy as
the day goes on?
5. Would you rather go on an exciting road trip with friends or go up in a hot air balloon for a serene
6. Would you rather only be able to cut off in the middle of your sentences and never finish what you're
saying, or have to start every sentence with "In a world where"?
7. Would you rather go on a solo backpacking trip to a remote destination with no internet connection,
or go up on stage to give a TED talk in front of a large audience?
Complete the sentences so that they are
true for you
1. I need to call up my friend to ___________.
2. When the temperature starts to come down, I like to ___________.
3. It's time to go on vacation, so I'm going to ___________.
4. I have to go up to the third floor to ___________.
5. When I'm bored, I often pick up a ________ and ___________.
6. Let's put up some decorations to make the room look ___________.
7. We should cut off the excess paper to make the project look neater, so let's
8. I need to find out more information about the topic, so I'll ___________.
9. Such as when the game kicks off, I always ___________.
10. I'm going to kick off my day with a healthy breakfast, so I'll ___________.
1. I need to ____ _____ my friend after school to discuss our
Tic Tac Toe
2. The temperature is expected to ____ ____ over the
weekend, so make sure to dress warmly.
3. The soccer game is about to ____ ____. Get your cleats
and jerseys ready!
4. Can you please ____ ___ some groceries on your way
home from work?
5. We should ____ ____ the tent before it gets dark, so we
have a place to sleep.
6. I'm going to ____ ____ the treehouse this weekend. Would
you like to join me?
7. The teacher had to ____ ____ the discussion when it
became too chaotic in the classroom.
8. I was curious about the author of the book, so I decided to
____ ____ more about their life.
9. Before we go to the concert, let's ____ ____ some snacks
and drinks for the road.
Phrasal Verbs
Mendel's discovery
You are going to read a text about Gregor Mendel, the father of modern
genetics, and ask questions to complete some missing information.
For example, The experiments were done by _______

Work as a group to write the questions you need need to ask.

Find a partner from the other group and take turns asking and answering
his/her questions to complete the text.
When you have finished, you can compare your texts to make sure they are
the same.
False friends

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