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For SMK/MAK Grade X

Unit What Fables Do You
Like to Read?
What is a fable?

 It usually tells a story.

 It is formed as a short work of fiction.

 It contains a few characters.

 Its generic structure or plot is usually

very straightforward.
The Structures of a Fable
A central problem or complication including
rising action to a dramatic climax.

Orientation Resolution (moral lesson)

Setting of a scene and The complication is
introduction of the characters. resolved.
The Language Features of a Fable
Using many action verbs, verbal, and Using linking words related to time.
mental processes
Using dialogues with different
Using direct and indirect speech the tenses

Using the past tense Using descriptive languages

to help reader’s imagination

The Bat and the Weasels Title

A Bat blundered into the nest of a Weasel, who ran up to
catch and eat him. The Bat begged for his life, but the Weasel Orientation
would not listen.
"You are a Mouse," he said, "and I am a sworn enemy of
Mice. Every Mouse I catch, I am going to eat!" Complication
"But I am not a Mouse!" cried the Bat. "Look at my wings.
Can Mice fly? Why, I am only a Bird! Please let me go!“
The Weasel had to admit that the Bat was not a Mouse, so he let
him go. But a few days later, the foolish Bat went blindly into the
nest of another Weasel. This Weasel happened to be a bitter
enemy of Birds, and he soon had the Bat under his claws, ready to Complication
eat him.
"You are a Bird," he said, "and I am going to eat you!"
"What," cried the Bat, "I, a Bird! Why, all Birds have feathers! I am
nothing but a Mouse. 'Down with all Cats,' is my motto!" Resolution
And so the Bat escaped with his life a second time.

What is past tense?
 Actions that happened at a specific time in
the past.

One warm summer afternoon as she dozed
away in her den in the old oak tree, a
Grasshopper nearby began a joyous but
very raspy song.
Sequence Words
Sequence words are used to help the
readers easily connect events in a story.

Sequence words can be at the beginning, middle,

end, or as an interruption in a sentence.
Noun Phrase
It is a phrase that includes a noun and
(optionally) modifiers.

In a fable, noun phrases are commonly used to

introduce the characters and setting of the story.
Reported Speech

Indirect speech is also called reported speech.

It is used when the speaker reports what someone

else said.
We use indirect speech, we make some
changes in:

 Pronouns (to reflect who is speaking)

• When you are reporting the speech of someone who talked about himself
with the 1st person pronoun (I), you need to change the pronoun to ‘he.’

• Example:
Direct speech: “I can arrive at the river in time,” said the Tortoise.
Indirect speech: The Tortoise said that he could arrive at the river in time.

 Verbs
• Because in indirect speech we are reporting, we use a tense which is
further back in the past)
Happy Learning

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