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Roberta Bondar

By Lorenza
Who is Roberta Bondar?

Roberta Bondar is
Canada’s first female
astronaut to ever fly into

She is the first

neurologist to
travel into space
as well.
Who is Roberta Bondar? Continued...

Roberta was
born on
December 4,
1945 in Sault
, Fact
Ste. MarieFun
Ontario. Roberta may be the
first Canadian female
to fly into space, but
she is also the second
Canadian to ever go to
Roberta Bondar Growing Up
Roberta Bondar as a Child
Even when Roberta was
at a young age, she loved
science so much, her
father built her her own
l l i n h i g h laboratory in their
a w a s s t i
R o b e r t n se l l o r basement so that she
Wh e n g u i d a n c e c o u
o l , h e r u r s u i n g could do experiments.
scho h e r f r o m p
s t o p i e n c e
tr ie d to n d s t u d y i n g s c
d r e a m a e d t h a t
her .H e b e l i e v
e r s i t y u t t h a
in u n i v n ’ t f o r g i r l s , b
e w a s
scienc o b e r t a f r o m
t s t o p R h i c h i s
d id n ’ e r d r e a m s , w
w i n g h i r a t i o n
f o llo u c h a n i n s p
s s
Roberta’s Education

In 1968, while she was

attending classes at the
University of Guelph, she
In 1971, Roberta earned a
completed a bachelor in both
master of Science through
zoology and agriculture.
experimental pathology from
the University of Western
Roberta’s Education Continued...

Roberta was
schooled at the
University of
Toronto, in 1974 In 1984, Roberta
where she earned a began her astronaut
PhD in training in Ottawa,
neuroscience. In where she would
1977, while hopefully bring her to
attending McMaster NASA.
University, she won
an MD for being a
What is Roberta’s Career? She is a...

Clinical Science Auth
Neurologist Photographer
What is Roberta’s Career? Continued...

A neurologist is basically a type of doctor
who specializes in the nervous system.

Clinical Science
A clinical science researcher is a doctor
who is responsible for examining any
Dr.Roberta Bondar
treatment involved in the medical field.
What Tools Does a Neurologist Use?
EEG recording system with video acquisition
Gas anesthesia Syringe pump (telemetry-based or tethered systems available)
systems (Isoflurane,
N2O, O2) Trinocular microscopes with video
Microsyringe injection system
Iontophoresis stimulator
Laser-Doppler blood flow monitor w/ needle

Stereotaxic frames (digital position,

Heating systems for surgery and post-op
multi-arm, rat/mouse accessories) Biosafety hood recovery

TBI impactor Compound microscope Glass micropipette puller

Roberta’s Astronaut Experience
When the Canadian By flying to the American
astronaut program shuttle Discovery in 1992,
was created to she hadn’t only achieved
recruit astronauts, her dream but she made
Roberta applied and dreams come true for so
chosen to be one of During Roberta’s many women and girls
the first Canadians time with NASA, she across Canada by
to ever travel to showing them that you
was given the title
space. can do anything.
payload specialist for
her very first
adventure. This
means that she had to
Roberta’s Astronaut Experience Continued...

After she retired from

the Space agency, she
then studied
photography where
she published a book
about her experience
in space called
‘Touching the Earth.’
What Did Roberta Do Next?
After Roberta’s
astronaut and
experiences, and
after she published Photography was
her book, she always one of Roberta’s
eventually retired. favourite activities,
therefore she became a
published and an
Why Did I Choose to Research Roberta
I chose to research Roberta Bondar for this Assignment for a few different
reasons. First of all, I am Canadian as is Roberta Bondar, which is one of
the reasons I chose her because she comes from the same country as me.
Secondly, I find Roberta Bondar a symbol of feminism to many people
because she showed us all that women can do anything men can do. And
Lastly, I find Roberta Bondar extremely inspirational, when she flew into
space, she not only accomplished her dream, she also taught us to follow
our passion, and our calling in life. She shows us that with hard work, you
can do anything! Being a Neurologist and an Astronaut aren’t jobs that I
would typically be interested in, more than anything, I want to go to Julliard
and after become an actor and be the voice of a new Disney Princess.
Bonikowsky, L. N., & Gwiazda, E. (2018, December 10). Roberta Bondar. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved
September 14, 2023, from
Clinical Sciences Research - Research Training in the Biomedical, Behavioral, and Clinical Research Sciences. (n.d.). NCBI.
Retrieved September 15, 2023, from
Neuro-Models Facility Equipment: Neurology - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas. (n.d.). UT Southwestern Medical Center.
Retrieved September 15, 2023, from
What is Clinical Science? - Medical and Health FAQs. (n.d.). Retrieved September 15, 2023, from

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