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Philippine Politics and
Governance 11 - Dilthey
Categories of

Economical Cultural Social Religious

Ideology Ideology Ideology Ideology
What is

Economic ideology refers to the

principles and beliefs that guide
individuals, groups, or societies in their
understanding and approach to economic
systems, policies, and practices. It
encompasses ideas about the role of
government, market regulation,
distribution of resources, wealth, and the
allocation of funds.
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Capitalism: Socialism: Communism:
Arguably the most dominant This ideology emphasizes collective Derived from socialist
economic ideology, capitalism ownership and control of resources, principles, communism
promotes private ownership of production, and distribution. It advocates for the abolition of
resources and businesses, free advocates for a more equal distribution private property and aims for a
markets, competition, and of wealth and opportunities and often classless society. It supports
minimal involves the participation of a strong common ownership of resources,
government intervention. central government. Examples include central planning, and limited
The United States and countries like Norway, Sweden, and individual freedoms. The Soviet
countries in Western Europe China. Union and China under Mao
follow this ideology. Zedong are historical examples.
What is
Cultural ideology refers to a set of
beliefs, values, norms, and practices
that shape and guide the behavior,
perceptions, and identity of
individuals within a society. It
influences how people engage with
religion, gender roles, family,
education, and other aspects of social
1.Individualism: In societies that embrace individualism, personal
autonomy, independence, and individual achievements are highly valued.
Western societies, such as the United States, often prioritize individual
agency and personal rights.

2.Collectivism: This ideology emphasizes the importance of collective goals

and societal harmony over individual needs. It places significance on group
cohesion, social obligations, and cooperation. Many Eastern cultures,
including China and Japan, follow this ideology.

3.Feminism: Feminist ideology advocates for gender equality and challenges

traditional gender roles and power imbalances. It aims to dismantle
patriarchal structures and promote equal opportunities for all genders.
Examples of feminist movements can be seen worldwide.
What is
Social ideology is a set of ideas and beliefs
that shape how we view and handle social and
political matters, like how society should work, who
should have control and resources, and what's seen
as fair. It deals with the ideas, values, and norms
that guide people's
understanding of fairness, justice, and the
organization of society. It influences how
people think, act, and make political choices.
These ideas are typically passed down through key
parts of society, like the media, families, schools,
and religion.
1.Ableism means treating people with disabilities unfairly or thinking they are not
as good as people without disabilities just because of their physical or mental
differences. This can happen in many ways, like making assumptions about them
or not including them in things. Ableism is wrong, and we should treat everyone
equally and with respect, no matter their abilities.

2.Activism ideology means the ideas and principles that lead people or groups
who want to make the world better by taking action. They work to bring about
changes in society, politics, or the environment. These ideas can be different
depending on the issue and how they want to make a difference.
What is
Religious ideology is the set of beliefs and
rules that people follow in a specific
religion. It guides how they live their lives,
what they believe about God or the
divine, how they should behave, and what
they think happens after death.
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Christianity: Islam:
Christian ideology centers around Islamic ideology revolves around
the belief in the Trinity (God the the belief in one God (Allah), the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), teachings of the Prophet
salvation through Jesus Christ, and Muhammad as recorded in the
following the teachings of the Bible. Quran, and the Five Pillars of
It includes various denominations Islam, which guide religious
with distinct beliefs and practices. practice and morality.

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