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Presented by: Guided By:

Basil SK Prof.Indhuja S

Roll no:16 Dept.of EEE

S7 EEE RIT,Kottayam


 Introduction
 Basic Overview Of UAV
 Wireless Power Transfer Techniques
 Power electronics Converter and power control
 Modes of operation
 Advantages
 Conclusion


 UAVs that can operate without an onboard pilot.

 Remote Control or Autonomy.

 WPT Techniques is much better.

 Power Electronics Converter & Power Control Technology.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

 UAVs are aircraft that operate without a human pilot.

 UAVs have become Commercially accessible,leading to a
growing Industry.
 Works based on Remote Control and Autonomy.
 Lithium-polymer(LiPo) or Lithium-ion(LI-ion) are used.
 Construction and cost of UAVs Depending upon factors such as
size,complexity and quality of components.

UAV Classification
 High Altitude platform(HAP)

.Above 17km
.More costly
 Low altitude platform(LAP)
.Tens of meters to few kilometers
.Quick deployment and mobility
 Fixed-Wing :Must move forward to maintain aloft
 Rotary-Wing: Can hover

Internal structure of a UAV

 Consist of a Flight controller,Brushless DC (BLDC),
LI-PO battery,Radio transmitter receiver,FPV Camera.
 “flight controller” is the brain of UAV.
 BLDC motors are highly efficient,which is essential for
maximizing flight time and battery life.
 LI-PO battery is the powerhouse of the drone.
 FPV allows operator to see exactly what UAV “sees”
while it is in Flight.

Wireless Power Transfer Techniques(WPT)

 Extended Flight Time

 Autonomous Charging

 Environmental Benefits

 Rapid Deployment

 WPT Reduces the weight of UAVs.

Different types of WPT:-


i. Based on loosely coupled transformer

ii. Consist of transmitter coil and receiver
iii. Control and Safety
iv. Short to Medium Range Application
Different types of WPT:-

i. Two Parallel Plates are separated by small

dielectric medium for electric field to flow
ii. It’s less commonly used compared to other
iii. Consist of power source(transmitter) and a
iv. Rectification and Utilization
v. Alignment and Optimization
Different types of WPT:-

i. Improved form of IPT

ii. Here,both the transmitter and receiver
coils are resonated at same frequency
iii. Voltage Rectification
iv. Control and Safety
Power electronics converters & power control

 Power converters maintain stable voltage levels

 These systems manage the distribution of electrical power from

the UAVs energy source to various subsystems

 Variable speed Control

 Fault Detection and Diagnostics

 Emergency Shutdown
Types of Power electronics converters &
power control
1- DC-DC Converters
 These converters used to step up or step down voltage
 ISOLATION:Which can be important for safety and
preventing electrical noise from affecting sensitive
 Radio communication Equipment:eg-transcievers,rely
 Their flexibility in adjusting voltage levels makes them
crucial for reliable and efficient operation
2-Power factor Correction(PFC) Converters

 Reducing Energy Losses

 Optimising Power Supply,ensuring that power supplied to

avionics,sensors,propulsion systems,and other components is of
high quality and effectively utilised

 PFC converters can provide high quality power to radio

communication equipment,ensuring reliable and interface free
communication during flight

 These coverters can improve the efficiency of motor controllers

and electronic speed control(ESC) units.
Modes of Operation OF UAV

1. Mission planning mode

2. Gimbal Stabilizaion mode

3. RTH mode

4. Manual mode
1-Mission Planning Mode

 The operator defines the mission’s objectives and task

 Specify actions and triggers to be executed at certain
waypoints or under specific condition
 Geofencing:Which means virtual boundaries,to restrict the
UAV’S flight within designated area
 Data collection:UAV’S equipped with sensors or cameras
can collect data as per mission plan.
2-Gimbal Stabilization mode

 Improved data accuracy:LIDAR Scanning

 Payload Compatibility

 Smooth Footage-eliminates Vibration that occur during

Advantages of UAV
 Precision and Accuracy:
.Advanced sensors and GPS technology offer high precision and
accuracy in tasks such as aerial mapping,agriculture and scientific
 High possibility of line-of-sight(LOS) links
 Adaptive altitude
 Potential mobility
 Simple infrastructure,low cost,rapid deployment
Challenges in UAV Communication
 The technical aspects of wireless drone charging by elaborating the
current drone charging methods and how wireless charging can improve
the performance of autonomous operations.
 Discuss the wide range of application where rotary wing UAV
excel,including surveillance,agriculture,search and rescue,and more
 The future of UAV relies on wireless charging,which can handle multiple
devices,save time and reduce stress on operators.
 Research and development efforts have been focused on developing novel
concepts,low cost systems and reliable Wireless power transfer system.
1. H. Shakhatreh, A. H. Sawalmeh, A. Al-Fuqaha, Z. Dou, E. Almaita, I. Khalil, N. S.
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2. S. L. Ho, J. Wang, W. N. Fu, and M. Sun, “A comparative study between novel

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Trans. Magn., vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 15221525, May 2011
3. R. Bhujade, R. Mujavar, P. Singh, B. Joshi, and R. Oruganti, “Modeling and
analysis of coupled coils for wireless power transfer,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf.
Power Electron., Drives Energy Syst. (PEDES), Dec. 2016
4. P. Eekshita, N. S. V. Narayana and R. Jayaraman, ”Wireless Power Transmission
System,” 2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and
Informatics (ICCCI), 2021.
5. M. Zargham and P. G. Gulak, “Maximum achievable efficiency in near- field
coupled power-transfer systems,” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., vol. 6, no. 3,
Jun. 2012.
Thank You

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