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Contextualization aids comprehension. Generally, to contextualize something is to place it
within its proper and larger setting in which it presents its true and complete meaning. As
Jose Rizal was born and grew up in the 19th century, to contextualize him — so as to properly
understand his life, thoughts, and works — is to understand the social and political context of
that century.

19th Century was an era of challenges and responses

It is the period of major changes that affect man and society
It is the Age of Enlightenment
Framework of Reference (The world of 19th century)

Political Context: The struggle of Nations for Nationalism (see The French Revolution, The American civil war)
Economic Context: Beginnings of Modernization (see Industrial Revolution)
Socio-cultural Context: Toward Modern Consciousness: Intellectual and Cultural Developments (see the
Protestant Reformation, Emergence of Mass Society in the West)

Nineteenth century is commonly depicted as the birth of modern life, as well as the birth of many nation-
states around the globe. The century was also a period of massive changes in Europe (which includes Spain) and
consequently, in the Philippines. It was during this era that the power and glory of Spain, the Philippines'
colonizer, had waned both in its colonies and in the world.
Discussions on the 19th century Philippines as Rizal's context are hereby divided into three (3)
aspects: the economic, social, and political. Under these main headings are major historical events
or issues which characterized the country during that era. John Schumacher's "Rizal in the Context
of the 19th Century Philippines" in The Making of a Nation (Chapter 2) briefly but profoundly
discussed this discourse.
Read it here (Please Download):
Seeing Rizal's Life in his Society

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