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Developing Good

Habits for

• Is defined as the interaction of knowledge, skill and desire.

• Knowledge is theoretical paradigm, the “what to do” and the “why”.
Skill is the “how to do”, and desire is the motivation, the “want to do”.
All these three are necessary to make something a habit in our lives.

• Is defined as the basis of a person’s character, creating an empowering

center of correct maps from which an individual can effectively solve
problems, maximize opportunities, continually learn and integrate
principles an upward growth.
H = Habit
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
(Stephen Covey)
1. Be Proactive
- Proactivity means taking initiative. As human being we are responsible
for our own lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our
conditions. Highly proactive people recognize responsibility.
“Response-ability” means the ability to choose your response.
2. Begin with the End in Mind
- “Begin with the end in mind” is to begin today with the image, picture
or paradigm of the end of your life as your frame reference or the
criterion by which everything else is examined. To begin with the end in
mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination.
3. Putting First Things First
- While leadership decides what “first things” are, it is management that
puts them first.
4. Think Win/Win
Win-win sees life as a cooperative arena, not a
competitive one. Win-win is a frame of mind and heart
that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human
interactions. Win-win means agreements or solutions are
mutually beneficial and satisfying.
5. Seek First to Understand than to be Understood
- Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with
the intent to reply.
6. Synergize
- Synergize means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It is
the essence of principle-centered leadership and parenting.
7. Sharpen the Saw – The Principle of Balanced Self-renewal
-It is preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have- you. It is
exercising, renewing and balancing the four dimensions of your nature –
physical, mental and social/emotional.
On the maturity continuum:

1. Dependence is the paradigm of you – you take care of me; you come
through for me, you did not come through. I blame you for the
2. Independence is the paradigm of I – I can do it; I am responsible; I
am self reliant; I can choose.
3. Interdependence is the paradigm of we – we can do it; we can
cooperate; we can combine our talents.
Leader and Leadership defined

• Leadership is the art of influencing people to get the necessary support

and cooperation in community affairs and to maintain solidarity among
people. It is the ability to influence others towards desired goals. It also
means “doing the right things”.
• A leader is one who helps/facilitates communities of people, takes risks
and envisions a better future for his/her group, encourages commitment
and helps people move ahead along a path to accomplish a goal.
Virtues as the Foundation of Leadership

Virtue is defined as conformity to a standard of right and morality. It is a

beneficial quality or power of a thing, and thus, a commendable trait or
The following virtues are considered the
foundation of leadership

1. True leadership is the art of changing a group from "what is" into
"what it ought to be".
2. Leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes and
3. Leadership and learning are indispensable.
4. Leadership and learning to give without expecting anything in return
(not trading).
5. It's loneliness for a leader must always act alone and accepting
everything alone.
6. It's the ability to handle uncertainty.
7. It's looking, dressing, and talking like a leader.
8. It has nothing to do with ordering people around or directing their
every move.
9. The climax of leadership is knowing when to do what.
A good leader:
•enables people to feel and be empowered
•inspires values of caring
•ensures that learning and competence matter
•creates an atmosphere where work is stimulating, challenging, & fun
•helps people feel a sense of unity
• helps members develop a sense of security and trust in one another
• displays reliability and integrity
• is honest, trustworthy, & has integrity
• thinks of was to help members develop sets of intentions, outcomes,
goals, & directions.
Characteristics of a Leader - curious and flexible
- take assumptions constantly
- believe they can affect the world
for the better
- see opportunity in challenges
- make instinctive decisions based
on experiences

- orient selves
- tolerate mistakes
- set standards and objectives
- remain calm under fire
- take responsibility
- have the will to lead rather than manage
- maintain high morale
- want to win
-inspire commitment and teamwork - don't over control
- displays energy passion and enthusiasm
- focused
- take prudent risks
- honest
- carry on despite setbacks
- know their field and job in depth
- work to instill values in others
Leadership Styles

•leader makes decision and announces it.
•leader presents decision but "sells it to the members".
•leader presents a decision and invites questions for clarification
•leader presents a tentative decision subject to change.
•leader presents situation, gets input, makes a decision.
•leader calls on members to make a decision, but holds the veto power.
•leader defines limits and calls on members to make a decision.
•leader calls on members to identify limits, explore possibilities, and
make a decision.

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