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I case of a chemical reaction carried in the laboratory in an open vessel

H= Hproducts –Hreactants =qp

H2(g)+1/2O2(g) H2O(l)+68.32 Kcal

The quantity of Heat 68.32 Kcal on the right hand represents - C H of the
The units of H are Kilocalories or Kilojoules
Relation between H and E
Calorific values of many gaseous fuels are determined in constant volume
calorimeters qv = E
H = E+P V-------------------------(1)
Suppose we have n1 moles of gases before reaction and n2 moles of gases
afterit. Assuming ideal behavior we have
P V= nRT
Substituting in equation(1) we have
H= E + nRT
Molar heat capacities
If q calories is the heat absorbed by mass m and the temperature rises from
T1 to T2 the heat capacity (C) is given by the expression

if mass considered is 1 mole the expression(1) can be written as.

C=q/T2-T1 =q/ T
C is denoted as Molar heat capacity.
The molar heat capacity of a system is Defined as the heat required to raise
the temperature of one mole of substance (system)by 1K
Units of Heat capacity
Calories per degree per mole or joules per degree per mole(Not State
• Two Types of Heat Capacities
1)At constant volume

• dq=dE+PdV

• dq/dT=dE/dT+PdV/dT
• At constant Volume dV=0
• Cv=(dE/dT)v
• The heat capacity at constant volume is defined as the rate of change of internal energy with
temperature at constant volume.
• (dq/dT)p=(dE/dT)p+(PdV/dT)p------------------(1)
• H=E+PV
• Differentiating this equation w.r.t. temperature at constant pressure we get
• (dH/dT)p=(dE/dT)p + P(dV/dT)p-----------------(2)Comparing 1&2
• Cp=(dH/dT)p
• The heat capacity at constant pressure is defined as the rate of changeof enthalpy with
temperature at constant pressure.
Cp is greater thanCv

• Cp = dH/dT------------(1)
• Cv = dE/dT-------------(2)
• H=E + PV for 1mole of ideal gas
• H= E + RT
• Differentiating with respect to temperature T
• dH/dT=dE/dT +R
• Cp =Cv + R
• Cp-Cv=R
Calculation of E and H
• Cv =dE/dT dE = Cv x dT
• E=E2-E1=Cv (T2-T1) for n moles of gas E= n Cv (T2-T1)
• H = (E+PV)
• = E + (PV)
• For 1mole of ideal gas
• = E+ (RT)
• = E +R T
• =Cv(T2-T1) +R(T2-T1)
• =(Cv +R)(T2-T1)
• =Cp(T2-T1) for n moles of ideal gas H=nxCpx(T2-T1)

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