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Interfacial Phenomena

By SHIMELIS K., (B.Pharm, M.Sc.)

Chapter objectives
 After completion the chapter student will be able to

 Differentiate among different types of interfaces and

describe relevant example in the pharmaceutical sciences

 Understand the terms surface tension and interfacial

tension and their application in pharmaceutical sciences

 Appreciate the different methods of surface and

interfacial tension measurements

 Calculate surface and interface tensions, surface free

energy, work of cohesion and adhesion and spreading

2 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023
coefficient for different types of interfaces
 Understand the mechanisms of adsorption on liquid

and solid interfaces

 Clarify surface-active agents and appreciate their

application in pharmacy
 differentiate between different types of monolayers

and recognize basic methods for their characterization

 Recognize the electric properties of interfaces and

effects of electrolyte
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Surface tension and interfacial tension
Surface free energy
Spreading coefficient
Measuring surface and interfacial tension
Surface active agents
Classification of surfactants

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Floating without floating

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Water striders are light (like ants) thus don’t
“break” surface

Ooh! Look at
me! I have
feet and I
weigh less

So I can walk


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Even a piece of steel can do this trick
if it is small (steel  ~ 8x water)

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What’s the reason behind? Surface tension…
 Surface chemistry deals with the behavior of matter where such
behavior is determined largely by forces acting on the surfaces
Interfaces and Surfaces
 Interface is the boundary between
two or more phases exist together
 The properties of the molecules
forming the interface are different
from those in the bulk
 Several types of interface can exist

depending on whether the two

adjacent phases are in solid, liquid or
8 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU gaseous state. 11/19/2023
Surface and Interfacial Tensions
In the liquid state, the
cohesive forces between
adjacent molecules are
well developed

For the molecules in the

bulk of a liquid

 Surrounded in all directions

by other molecules for which
they have an equal attraction
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Surface tension…
 For the molecules at the surface (at
the liquid/air interface)

 Only attractive cohesive forces with

other liquid molecules which are
situated below and adjacent to them

 The net effect: the molecules at the

surface of the liquid experience an
inward force towards the bulk of the
liquid and pull the molecules and
contract the surface with a force F

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Surface tension…

 Thus SURFACE TENSION [γ ] (dyne/cm or N/m) is the force per unit length
that must be applied parallel to the surface so as to counterbalance the net
inward pull
 INTERFACIAL TENSION is the force per unit length existing at the interface
between two immiscible liquid phases

 Ordinarily, the interfacial tensions are less than surface tensions

 If two liquids are completely miscible; no interfacial tension exists between


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Classification of interfaces

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Surface tension and interfacial tension (against water)

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Surface tension…

 Greater surface tension reflects higher intermolecular force of

attraction, thus, increase in hydrogen bonds cause increase in


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Surface Free Energy
 To move a molecule from the inner layers to the surface, work
needs to be done against the force of surface tension

 If the surface of the liquid increases, the energy of the liquid also

 The work “w” required to increase the surface area of a liquid by

1 cm2
W α ΔA W is surface free energy increase
W=γΔA erg/cm2 x cm2 = erg
γ = W/Δ A erg/cm2 W=γ∆A
 Surface tension: surface free energy change per unit area
15 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023
Surface Free Energy…
 The greater the area of interfacial contact between the
phases, the greater the free energy

 For equilibrium, the surface

free energy of a system must

be at a minimum
 Thus Liquid droplets tend to

assume a spherical shape

since a sphere has the
smallest surface area per unit
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Spreading Coefficient “S”
 When a liquid is placed on the surface of other liquid, it will

spread as a film if the adhesion force is greater than the

cohesive forces

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Spreading Coefficient…
The work of adhesion
 The energy required to break the attraction between the
unlike molecules
 γLS is destroyed after separation and γL and γS are created

Wa = γ L + γ S - γ LS
18 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023
Spreading Coefficient…
The work of cohesion
 The energy required to separate the molecules of the
spreading liquid so it can flow over the sub-layer

Wc = 2 γ L
19 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023
Spreading Coefficient…
 Spreading occurs if Wa > Wc, i.e., Wa-Wc is positive value
 S is the d/ce b/n Wa and Wc

S = Wa - Wc = (γ L + γ S - γ LS ) - 2 γ L
S = γ S - γ L - γ LS
S = γ S – (γ L + γ LS )
 If (γ L + γ LS ) is larger than YS , (S is negative) the substance
forms globules or a floating lens and fails to spread over the

Liquid Substrate
20 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023
Spreading benzene over water
o If the surface tension of water is 72.8 dynes/cm at 20
C, the surface tension of bezene is 28.9 dynes/cm
and the interfacial tension between benzene and water
is 35.0 dynes/cm, what is the initial spreading
coefficient? Following equilibrium is 62.2 dynes/cm
and is 28.8 dynes/cm. what is the final spreading

21 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

Factor affecting Spreading Coefficient

Molecular structural
 The greater the polarity of the molecule the more +ve S
Example : ethyl alcohol
 Non polar substances (-ve S) fail to spread on water
Cohesive forces
 Benzene spreads on water, not because it is polar but because

the cohesive forces between its molecules are much weaker

than the adhesion for water

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The applications of spreading coefficients in pharmacy

should be fairly evident.

For a lotion with a mineral oil base to spread freely

and evenly on the skin, its polarity and hence its

spreading coefficient should be increased by the
addition of a surfactant.

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Measurement of Surface Tension and Interfacial

 Methods for measuring surface and interfacial tension

 Capillary rise method

 Ring (Du Nouy) tensiometer

 Drop weight method (Stalagmometer)

24 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

 The choice of the method for measuring surface and

interfacial tension depends on:

 Whether surface or interfacial tension is to be
 The accuracy desired

 The size of sample

 Whether the effect of time on surface tension to be


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Capillary rise method
 If a capillary tube of inside radius, r immersed in a liquid
that wet its surface
 When adhesive force > cohesive force: the liquid wet the
capillary wall, spreading over it and rising up in the tube

 The liquid continues to rise in the tube due to the surface

tension until the upper movement is just balanced by the
downward force of gravity due to the weight of the liquid.

At equilibrium
 Upward force (surface tension) = Downward force
(mass of liquid)

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Capillary rise method…

 It is not possible, to
obtain interfacial
tensions using the
capillary rise method

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Capillary rise method…
o A sample of chloroform rose to a height of 3.67 cm at
20 oC in a capillary tube having an inside radius of
0.01 cm. what is the surface tension of chloroform at
this temperature? The density is 1.476 g/cm3

o A given liquids rise 3.19 cm in a capilary tube the

redius of which is 0.038 cm and density of the given
liquid is 0.778 g/cm3. Calculate the surface tension of
the liquid.

28 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

Ring Method (The DuNouy Tensiometer): ST & IT

 The principle: the F necessary to detach a platinum-iridium

ring immersed at the surface or interface is proportional to the
ST or IT
 The F of detachment is recorded in dynes on a calibrated dial
 The surface tension is given by:

γ = F / 2 π (R1 + R2)

 R1 and R 2= the inner and outer radii of the ring.

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Ring Method…

The ST is the maximum

force needed to detach the
ring from the aqueous liquid
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Drop Weight and drop volume method (ST)
 If a liquid fall slowly from tube, forms a drop at the end of the tube
which increases in size and finally detaches from the end when the
weight of the drop equals the surface tension

 If the volume or weight of a drop as it is detached from a tip of known

radius is determined, the surface tension can be calculated from

γ = Φ mg = Φ V pg
πr 2πr2

m = the mass of the drop V = the volume of the drop

p = the density of the liquid r = the radius of the tip
g = the acceleration due to gravity Φ = a correction factor
31 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023
Factors affecting surface tension
 The surface tension decrease with increase temperature

 Water has ST 76, 72,63 dyne/cm at 0˚,20 ˚, and 75 ˚ C

 The surface energy may altered by the addition of solutes

that migrate to the surface and modify the molecular forces

surface active agents

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Do U know that

33 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

Importance in pharmacy
 Adsorption of drugs on solid adjuncts of d/t formulation

 Penetration of drug through biological membranes

 Heterogeneous formulation stability: suspension and

 Interfacial phenomena affect drug delivery systems.

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Adsorption at liquid interfaces
Surface Active Agents/Surfactants
 Molecules that are adsorbed at interfaces
 They have a certain affinity for both polar and nonpolar

If high number of polar groups: hydrophilic SAA

If high number of non- polar groups: lipophilic SAA
Well balanced molecule between these two extremes

35 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

What does surfactant do ?

Water & Oil

are mortal
two liquids

Surfactants act
as clamp
binding Water
& Oil together

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Why does surfactant work ?

Water : Hydrophobic Hydrophilic

Oil : Lipophilic Lipophobic

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How does surfactant work?

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How does surfactant work…

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Micelle formation

Extremely Dil. Soln Soln at Soln

Dil. Soln CMC above
40 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU CMC11/19/2023

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 When surface tension is

plotted against the logarithm

of surfactant concentration, log
 Surface excess or surface

concentration is the amount of

the amphiphile per unit area of
surface in excess of that in the
bulk of the liquid
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Structures of Micelles

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Classification of Surfactants
Structural classification

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Anionic surfactants
 The surface-active (head) portion of the molecule has a negative charge, such
as a sulfonate, sulfate, or carboxylate group
 They are the metal salts of long ­chain fatty acids as lauric acid
 Sodium stearate, sodium oleate, sodium dodecylsulphate [C12H25OSO3- Na+],
sodium dodecanoate [C11H23COO- Na+]



Alkyl benzene Sulphonates

45 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

Uses of Anionic Surfactants
 Anionic surfactants are cheap and the most widely used

 Cleansing Formulation
Hand wash
Bath gels
Tooth Paste
Soaps & Detergents

46 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

Cationic surfactants
 The surface-active portion (head) bears a positive charge
localized at the nitrogen atom
 Hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide [C16H33N+(CH3)3Br-]
 dodecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride [C12H25N+(CH3)3Cl−]

47 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

Cationic surfactants…
 Cationic surfactants are expensive
 but their germicidal action makes them useful for many industrial
Amphoteric Surfactants

Cocobetaine (CB)
Cocoamidopropylbetaine ( CAPB)
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Non-ionic surfactants
 These surfactants do not contain charged groups
 Widely used in pharmaceutical formulations
 They are polyethylene oxide products

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Non-ionic surfactants
Sorbitan esters (Span)
 Esterification of the primary hydroxyl group of sorbitan

with lauric, palmitic, stearic or oleic acid forms sorbitan

monolaurate, monopalmitate, monostearate or

50 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

Non-ionic surfactants
Polysorbates (Tween)
 Polyethylene glycol derivatives of the sorbitan esters give

us polysorbates

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Water Solubility of Nonionics

52 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

Applications nonionic surfactants

Cleansing agent in detergents

Emulsifying agents
Solublizing agent
Wetting agents in textile processing, agrochemical
formulations, pharmaceutical formulation.

53 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

Hydrophilic/ lipophilic balance
 The HLB of a surfactant is expressed using an arbitrary scale which for non-
ionic surfactants ranges from 0 to 20.
 Products with low HLB are more oil soluble. High HLB represents good
water solubility

54 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

HLB Value
HLB Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Water in oil
Oil in water Emulsifiers

Wetting Agents Detergents


55 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

Determination of HLB
 HLB of polyhydric alcohol fatty acid esters such as
GMS(glyceryl mono stearate)

HLB = 20 (1 - S/A)

Where S V = Sap value of ester of polyhydric alcohol

AV = Acid value of fatty acid used

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For those materials with which it is not possible to
obtain good saponification number, e.g., beeswax
and lanolin derivatives:
HLB = (E+P)/5

E and P are percent by weight of oxyethylene chains and

poyhydric alcohols groups in the molecules.

Surfactants with only oxyethylene groups

HLB =E / 5

57 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

Calculation of HLB value of PEG-7-glyceryl-cocoate

AV of cocofatty acid = 265 mg KOH/g

SV of PEG-7-glyceryl-cocoate = 95

HLB = 20 ( 1 - 95/265 ) = 12.8

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Determine the HLB value of polyoxyethylene sorbitan

monolaurate for which SV = 45.5 and AV = 276. What

is the use this surfactant?

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Example (Surfactants with only
oxyethylene groups)
% Ethylene oxide in the molecule divide by 5

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Example 2
o Determine the HLB value and function of surfactant
with molecular formula of C12-alcohol + 8 EO.

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Hydrophile-lipophile balance…
o We can calculate HLB values directly from the chemical

formula using empirically determined group numbers

o The formula is then:

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Hydrophile-lipophile balance…
 Tab: Group numbers of some commonly occurring groups

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Functional Classification

 Wetting agents

 Solubilizing agents

 Emulsifying agents

 Foaming and antifoaming agents

 Detergents

64 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

Wetting agent
 when dissolved in water, lower the contact angle and aids in displacing the
air phase at the surface and replacing it with a liquid phase

 Paraffin or new cotton cloth barely wetted by water But

 When surfactant is added to water their surface easily becomes wet

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Wetting agent
 The drop is in equilibrium by balancing three forces

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Young’s Equation
 The contact angle may have any value between the limits:0-
 At equilibrium, the surface and interfacial tensions can be
γSV = γSL + γLV cos θ

67 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

complete no
incomplete wetting
wetting wetting

Ө = 0° Ө 90° <Ө 90° = Ө 90° > Ө 180° =

γ s – γsL> 0 γ s – γsL ≈ 0 γ s– γsL< 0

68 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023
 When the forces of adhesion are greater than the forces of
cohesion, the liquid tends to wet the surface and vice versa

 The surface of liquid water (meniscus) has a concave shape

because water wets the surface and creeps up the side

 The surface of Mercury has a convex shape it does not wet


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Solubilizing and emulsifying agents, micelle
Micelles form around the molecules of the water­insoluble
compound inside the micelles’ cores and bring them into
solution in an aqueous medium.

70 Shimels K. Lecturer, CHMS, HU 11/19/2023

Foams and Antifoaming Agents

 Any solutions containing surface active materials produce stable foams

when mixed intimately with air.

 Foam: air pockets enclosed within thin films of liquid or the gas-in-liquid
dispersion being stabilized by a foaming agents.

 Antifoaming agents: agents such as alcohol, ether and some surfactants

used to break the foam. (HLB: 1-3)

 The undesired foaming of solubilized liquid preparations poses a problem

in formulation

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Detergents are surfactants used for removal of dirt.
 Detergency involves:
Initial wetting of the dirt and the surface to be cleaned.
Deflocculation and suspension, emulsification or solubilization of
the dirt particles
Finally washing away the dirt

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Required Effects when Cleaning

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How Surfactants Work

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simply add soap and they’re SCREWED!

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