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August, 2022
Gondar, Ethiopia
Presentation Out line

• Introduction
• Conceptual frame work
• Research Hypothesis
• Research methodology
• Data analysis and Presentation
• conclusion and recommendation
Background of the study

 According to Ketema (2020), female leaders are more assertive and persuasive,

have a stronger need to get things done and are more willing to take risks than

male leaders.
Female leaders were also found to be more empathetic and flexible, as well as

stronger in interpersonal skills than their male counterparts

However, in many developed and developing countries, public administration often

remains a patriarchal institution, perpetuating gender biased traditions, attitudes and

practices women do not yet participate equally in public administration, especially

in the managerial position and decision-making (Yemenu, 2020).


 Extensive evidence shows that, in societies where traditional values remain strong,

many women found politics as unwanted and even hostile to participate in it and hold

managerial positions.

On the other hand ,some scholars like Jebessa et al., 2015, factors that determine the

participation of women managerial position include low level of education, financial

problems, lack of necessary network, grater family responsibilities, and deprivation of their

rights .

Furthermore, as it is indicated in previous studies, women are less participated and low

represented in decision making positions in developing countries (Kelil & Asefa, 2019).
 Ethiopia is a patriarchal society that keeps women in a subordinate positions

(Tassew et al., 2021).

 The socialization process, which determine gender role is partly responsible

for the subjugation of women in the country.

 Apart from the above observations, many previous studies that are conducted

in developed and developing countries argued that personal, institutional, and

socio-cultural determinants have influencing women participation in

managerial position or leadership in general (Ahmed, 2021; Bullough, 2008;

Yemenu, 2020).

 Based on the knowledge of the researcher, the existing situation of the

representation of women into the managerial position as compared with their


 It proved that there is a problem which needs further investigation to

understand the underrepresentation of women’s in the leadership position.
 There fore Based on this concept the researcher investigate determinants
that influence women’s participation in managerial position in the case of
Government offices in Gondar Zuria woreda.
Statement of the Problem

 The country’s economy and development is not succeeded without the

participation of women’s in all activities (Sileshi, 2015).
 Furthermore, advancing women into leadership positions where they can
make the greatest contributions is civilization and has a significant role in
changing country development (World Bank, 2001).
 How ever ,under-utilization of the skills of highly qualified and experienced
women creates loss of economic growth and potential development.

 Currently as evidences indicated that in most developing regions

specifically in Africa, women participation in leadership position is still very
low (Onsongo, 2004).

According to Yemenu (2020) even though, women make up half of the adult

population, and often contributed much more than their share to society, inside

and outside the house, they are frequently excluded from position of power.

 This situation has affected women in many ways and results violation of

their rights .

 According to Central Statistical Agency population projection report, in

Ethiopia women constitute more than 51% of the total population and form

a critical portion of the human resource base (CSA, 2019).

 However, available data indicates that they are inadequately represented in

senior management positions in different organizations including financial

institutions (Jebessa et al., 2015; Mesfin, 2018; Yemenu, 2020)

 Even-though, the government of Ethiopia has adopted various national laws as well as

international instruments, women don’t yet have meaningful participation in leadership

and decision making.

 According to Dessie (2019); Ketema (2020); Mesfin (2018); and T/Haimanot (2014)

educational gap, socio- cultural attitude, organizational culture and company

recruitment and promotion practice have the dominant factors that affect women’s

participation in managerial positions.

 According to Girma (2020), a study which focused on factors affecting women

participation in management positions has psychological factors, work life balance,

communication style, educational level and experience, organizational culture, and

human policy and practice,


 Based on the above literature, the researcher attempted to investigate the

determinants of women participation in managerial position in Gondar
Zuria woreda Government offices of Amhara National Regional State

Motives to conduct this study

 women’s participation in managerial position varies from place to place
and time to time due to continuous change
 The researcher intends to evaluate the general level of effects of
personal/individual, institutional and socio-cultural factors together on
women’s participation in managerial position.

 The researcher determines which variable is most determinant on women’s

participation in managerial position
 due to the above reason and knowledge gap, this study was conducted ,

 The research is conducted various times in the nationwide context, but it

fails to address the local areas especially Gondar Zuria Woreda
 The practical experiences of the researcher show the availability of such
gaps in the study area.
Objectives of the Study

General Objective
To explore determinants of women participation in managerial position in Gondar
Zuria woreda Government offices.

Specific Objective
 To assess the current position of women that occupied in the Governmental

offices of the study area

 To investigate the extent of personal factors that affect women’s participation

in managerial positions of Gondar Zuria Governmental offices

 To explore the extent of institutional factors that affect women’s participation

in managerial positions of Gondar Zuria Governmental offices

 To investigate the extent of socio-cultural factors that affect women’s

participation in managerial positions of Gondar Zuria Governmental offices

Scope of The Study

• The study was geographically delimited into all Gondar Zuria woreda
governmental offices in Maksegnit town.
• The study was covered the period between 2018 and 2022.
• It will be focused only on three major factors that affecting the
participation of women to management position in Gondar Zuria woreda
government offices.
Conceptual Frame Work

Independent variables

Personal or Individual factors:

Attitudes of women towards
Family and home responsibility
Participation in
Institutional Factors:
Policy and strategy
dependent variables

Socio-cultural factors:

Figure 2.1. Conceptual frame work developed by the author based on empirical
Research Hypothesis

H1: Personal/individual determinants have a significant effect in

participation of women in managerial positions

H2: Institutional determinants has a significant effect in participation of

women in managerial positions

H3: socio-cultural determinants have a significant effect in participation of

women in managerial positions
Research Methodology

Research Approach
 This study was employed both quantitative and qualitative (mixed)
research approach

Research design
 The types of research design employed under this study was used as
descriptive with correlational design.

Target Population
 The target population of the study was employees who are working in
Gondar Zuria woreda, Maksegint town government sectors and those who
have a degree and above and have been working in their respective public
sectors for ten years and above. In this regard, the employees are 746 in
Sample Size

 The researcher draws 260 officers and head of sectors From the total target
population, by using Yamane 1967 formula .



Sampling technique's
 The researcher use the probability sampling method ,especially simple
random sampling method .
 It ensures that each number of the target population to has an equal and
independent chance of being included in the sample.

Sources of Data
 The study was utilized primary and secondary source of data

primary data were obtained through questionnaire and interview

And secondary data were collected from annual reports, magazine, books,
journals, websites and other related material that was used to make the study

Data collection Instruments

 The research instrument that employed for the study was
 questionnaire
 interview

The quantitative data were gathered from questionnaire and qualitative data
were generated from in-depth interview method of data collection.
Methods of Data Analysis
 quantitative data were interpreted through descriptive statistics like
frequency, and percentage to present and describe socio-demographic data
of the respondents.
 In the other context, the researcher was used inferential statistics to
identify the degree of correlation between the variables using Pearson’s
 Besides, regression analysis was applied to determine the degree of
relationship between personal, socio-cultural and institutional determinants
with women participation in managerial position.
 The qualitative data which were collected through interview is interpreted
through narration.
Data analysis and Presentation

Correlation Analysis

 positive weakly significant correlation between socio-cultural determinants

and women participation in managerial position
 personal determinants have negative weak significant association with
women participation in managerial position.
 However, institutional determinants have no significance correlation with
women participation in managerial position
Interview Data Analysis

 The finding indicates that majority of the key informants responded the
family responsibility affected them through their path to success

Organizational factors such as, lack of support from higher officials,

inappropriate implementation of rules and regulations, absence of
cooperation among women’s, and lack of giving due recognition for women’s
performance are major organization problems in the study area.

In addition, patriarchal attitude or man’s superiority are the major challenges
for the underrepresentation of women in the managerial position.
Conclusion and Recommendation

 The overall objective of the study was to examine determinants that
influence women participation in managerial position in the public sectors.
 Using multiple regression analysis, it was found that three of the
determinants have direct effect on women participation in managerial
 That is personal or individual, organizational or institutional, and socio-
cultural determinants have a positive and statistically significant effect on
women participation in managerial position in Gondar zuria woreda
government office.

 On the other hand, the study indicated that majority of all the current
leadership posts of head, and deputy in the studied public institutions
occupied by male compared to women.
 From this study we can conclude that personal, institutional, and socio-
cultural determinants in similar direction could have an impact on the
participation of women employees to hold managerial positions in the
study area.


Based on the research findings, the following recommendations

have been made.
One of the factors that limit women’s participation in managerial position is
socio-cultural factor. So,

men should develop positive attitudes and think that women have equal
ability with them

 The society also should trust women’s ability to lead through awareness
rising and the other thing to be done is to change the way children are
raised and socialized
 In addition, gender awareness training should be given to women them

selves ,societies and all workers including top management holders of the

public institutions

 The government in general and the woreda administration particularly should

realize the participation of women in managerial positions through its laws,

policies and regulations.

 And review their organizational structure and promotional procedures and

adjust them as suitable for women.

 personal factors can be minimize women participation in managerial position.

 Therefore, the government as well as the woreda administration should

empower women employees through building their level of self-confidence,

YOU !!!

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