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Alvina Amorita Wijaya



Concerning language It is a music-enabled
learning strategies through short video creation
social media, Cohen (1998) application, which is very
states that language learning popular with many people
and language use strategies can including adults and minors,
be further differentiated TikTok is a social media
according to whether they are platform that allows users to
cognitive, metacognitive, create 16 - 60 second videos
affective and social. accompanied by a wide
selection of features such as
music, filter, and several
other creative features
(Rahardaya & Irwansyah, 2021,
p. 309).
Question of The Research

Is there any effect of social media

TikTok in English learning of the
first-grade students of SDN Karang
Asih 01?
Scope of The Research

01 02



@studiobelajar24 @lukmanhakims_brilliant
Scope of The Research

03 04

Miss Indri
Bahasa aku Inggris

@bahasainggriscom @indrikns_

H0 Ha
There is no effect of There is an effect of
social media TikTok on social media TikTok on
English learning of the English learning of the
first-grade students of first-grade students of
SDN Karang Asih 01. SDN Karang Asih 01.
Objective and Significance of The
1. Objective of The Research
The purpose of this
research is to find out whether
there is an effect of social
media TikTok on English
learning of first-grade
students of SDN Karang Asih 01.
Objective and Significance of The
1. Significance of The Research
 Theoritically
The benefit of this research is that readers can inform
about how the effect of social media TikTok on learning
English. The writer also hopes that this research will be
input for first-grade elementary school teachers so that
learning activities are more interesting and do not cause
boredom in class.
 Practically
The results of this research, writer hopes this research
can be useful for further research, especially for students
of English Literature and English Language Education who
will choose a similar title.
 Based on TikTok (2023), TikTok
is a social media that has the
main purpose for short-duration
mobile videos. TikTok also has a
mission to inspire creativity
and bring joy to those who use

 Khasanah (2022, p. 317) stated

that, TikTok media users are an
alternative solution in
improving student learning
outcomes in mastering the
 Richards (2000, p. 12), concrete
vocabulary is explained with pictures or
through physical demonstration with
initial vocabulary made simple and
familiar, such as objects in the
classroom or clothing.

 Hatch and Brown (1995, p. 1), the term

vocabulary refers to a list or
collection of words for a particular
language or a list of words used by
individual language speakers. Since
vocabulary is a list, the only system
used is alphabetical order.
Population and Sample Method of The Research
Time and Place of The Research

SDN Karangasih 01 Cikarang The total population are 106 Quantitative Research
Utara students at first grades class,
and sample 72 students from
two class (B class & C class)
Instrument of The Research

Observation Test

Interview Documentation
Variable of The Research
Social Media TikTok

Technique Data of Analysis

Data Respondent Data Descriptive Homogeneity

Paired Sample T- Independent Sample

Normality Test Test T-test (Hyphothesis)
1. Normality Test
In the normality test, the data obtained must be more than tha alpha value, which
is > 0.05. we can see the table that the value of Sig. (2-tailed) is more than >
0,05, which means the data is distributed normally.

2.Paired sample T-Test

-If the Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, then there is a significant difference between
learning outcomes in pre-test and post-test.
-If the Sig. (2 tailed) > 0.05, then there is no significant difference between the
learning in the pre-test and posr-test.
Based on the basis of decision making, it is known the Sig. (2-tailed) in the
output above there are two data. In the experimental class, the Sig (2-tailed)
value is 0.000, which means that the Sig. (2-tailed) in the experimental class <
0.05. So it can be concluded that, there is a significant difference between the
learning outcomes in the pre-test and post-test data in the experimental class.
While the value of Sig. (2-tailed) in the control class is 0.453, which means that
the Sig. (2-tailed) in the control class > 0.05. So, the conclusion is that in the
control class there is no significant difference in the pre-test and post-test data.
The conclusion is that learning using TikTok application can improve English
learning outcomes, especially on vocabulary mastery
~ Independent Sample T-Test

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for

Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

95% Confidence

Mean Std. Error Interval of the

Sig. (2- Differenc Differenc Difference

F Sig. t df tailed) e e Lower Upper

Student Outcome Equal variances 11.306 .001 4.070 70 .000 21.667 5.323 11.050 32.283
Learning assumed

Equal variances 4.070 58.413 .000 21.667 5.323 11.013 32.320

not assumed
~ Independent Sample T-Test

Group Statistics

Std. Error
Class N Mean Std. Deviation Mean
Student Outcome Pos-Test Eksperimen 36 78.33 16.818 2.803
Learning (TikTok)

Pos-Test Control (non 36 56.67 27.150 4.525

1. Then the Paired Sample T-Test shows the output of pair 1, has a Sig value. (2-tailed) in
the experimental class amounted to 0.000 which means < 0.05. So we can conclude that
if the Sig value. < 0.05 there is a significant relationship between Pre-Test and Post-Test
learning outcomes. As for the Sig value. (2-tailed) in the control class amounted to 0.453
which means > 0.05. So we can conclude that in the control class if the Sig value. > 0.05
there is no relationship between learning outcomes in Pre-Test and Post-Test data.
2. The last one is the Independent Sample T-Test which shows the Sig. (2-tailed) 0.00
which means < 0.05. We can conclude that, there is an average difference in learning
outcomes between social media-based learning (using TikTok) and conventional learning
(non-TikTok). So it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha can be accepted. Thus the
results of this research hypothesis, namely using the TikTok application as a learning
media for first grade children at SDN Karangasih 01 has a significant effect on
vocabulary mastery, can be accepted. Which means, there is an effect on English learning
through TikTok for first grades at SDN Karangasih 01.
1. For the teacher
a. Teachers must be able to keep up with the development of digital technology in order to add social media-based learning
b. Teachers must understand what media can make the learning process more cheerful and generate new enthusiasm.
c. Teachers must be innovative in approaching students by changing learning strategies so that they do not look

2. For the school

By learning through TikTok learning media, the vocabulary mastery ability of first grade students at SDN Karangasih
01 can improve rapidly. This learning strategy can certainly make students more developed, especially in the way they
express themselves when the learning process is taking place. In addition, this strategy can also increase students'
enthusiasm when learning English which is considered difficult.
3. For the researcher
Through this study, the writer gained a lot of experience and knowledge during the data collection and research
preparation process. Not only that, the writer also gained new knowledge about how to process data properly and correctly
using statistics. In addition, the writer also has new knowledge about how to apply learning strategies for elementary school
children when the course is taught during college. Of course, this experience is really useful for the writer to develop their
quality so that they can do better research in the future.

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