Simple Past Tense

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Simple Past Tense

• There is only one use of this tense.

1. The action which is done in the past
• We will use V2 for this tense
• Remember that V2 is only used in simple past tense and not with any
other tense.
• S.F. = SUB + V2 + 0BJ
• I saw an elephant.
• That means the action of seeing an elephant is completed by me in
the past.
• YESTERDAY, THE DAY BEFORE, LAST are some indicators of past tense.
• For example = I met you last Sunday.
• Here WAS , WERE , HAD are the forms of TO BE in past tense .
• I was a police.
• I had a bicycle.
• Negative Sentence
• In the negative sentence of this tense we will use DID in
the sentence .
• I did not play cricket.
• Here please remember that when we will use DID NOT
in the sentence , we have to put the V1 in the sentence.
• Positive Sentence = I PLAYED [V2] CRICKET.
• Negative Sentence = I DID NOT PLAY [V1] CRICKET.
• In short, when we put DID NOT in the sentence , we
have to put V1 that is main form of verb in the
• Interrogative Sentence
• This is same as negative sentence.
• We have to put DID at the start of the sentence.
• Here again when we ask que in past tense with DID, we
have to use V1 in the sentence.
• But when we give positive ans of this, we have to REMOVE
DID and again we have to put V2.
• In short while giving positive of the que with DID, we have
to use V2 and we have to remove DID.
• Passive Voice of Simple Past Tense
• Passive voice of this tense is as similar as simple present tense,
we have to just put WAS in place of IS/AM/ARE.
• S.F. = OBJ + WAS/WERE + V3 + BY + SUB
• Cricket was played by me.
• Here again whether we have to put WAS/WERE is completely
dependent on OBJECT.
• For example
• Bananas WERE eaten by me
• Banana WAS eaten by me.
• Here again it is not necessary to put BY and SUB every time at
the end of the sentence.
• I was given salary.
• Bridge was constructed.
• Vegetables were sold.
• I ….. my pen yesterday .[lose]
• …….. Narendrabhai ……. a song yesterday? [sing]
• Bhartiben …….. a prize last year. [get]
• Hina and Krupa ……. their homework yesterday. [finish]
• I ……. a garden last year. [visit]
• I went there and …….. a drama. [see]
• I …… you yesterday in the market. [see]
• …….. you …… a letter to your friend last week ? [write]
• Policeman ….. the thief last week. [catch]
• No, she ………… me last week. [invite]
• We …………. its taste because it was saulty.
• Anilbhai ….. in Rajkot last week. [to be]
• …… he….. his scooter yesterday? [drive]
• He was angry and …….. his brother much. [scold]
• Last year we wrote a book and it ……. successful. [to be]
• I ………… by my mother yesterday. [call]
• No, she ………… me up yesterday. [pick]
• He ran too much but he ………. by police. [catch]
• I ………… to go to my friend’s party. [invite]
• Why mangoes …………. by him yesterday? [sell]
• ……… you ……. him yesterday? [meet]
• Flowers ……….. for wedding. [choose]
• What …….. he ……. yesterday? [do]
• Dogs ………. by my friend last Monday. [feed]
• Atulbhai …… in Ahmedabad last year. [to be]
• Speech ………. at the annual function. [give]
• I ……… a prize by my teacher yesterday. [give]
• People ………… by government for work. [choose]
• I ……….. to clean my home by my mom yesterday, [tell]
• How …… she ……. special dish yesterday. [cook]
• What type of instruments ……………. last week ? [sell]
• No, I …………. a task by my father last week. [give]
• No, she …………. order food yesterday. [order]
• No, I ………. available in last meeting. [to be]
• A book ……….. last week. [write]
Continuous Past Tense
• There is only one use of this tense
1. The action which was going on in the past.
• I was playing cricket.
• It means the action of playing cricket was going on in the past.
• It is quit easy
• It is as similar as continues present tense, we have to just replace
• While I was doing my homework, he came.
• As I was doing my homework, I didn’t know who came.
• When police came, I was reading.
• When I was reading, police came.
• So here words like WHEN, WHILE, AS are the indicators of
continues past tense.
• Negative Sentence.
• It is quit easy, we just have to put NOT after
• I was not playing cricket.
• They were not sitting there.
• Interrogative Sentence
• It is also quit easy.
• We have to put WAS/WERE at the start of the
• Was he playing cricket?
• Were they sitting there?
• Passive Voice of Continuous Past Tense
• S.F. = OBJ + WAS/WERE + BEING + V3 + BY + SUB
• It is as similar as passive voice of continuous present
tense, we have to replace IS/AM/ARE with WAS/WERE.
• Cricket was being played by me.
• Here again OBJ will decide whether to put WAS/WERE.
• Banana WAS being eaten by me.
• Bananas WERE being eaten by me.
• Again here also it is not necessary to put BY and SUB at
the end of sentence.
• I was being given salary.
• Vegetables were being sold.
• Hina ……. in the garden, when I saw her yesterday. [work]
• The child …… soundly, when the robbers came. [sleep]
• I ……… the answers, when you came. [write]
• When Suresh came, we ………. in the library. [read]
• The servant dropped the glass when he ……. it to his master. [carry]
• I saw a magician, while I …….. the road. [cross]
• When I reached the stadium, Kapildev ………. [play]
• While I ………… my bicycle very fast, I met with an accident.
• While, Hina …….. a newspaper, his mother called him. [read]
• The snake came, while the child …… [rest]
• When the teacher was not in the classroom, students …… [talk]
• When teacher ……. English, the bell rang. [teach]
• When patient ………… , doctor came. [sleep]
• When he ………. football, he fell down. [play]
• I found my pen, when I …….. to school. [go]
• TV ……….. yesterday at 8pm. [watch]
• No, I ………. all day yesterday. [paint]
• They ……… the whole time, they were together. [fight]
• As I ……… down the road, I saw my friend. [walk]
• The phone rang, while dinner ……… [eat]
• My vehicle was stolen, when my dog ……. by me. [feed]
• When I entered in her room, piano ………. [play]
• ……… he………, when you reached there? [eat]
• No, the sun ………, when I got up early in the morning. [shine]
• Pizza ………., when guest entered in the house. [make]
• No, he ………., when I saw him. [run]
• ………. they …….., when police came? [fight]
• Vegetables ………, when I saw that vendor. [sell]
• When a pen …………. yesterday [search], my brother ………… at me. [stare]
• Earlier , food ………….. on wood. [cook]
• My dog ……. continuously ………. [bark], when it ………. [feed]
• While I ………… about my business, my mother called me. [think]
• Movie ………. last night [watch], when my brother ………… cricket. [play]
• ……… he ………, when teacher saw him? [talk]
Perfect Past Tense
• There are two uses of this tense.
1. The action which is done a long ago.
2. When the two action is given, the action whish is completed first is always written
in perfect past tense and the second action is written in simple past tense.
• S.F. = SUB + HAD + V3 + OBJ
• It is as similar as perfect present tense, we have to just put HAD in place of
• I had played cricket,
• It means the action of playing cricket is completed a long ago.
• Here BEFORE, AGO, AFTER, WHEN are some of the indicators of this tense.
• When the police came, the thief had escaped.
• Here the action of escaping is completed first that is why it is written in perfect past
• The patient had died, before the doctor came.
• Before going to school, he had attended a party.
• I had been in Rajkot.
• These all actions is completed a long ago.
• We will use HAD with both singular and plural.
• Negative Sentence.
• It is quit easy.
• We have to just put NOT after HAD in the
sentence, just like perfect present tense.
• He had not played cricket.
• Thief had not escaped, when the police came.
• Interrogative sentence
• It is also quite easy.
• We have to put HAD at the start of sentence just
like perfect present tense.
• Had he played cricket?
• Had thief escaped, when police came?
• Passive Voice of Perfect Past Tense.
• S.F = OBJ + HAD + BEEN + V3 + BY + SUB
• I played cricket.
• Cricket had been played by me.
• Here we have to put HAD with all the words whether
they are singular or plural.
• Bananas had been eaten by me.
• Banana had been eaten by me.
• Here again it is not necessary to put BY and SUB at
the end of sentence everytime.
• I had been given salary.
• He had been caught.
• Vegetables had been sold before I came.
• Darshan ……… before you came. [go]
• The train …….. before I reached there. [start]
• The master scolded the servant because he …… some ornaments. [steal]
• Our head master praised us, because trophy ……. by us. [win]
• When the chief guest came, prayer …………. in the prayer hall. [start]
• We were tired, because we ……. a long way. [walk]
• You ………… by your mother before the guest came. [awake]
• The farm ……….. before it rained. [till]
• ……… you ……. the map before you went on a trip? [study]
• Games ……… nicely, so they won the trophy. [play]
• No, Hina ………. a song, before I entered in the room. [sing]
• The match ………… before we reached the stadium. [start]
• The doctor came after the patient …….. [fall]
• ………. he ……. all the tickets before I reached there? [sell]
• The ticket checker asked me whether the ticket ……. [buy].
• No, I ……… the match before he came. [start]
• A plan …………. before my father suggested . [make]
• India ……… for almost 200 years. [rule]
• Indian Cricket Team …….. the world cup in 1983 and 2011. [win]
• I ……… to Rajkot a long ago. [to be]
• Emergency ……….. a long ago. [declare]
• ……… he ……. before you came? [arrive]
• Biryani ……… before I reached. [cook]
• …….. you …… to Ahmedabad a year back? [to be]
• No, I ……….. the cake before he arrived. [make]
• India and Pakistan …….. a joint land many years back. [to be]
• Why you ……… your work before I came? [finish]
• My father …… four vehicles couple of years back. [to be]
• Last year, party ………….. to my friends. [throw]
• India ………. the war against Pakistan in 1975. [win]
Perfect Past Continuous Tense
• There is only one use of this tense.
1. It is used for the action which was started in the past then it
was being continued for a long time and then it was finished.
• For example = I had been working in this company for four
• This tense does not tell us when the action was begun but it
can only tell us the duration of action.
• That is why in this example the duration of working is four
years in the past but when the action was begun , we cannot
• Since is not used in this tense because the action is
completed and it is not going on.
• I had been studying in 2nd grade for a year.
• Negative Sentence
• It is quite easy.
• We have to just put NOT after HAD.
• I had not been working in that company for last four
• I had not been cooking for last three years.
• Interrogative Sentence
• We have to just put HAD at the start of sentence.
• Had I been working in that company for four years?
• We have to just put HAD at the start , BEEN and ING will
be together in the sentence.


• ……. you ……… this job for three years? [do]
• No, I …………… the industry for couple of years.
• You ……….. English for a year. [learn]
• ………. you …….. him for four years? [remember]
• Pritesh …….. in Ahmedabad for three years. [stay]
• No, Mayank …………… Maths for couple of years.
• ………… he ………… you for a long time? [scold]
• I ………. for heist for three years very carefully.
Mixed Exercise
• We ……. to the cinema last week. [go]
• A bird pooed on the window that I …………. only a minute ago. [clean]
• Yesterday at nine he …….. in front of computer. [sit]
• When his mother came, radio ………. [listen]
• A plumber …….. to our house yesterday. [come]
• He ……… [want] to repair our mobile phones which ………….. a few days before. [break]
• Before he …….. [ring] at my door, he ……… for the parking space for about ten minutes. [look]
• While the washing machine ……….. [repair], I ……… news. [watch]
• No, I ………… [realize] suddenly that they ………. our street on TV. [show]
• The reporter ………. [say] that a car ……. into a sign board before reaching the crossroads. [crash]
• While I …… [listen] carefully to what …… [happen], someone ……at my door. [knock]
• Door …….. [open] and I ………. a policeman standing there yesterday. [see]
• …….. He ………. for a mechanic last week? [ask]
• College ………. by her last year. [leave]
• ……… our team ……… them yesterday? [defeat]
• ………. I ……… video game, when my father arrived? [play]
• Breakfast ……….. before going to school yesterday. [eat]
• By the time I reached the station, the train ……… [depart]
• He ……. home, when the accident occurred. [drive]
• The guests had left before I ……… home. [reach]
• No, I …….. well last night. [sleep]
• Every morning he …… for a walk till last year. [go]
• When I arrived, a glass of water ……… already …….. [order]
• He noticed that peter …….. the old car. [paint]
• Before Emma cleaned the table, she …….. a talk with her mother. [have]
• …….. Jack ……. to his dog before he left? [feed]
• I was exhausted at the end of the exam because I ……… for over two hours.
• The singer …….. [to be] awful yesterday. We left after she ……. her first song.
• When I ………. [wake] up, the sun …… [shine]
• ……… the students …….. [argue], when the teacher …….. in? [walk]
• No, I ……… [speak] to Mike at the party because he …………[leave] the party
when we ……….. there. [reach]
• Luckily, the play ………… [start] by the time we ….. there. [arrive]
• The accident happened while a car ………… [drive]
• I ……… [walk] down the street and suddenly remembered the keys …….. [forget]
• While a film ……….. [watch], there ……… a power-cut. [to be]
• ……… you…….? [know] I ……… a pilot a year ago. [to be]
• By the time we ran back to close the window, the bird …… [escape]
• Who …….. the bus at the time of the accident? [drive]
• She was so angry she missed the party, the only reason she ………. [go] because
no-one ………. her. [tell]
• I …… a lot more football than I do now. [play]
• My friend …….. to the restaurant so she knew what to order. [to be]
• I ……… [forget] to tell you yesterday while I …….. [walk], I ……. a man like you.
• What book ………., when I entered in your room yesterday? [read]
• While we ………. dinner, the man knocked the door. [have]
• No, we ……….. to this place before. [to be]
• Apart from the delays at the airport, they …….. their holiday last year. [enjoy]
• No, I ………. [know], you ……. a house last year. [buy]
• What …….. you ….. at the wedding last week? [wear]
• ‘what a disaster of a week’ a woman thought. Everything ……….. wrong! [go]
• We all wanted to believe her but we suspected that she …….. [lie]
• …… you ……. to work everyday when you were living in Spain? [walk]

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