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Etapa Ensino Fundamental Língua

Anos Finais Inglesa

Can you write a

poster about a
health myth?
9o ANO
Aula 4 – 4o Bimestre
Conteúdo Objetivos
● Léxico: ciência e saúde; ● Retomar as principais
características do gênero
● Temático: campanhas de
● Ler e compreender um texto
informativo sobre mitos
relacionados à vacinação
contra a influenza;

● Planejar um pôster para

alertar a comunidade escolar
sobre mitos relacionados à
Para começar 5 minutos

Discuss the questions below with your teacher and classmates.

a. When was the last time you were vaccinated?

b. In your opinion, is vaccination important for the prevention of

diseases? Why?

c. Do you know someone, or a group, that questions the importance

of vaccines? Who?
Para começar
Discuss the questions below with your teacher and classmates.
Personal answers.
a. When was the last time you were vaccinated?

b. In your opinion, is vaccination important for the prevention of

diseases? Why?

c. Do you know someone, or a group, that questions the importance

of vaccines? Who?
Na prática 20 minutos

Look at the texts below. What do you expect they are about?
Take notes and, after reading them, check if you were correct. Access on: Aug. 09,

Na prática 20 minutos

The topics of the following text are missing.

Read the texts to answer the questions on the following slides.

Try to figure out what the myths are.

Myth 1: ________________________________________
Fact: As many as 650 000 people a year can die of the flu. This only represents
respiratory deaths, so the likely impact is even higher. Even healthy people can get
the flu, but especially people whose immune systems are vulnerable. Most people will
recover within a few weeks, but some can develop complications, including sinus and
ear infections, pneumonia, and heart or brain inflammations. Access on: Aug. 09,

Na prática 20 minutos

Myth 2: ________________________________________
Fact: The injected flu vaccine contains an inactivated virus that cannot give you
influenza. If you feel achy or slightly feverish, it is a normal reaction of the immune
system to the vaccine, and generally lasts only a day or two.

Myth 3: ________________________________________
Fact: The flu vaccine is proven to be safe. Severe side effects are extremely rare. One
in a million people may get Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), which causes muscle
weakness and paralysis. Access on: Aug. 09,

Na prática 20 minutos

Myth 4: ________________________________________
Fact: Several flu viruses are circulating all the time, which is why people may still get
the flu despite being vaccinated since the vaccine is specific to one strain. However,
being vaccinated improves the chance of being protected from the flu. This is
especially important to stop the virus from affecting people with vulnerable immune

Myth 5: ________________________________________
Fact: Pregnant women should especially get the flu vaccine since their immune
systems are weaker than usual. The inactivated flu vaccine is safe at any stage of
pregnancy. Access on: Aug. 09,

Na prática
The text presents some myths related to the flu vaccine.
Read them again and find in the text the main arguments against
these myths.

a. I am pregnant, so I shouldn't get the flu vaccine.

b. The flu vaccine can cause severe side effects.
c. I had the vaccine and still got the flu, so it doesn't work.
d. The flu vaccine can give me the flu.
e. Influenza is not serious, so I don't need the vaccine.
Na prática
a. I am pregnant, so I shouldn't get the flu vaccine.
Pregnant women should especially get the flu vaccine since their
immune systems are weaker than usual.

b. The flu vaccine can cause severe side effects.

The flu vaccine is proven to be safe. Severe side effects are
extremely rare.

c. I had the vaccine and still got the flu, so it doesn't work.
Several flu viruses are circulating all the time, which is why people
may still get the flu despite being vaccinated since the vaccine is
specific to one strain.
Na prática
d. The flu vaccine can give me the flu.
The injected flu vaccine contains an inactivated virus that cannot
give you influenza. lf you feel achy or slightly feverish, it is a normal
reaction of the immune system to the vaccine, and generally lasts
only a day or two.
b. Influenza is not serious, so I don't need the vaccine.
As many as 650.000 people a year can die of the flu. This only
represents respiratory deaths, so the likely impact is even higher.
Na prática
Read the article again. Tick [x] the statement that does not
correspond to any of the myths or facts in the text.

a. Vaccines are particularly recommended for people whose

immune systems are weaker. ( )
b. There are many flu viruses around, so the more protected our
immune systems are the better. ( )
c. lt is very unlikely that vaccines cause any adverse effects on
people. ( )
d. lf the immune system reacts to the vaccine, it means that you
are infected. ( )
Na prática
Read the article again. Tick [x] the statement that does not
correspond to any of the myths or facts in the text.

a. Vaccines are particularly recommended for people whose

immune systems are weaker. ( )
b. There are many flu viruses around, so the more protected our
immune systems are the better. ( )
c. lt is very unlikely that vaccines cause any adverse effects on
people. ( )
d. lf the immune system reacts to the vaccine; it means that you
are infected. ( x )
Foco no conteúdo
Agora, vocês planejarão um pôster informativo. Por isso, vamos
retomar algumas de suas características:
• O pôster informativo é um tipo de cartaz usado para compartilhar
informações com públicos variados;
• Utiliza-se combinações de linguagem verbal e não verbal;
• Os textos são curtos e objetivos, com linguagem adequada ao
• As informações, geralmente, são apresentadas com criatividade,
para chamar a atenção do público;
• Há uma preocupação estética, considerando a harmonia entre
tamanhos das letras e das imagens, espaçamento, cores etc.
Aplicando 20 minutos

A poster about the vaccine

You are going to work with a classmate to make a draft of a poster about a
health myth.

Follow the steps:

1. Do some research on myths related to vaccines or any other health issues.

2. Decide with your colleagues the objective of the text, such as to bring
awareness to the community about the importance of the vaccine, and
their target public.
3. Write and draw a draft of your poster, based on its objective and target
public. Make sure to provide an objective and useful message to your
4. Share your draft with your classmates and your teacher.
5. Get feedback.
O que aprendemos hoje?

● Retomamos as principais características do gênero


● Lemos e compreendemos um texto informativo sobre

mitos relacionados à vacina contra a influenza;

● Planejamos a criação de um pôster para alertar a

comunidade escolar sobre um mito relacionado à
Tarefa SP

1. Professor, para visualizar a tarefa da aula, acesse com seu login:
2. Clique em “Atividades” e, em seguida, em “Modelos”.
3. Em “Buscar por”, selecione a opção “Localizador”.
4. Copie o localizador acima e cole no campo de busca.
5. Clique em “Procurar”.

Slides 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 e 13 –
. Acesso em: 9 ago. 2023.

Slide 5 –
. Acesso em: 9 ago. 2023.
Slide 12 –
Acesso em: 9 ago. 2023.

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