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In the Name of Allah

Yawar Abbas
Roll No : 37
Usama Aziz
Roll No: 31

Women Security Mobile Application (WSMA)


• Problem Statement
• Objectives
• Hardware and Software Requirement
• Types of User
• Our all Design
Problem Statement
• Women Security App emerges from a profound recognition of today's
safety challenges, especially those confronting women.
• Rooted in the belief that technology can be a protective shield, this app
serves as a digital guardian, ready to send out alerts at a moment's notice
• Beyond its immediate response capabilities, it offers users an educational
reservoir on self-defence and legal rights.
• With every feature, from shake-triggered alerts to SOS voice alarms, our
overarching purpose is to cultivate a sense of security, empowerment, and
awareness for every user, everywhere.

• The "Women Security App" is designed primarily for women seeking an

added layer of safety in their daily lives.
• It caters to individuals who desire quick emergency response tools and
resources that empower them with knowledge about their rights and self-
defence techniques.
Hardware and Software Requirement

• Hardware
• Computer
• Mobile
• Software
• Android-studio
• Programming Languages
• Java
Software Process Model
Waterfall Model:
System Design

Admin (location)

Want to know



• Face recognition login

• Automatically Record Background Sound and will check is there any issue
• Automatically ON back and front camera and start scanning/recording video
then by using image processing techniques will check the environment and
based on this alert will sent to security manager
• When Security manager receive alert he will inform student that he
successfully received students message and student will receive notification
How system Work for Student?
Login Press Alert

Analyze Analyze False

Background Background
Voice using camera


Send Alert
Alert Failed
How To Use By Student

• When She feel insecure there are two way to send alert to
1. By Pressing Send Alert from Application
2. By Pressing power button and volume down button Send
simultaneously at least 10s Alert
Why Our Proposed System is Best

• Only deal with concentrated organization.

• No irrelevant person involve
Thanks For Your Precious Time

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