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Climate Change and

Energy Crisis
Man’s cultural evolution has enabled him to develop agriculture and the technology which
provides him with modern comforts. As a result, he has been able to escape much of the force of
natural selection. He advances
by means of invention and ingenuity rather than by genetic change. His biological evolution
lags behind his cultural evolution. Thus, man is a unique organism.

In spite of his uniqueness, man remains a part of the biosphere, the world of life. The
biosphere is composed of ecosystem. In any ecosystem, there is an interaction of organisms
amd their environment. The environment affects the lives of the organisms, and the
organisms, in turn, affect the total environment.

Man interacts with environment in both these ways. He depends upon the environment, fuel to
operate his machines, and other raw materials necessary for modern-day life. He alters his
natural surroundings by clearing land, substituting one kind of life for another,
exterminating pests, disrupting food chains, and pouring waste materials into air, water and
soil. The consequences of man’s effect on nature are one of the most urgent problems of
ecology. The changes which man has been making in his environment are important no only to
plants and animals but to man himself.
GLOBAL WARMING is the unusual rapid
increase in Earth’s average surface
temperature over the past century.
Life on Earth depends on energy coming
from the sun. The light that coming the sun is
known as solar radiation. About half the light
reaching Earth’s atmosphere passes through
the air and clouds to the surface, where it is
absorbed and then radiated upward in the
form of infrared heat. About 90% of this heat
is then absorbed by the greenhouse gases and
radiated back towards the surface. 50% are
absorbed by surface, which is absorbed by
the land, plants, oceans and rivers. Some are
reflected back to space, re-radiated out to
space. Some are absorbed by atmosphere and
reradiated back to surface.
are gases in Earth’s atmosphere that trap heat. They let sunlight
pass through the atmosphere, but they prevent the heat that
sunlight brings
from leaving the atmosphere. Since theses
gases are trapped, it brings back heat on the
Earth’s surface.
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The greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in Earth's
atmosphere trap the Sun's heat. This process makes Earth much
warmer than it would be without
an atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is one of the things that makes
Earth a comfortable place to
ntroduction of materials into the environment which decreases the
purity or
cleanliness of the environment

Agriculture and technology are the corner-stones of man’s place in

biosphere. They have been
responsible for his success and comforts. At the same time, they have also
produced unexpected
and undesirable results. In growing crops and manufacturing goods, man
has introduced many
industrial materials into the environment. Many of these materials,
industrial products and by-
products, decrease the purity, or cleanliness of the environment. They
contribute to pollution of
air, water, and soil.
Harmful materials that was introduced to the environment are called
pollutant. POLLUTANTS
can be natural such as volcanic ashes, they can also be created by human
activity such as trash or
run-off produced by factories. Nature can handle and cleanse itself from
natural pollutants, what
it finds difficult to remedy is the excessive pollution resulting from man’s
activities. Air pollution
comes mostly from industries and motorized vehicles. Water and land
pollution are from domestic,
agriculture and industrial wastes.
According to Paul R. Ehrlich, millions of people are going to starve to
death, andsoon. There is
nothing that can be done to prevent it. They will die because of
shortsighted governmental
attitudes. They will die because some religious organizations have
blocked attempts over the years
to get governmental actions to control human birthrate. They will die
because many people, who
recognized the essential role of over population in the increasing woes
of Homo sapiens, could not
bring themselves to leave the comforts of their daily routine to do
something about it. Their blood
will be distributed over many lands.

Overpopulation occurs when a species population exceeds the carrying

capacitor its ecological
niche. Overpopulation can further be viewed, in a long term
perspective, as existing when a
population cannot be maintained given the rapid depletion of non-
renewable resources or given
the degradation of the capacity of the environment to give support to the
population. Factors such
as intraspecific competition, war, famine, and disease may act as
natural checks on the human
describes a change in the average conditions- such as temperature
and rainfall-in a region over a long period of time.
Thank you very

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