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and Empowerment
. Coaching and Mentoring

By: Richamina Corpuz, RM, BSM

Lesson 6, M106
Delegation- is often task-based, giving
employees the opportunity to act on your behalf
as their manager.

Empowerment - allows employees to act on their

own behalf so that they can take initiative and
make decisions.
5 Key Differences Between Delegating and
Employee Delegation

> When there is a lot of work > Your own “hot potatoes” (extremely
important matters with serious
> When you feel someone else has
consequences, emergencies, matters of
a particular skill or qualification
exception to a policy, etc.)
that would suit a task
> Things that are usually your specified
> When someone expresses an
interest in a task
> Things you would not be willing to do
> When you think a particular
member might benefit from the > A task to a member who may not
responsibility (i.e., an emerging possess the skills necessary
leader in your organization)
Why Is It Important to Delegate?
because you can’t—and shouldn’t—do everything yourself.
Delegating empowers your team, builds trust, and assists with
professional development.

And for leaders, it helps you learn how to identify who is best suited to
tackle tasks or projects.

the people who work for you will be able to develop new skills and gain
knowledge, which prepares them for more responsibility in the future.

Delegation can also be a clear sign that you respect your subordinates’
abilities and that you trust their discretion.
Employee empowerment
Employee empowerment
It’s about accountability and trust. It’s
when you give employees the tools,
resources, inspiration, and authority they
need to have control over their own
decision making when working with
5 Types of Empowerment
1. Decision-making empowerment is just as it sounds, giving employees the
room to make their own decisions and taking their own actions when
handling customers or other business-related tasks.

2. Educational empowerment is providing access to and encouraging

employees to develop new skills through trainings, courses, and other
educational outlets.
organizations are also responsible for equipping them with the tools
and information they need to approach certain situations or tasks.
3. Financial – Employees who are entrusted with their own budgets or
funds for certain situations are financially empowered.

4. Time Management empowerment - is when employees are given the

freedom to make their own calls when it comes to scheduling, work
hours, and at times, work location.

5. Shared Information empowerment - is driven by employees feeling

trusted to be ‘in the know’ with the inner workings of their company.
- makes employees feel valued for being included in important
discussions where their thoughts and ideas are welcomed.
Top benefits of employee empowerment
● More quality customer relationships
● Increased productivity
● Improved quality of work
● Highly motivated workforce
● Lower employee turnover
Coaching - The International Coach Federation defines coaching as
“Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative
process that inspires them to maximize their personal and
professional potential.”
Coach - a person or professional who’s more experienced and
expertised, that offers advice and guidance.
Coachee - the learner from a coach
Mentoring - is a relationship between two people with the goal of
professional and personal development.
The goal is to help mentees improve their skills and, hopefully,
advance their careers.

The "mentor" is usually an experienced individual who shares

knowledge, experience, and advice with a less experienced person, or
Mentors become trusted advisers and role models – people who have
"been there" and "done that."
Top 4 Benefits of Coaching and Mentoring in the Workplace
1. Improved Employee Performance - can encourage employees
when they complete quality work or provide valuable results. Positive
feedback makes employees feel valued and know when they’re
contributing positively.
A coach can pinpoint specific limitations or weaknesses that an
employee may possess and then help the employee strengthen
these areas.
2. Increased Employee Engagement - By coaching and mentoring
employees, you’ll engage them on a more personal and professional
level. The special attention they receive from a coach will make them
feel more valued. And as the coach helps them set and achieve goals,
employees will be encouraged to keep working hard and providing
3. Improved Employee Relations - As senior- and junior-level
employees interact more frequently, they’ll grow more comfortable
around each other. They’ll cultivate a deeper trust in each other and
create stronger bonds of unity. among teams which can lead to greater

Coaching provides employees with deep, valuable relationships

that make them feel more connected to the company.
4. Quickened Leadership Development
Taking time to coach and mentor employees helps prepare them for
future leadership roles in your organization.
Employees also see training for future responsibilities as one of the
most attractive benefits of being coached. When employees know that
you’re truly investing in them and their future at the company, they’ll
be more excited to engage in the coaching process and provide value
to the company.
Topic Coaching Mentoring
Timeframe Relationship is more likely to be short- Relationship tends to be
term (up to 6 months or 1 year) more long-term, lasting a
year or two, and even longer.
However, some coaching relationships can
last longer, depending on goals achieved.

Focus - is more performance driven - is more development

- designed to improve the driven
professional’s on-the-job - taking a more holistic
performance. approach to career
Structure Traditionally more structured, with Generally meetings tend to
regularly scheduled meetings, like weekly, be more informal.
bi-weekly or monthly.
Topic Coaching Mentoring
Expertise Coaches are hired for their expertise in The mentee learns from and is
a given area. inspired by the mentor’s
Agenda - The coaching agenda is co-created - The mentoring agenda is
by the coach and the coachee in set by the mentee. The
order to meet the specific needs of mentor supports that
the coachee. agenda.

Questioning Asking thought-provoking questions is a the mentee is more likely to ask

top tool of the coach, more questions, tapping into
the mentor’s expertise.

Outcome specific and measurable, showing signs more interest in the overall
of improvement or positive change in development of the mentee.
the desired performance area.
Types of mentoring:
Traditional One-on-one Mentoring
Distance Mentoring
Group Mentoring
1. Initiation Stages
- The mentor of Mentor- Mentee Relationship
mentee get to
know each other, They informally discuss
their common interests, values, future goals,
and dreams.
2. Negotiation - It is the stage where a
mentor helps the mentee set learning goals.
3. Growth - They help mentees overcome
challenges; and gradually a mentor becomes
a guide, adviser, and friend to the mentee.
4. Closure - reasons- the program is over, the
goals are accomplished, needs become

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