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Ahmad Nawari, S.Pd., M.A.
Overview of Translation 9

• Student’s ability to translate texts on
Taxation, Insurance, Craftmanship,
and Wayangcraft from English into
Indonesian and vise verse
Learning Scenario
• To fulfil the target, let’s perform the following
1. Analysis on the source texts to find out the register,
potential readers, level of difficulty.
2. Error analysis is used to assess the quality in terms of
accuracy, naturalness, and acceptance.
3. Translation practice of the texts on Taxation from
English into Indonesian.
4. Assessment on online tutorial learning by considering
student’s participation in discussions, assignment
grades, and the final test.
Outline of Session 1
1. Basic Concept: The Nature of Translation
2. A Professional Translation
3. Translation Practice from English into
Indonesian through Retelling
4. Tips for Session 1
1. Basic Concepts: The Nature of Translation

• Translation definition
# the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by
equivalent textual material in another language
# (Mengganti bahan teks dalam bahasa sumber dengan bahan
teks yang sepadan dalam bahasa sasaran (Catford, 1965)
• The biggest issue in translation is to find equivalence of a
word from a source language to a target language.
• The issues may cover lexicon, grammar, and textual as well as
pragmatical issues.
• Translation process starts from analyzing the source text,
translating, and editing.
2. Professional Translator

What is a translator?
• “orang yang mengalihbahasakan; juru terjemah” (KBBI)
• “a person who translates writing or speech into a
different language, especially as a job, such as She
works as a translator of technical texts” (Oxford
What does the word ‘professional’ mean?

The word ‘Profesional:’ in KBBI means:

1.bersangkutan dengan profesi

2.memerlukan kepandaian khusus untuk menjalankannya: ia seorang juru masak --
3.mengharuskan adanya pembayaran untuk melakukannya (lawan amatir): pertandingan tinju --
4.orang yang terlibat atau memenuhi kualifikasi dalam suatu profesi

In Oxford Dictionary, the ‘professional’ is defined as

5. doing something as a paid job rather than as a hobby, such as professional athletes/players
6. (of sport) done as a paid job rather than as a hobby, such as In professional sport winning is
7. connected with a job that needs special training or skill, such as He may need professional help.
8. having a job which needs special training and a high level of education, such as in Most of the
people on the course were professional women.
9. showing that somebody is well trained and has a lot of skill, such as Many of the performers
were very professional.

The synonym of professional is competent

The antonym of the professional is amateur
Then, what is a professional translator?
• Penerjemah professional adalah seseorang yang memiliki
kepandaian khusus untuk mengalihbahasakan pesan dari
bahasasumber ke bahasa sasaran dengan baik dan
mendapat bayaran yang layak dari pekerjaannya itu.
• Menjadi penerjemah professional memerlukan banyak
Latihan, misalnya bagimana menyampaikan pesan dari
bahasa sumber ke bahasa sasaran dengan kata-kata sendiri.
• Prinsipnya adalah menyampaikan pesan, bukan
menyampaikan kalimat, apalagi kata perkata.
Then, what is a professional translator?
• Memiliki Penguasaan bahasa sumber yang memadai
untuk menyimak atau membaca teks sumber
• Pengetahuan kebahasaan:
- Lafal (bunyi)  ejaan (grafi)
- Kata (makna referensial)
- Kalimat (makna kontekstual)
- Teks (wacana)
Then, what is a professional translator?
• Memiliki pengetahuan umum dan pengetahuan bidang
• Penerjemah profesional harus memiliki pengetahuan
Then, what is a professional translator?
• Memiliki Fusion: fusi (leburan) pengetahuan
kebahasaan dan pengetahuan tematis yang membuat
penyimak atau pembaca memahami teks sumber
• Mental image: citra mental yang terdapat di benak
penerjemah ketika ia memahami teks sumber
• Bukti terbentuknya citra mental: mampu menceritakan
Then, what is a professional translator?
• Language competence: kemampuan kebahasaan yang
memungkinkan penerjemah mengungkapkan citra
mentalnya dalam cakapan atau tulisan
• Juru bahasa: keterampilan bicara; daya ingat
• Penerjemah: keterampilan menulis
Then, what is a professional
• Understanding the readers of the translation
• Understanding the norms of the target language
• Understanding the culture of the target language
• Understanding the Setting and context
• Synthesizing is carried out after the translator succeed
in gathering all information and convey the message
to the target language.
Then, what is a professional translator?

• Penerjemah profesional adalah siapa pun yang

melakukan penerjemahan sebagai profesi
• Organisasi profesi:
- Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia(HPI)
- Ikatan Penerjemah Pmerintah Indonesia (IPPI)
3. Translation Practice through

Once there was a boy called Ali, a poor fisherman’s son. As he

was going home one evening, he saw an old man lying by the side
of the road, seriously ill. The boy was very kind, and he helped
the old man to the nearest hospital. The old man thanked the boy
and asked him for his name and address. The boy was ashamed to
admit that his father was a poor fisherman, so he said, “My name
is Mustafa and my father is a teacher.” A few days later, the old
man died in hospital, and he left all his money to “Mustafa, a
local teacher’s son who helped me in my hour of need.” Of
course, because Ali had lied, he did not receive any of the old
man’s money.
Basic Concepts

• Translation also deals with the ability to retell a text using our
• Let’s practice retelling!
Read this paragraph and retell it
in your own words in Indonesian

Once there was a boy called Ali, a poor fisherman’s son. As he was
going home one evening, he saw an old man lying by the side of the
road, seriously ill. The boy was very kind, and he helped the old man
to the nearest hospital. The old man thanked the boy and asked him
for his name and address. The boy was ashamed to admit that his
father was a poor fisherman, so he said, “My name is Mustafa and
my father is a teacher.” A few days later, the old man died in hospital,
and he left all his money to “Mustafa, a local teacher’s son who
helped me in my hour of need.” Of course, because Ali had lied, he
did not receive any of the old man’s money.
Percobaan: Penceritaan kembali

• Terdapatlah seorang anak bernama Ali, anak seorang nelayan

miskin. Suatu hari, pada saat dia pulang ke rumah, di tengah
jalan dia melihat seseorang lelaki tua sakit parah yang
tergeletak di tepi jalan. Ali seorang anak yang baik. Ali
menolong lelaki tua itu dengan membawanya ke rumah sakit
terdekat. Lelaki tua itu sangat berterima kasih kepada Ali
sehingga dia bertanya nama dan alamat Ali. Karena merasa
malu, Ali tidak berkata jujur dan menjawab bahwa namanya
Mustafa, anak seorang guru.
Penerjemahan (draf 1)
• Suatu ketika, ada seorang anak bernama Ali, anak seorang nelayan
miskin. Suatu sore, ketika hendak pulang, Ali melihat seorang kakek,
sakit parah, tergeletak di tepi jalan. Ali lalu menolong kakek itu
dengan membawanya ke rumah sakit terdekat karena ia anak yang
baik. Kakek itu berterima kasih dan menanyakan nama serta
alamatnya. Ali malu mengakui bahwa ayahnya nelayan miskin, maka
ia berkata, “ Nama saya Mustafa, anak seorang guru.” Beberapa hari
kemudian, kakek itu meninggal di rumah sakit. Ia meninggalkan
semua uangnya untuk “Mustafa, anak seorang guru setempat, yang
telah menolong saya saat saya membutuhkan pertolongan.“ Tentu
saja, karena berbohong, Ali tidak mendapatkan sepeser pun dari
kakek itu.
Penerjemahan (draf 2)
• Suatu ketika, ada seorang anak bernama Ali, anak seorang nelayan
miskin. Suatu sore, ketika hendak pulang, Ali melihat seorang kakek,
sakit parah, tergeletak di tepi jalan. Ali lalu menolong kakek itu
dengan membawanya ke rumah sakit terdekat karena ia anak yang
baik. Kakek itu berterima kasih dan menanyakan nama serta
alamatnya. Ali malu mengakui bahwa ayahnya nelayan miskin, maka
ia berkata, “ Nama saya Mustafa, anak seorang guru.” Beberapa hari
kemudian, kakek itu meninggal di rumah sakit. Ia meninggalkan
semua uangnya untuk “Mustafa, anak seorang guru setempat, yang
telah menolong saya nya saat saya dia membutuhkan pertolongan.“
Tentu saja, karena berbohong, Ali tidak mendapatkan sepeser pun
dari kakek itu.
4. Tips for Session 1: Six Things You
Have to Bear in Mind When You are
In order to translate a text well, it t is necessary for you to look at things you
have to bear in mind when you are translating:

1. Be careful with word-by-word translation. Sometimes you need to

translate words in the source language, but sometimes you don’t when
they refer to names of companies, streets, islands, restaurants and so
2. Meaning in the source language should be conveyed accurately in the
target language. This means to avoid loss of meaning.
3. Meaning transferred into the target language are not restricted by
vocabulary, grammatical forms of the source language;
4. Be aware of the term register (i.e., words, style and grammatical
features) you use;
5. Don’t use ‘everyday’ language; and
6. Your translation should only be based on meanings in the source
Initiation 1

What should we do before translating?

1. Try to understand the whole paragraph e.g., analyze the text by reading
the text repeatedly and then sentence by sentence;
2. Be aware of idiomatic expressions or phrasal verbs;
3. Never do word-for-word translation;
4. “Meaning” is translated into a target text/target language by considering
choice of words (vocabulary), grammatical forms and register.
• Thank you and see you in the next session.

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