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DNR College of Engineering and Technology



Assistant professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN
1) Understand the concept of Statics
a) Explain the meaning of mechanics in engineering
b) State the importance of mechanics in engineering
c) State the system of units used
d) Explain the concept of force
e) List the types of forces
f) Explain the force systems
i) Co-planar and Non-coplanar
ii) Parallel and Non-Parallel
iii) Like and Unlike
iv) Concurrent and Non-concurrent
g) Explain the concept of equilibrium
h) State the parallelogram law of forces
i) State the triangle law of forces
j) State the polygon law of forces
k) State Lami‘s theorem
l) Explain the concept of free body diagram
m) Solve the problems involving concurrent coplanar forces
n) Solve simple problems involving non-concurrent coplanar forces
o) Solve simple problems using Lami‘s theorem
p) Define the terms couple and moment of couple
q) Explain the properties of a couple
Department of Mechanical Engineering, DNRCET, BVRM
r) State the condition of equilibrium of a body acted upon by co-planar forces
2) Understand the concept of Friction
a) Explain the concept of friction
b) State the laws of friction
c) Identify the machine members in which friction exists
d) Resolve the forces acting on bodies moving on horizontal plane
e) Resolve the forces acting on bodies moving along the inclined planes
f) Solve the related numerical problems
3) Understand the Geometric Properties of Sections
a) Define the terms centre of gravity, centre of mass and Centroid
b) State the need for finding the Centroid and centre of gravity for various engineering
c) Locate the C.G. of a given section
d) Explain the method of determining the Centroid by ‗Method of moments‘
e) Determine the position of Centroid of standard sections T, L, I, Channel section, Z-
section,unsymmetrical I section
f) Determine the position of Centroid of built up sections
g) Explain the meaning of the term moment of Inertia
h) Define the term polar moment of inertia
i) Explain the term radius of gyration
j) State the necessity of finding Moment of Inertia for various engineering applications
k) Determine Moment of Inertia and Radius of gyration for regular geometrical sections like
T, L, I, Channel section, Z- section, unsymmetrical I section
Department of Mechanical Engineering, DNRCET, BVRM
l) State Parallel axis theorem and perpendicular axis theorem
m) Determine M.I of standard sections by applying parallel axes theorem
n) Determine M.I of standard sections by applying perpendicular axes theorem
o) Calculate the moment of Inertia of composite sections
p) Calculate radius of gyration of standard sections
q) Determine the polar M.I for solid and hollow circular section applying perpendicular axes
r) Solve the related numerical problems
4) Understand the concept of Dynamics
a) Define the terms Kinematics and Kinetics
b) Classify the motion types
c) Define the terms displacement, velocity and acceleration
d) State the Newton‘s Laws of motion (without derivation)
e) Solve the problems related to the rectilinear motion of a particle
f) Explain the motion of projectile
g) Solve numerical problems on projectiles
h) State D‘Alembert‘s principle
i) Define the law of conservation of energy
j) Explain the Work-Energy principle
k) Define the law of conservation of momentum
l) Explain the Impulse –momentum equation
m) Solve problems using the above principles
n) Explain the rotary motion of a particle
Department of Mechanical Engineering, DNRCET, BVRM
o) Define centripetal force
p) Define centrifugal force
q) Differentiate between centripetal and centrifugal forces
r) Describe simple harmonic motion
s) Name the Engineering applications of simple harmonic motion
5) Comprehend the Principles involved in Simple Machines
a) Define the important terms of simple machines
i) Machine
ii) Mechanical Advantage
iii) Velocity Ratio
iv) Efficiency
b) Illustrate the three classes of simple lever
c) Show that an inclined plane is a simple machine to reduce the effort in lifting loads
d) Derive expression for VR in cases of
i) Wheel & axle
ii) Weston Differential pulley blocks
iii) Pulleys
iv) Worm & Worm wheel
v) Winch crabs
vi) Screw jack
vii) Rack & pinion
e) Compute the efficiency of a given machine
f) Interpret the law of machine
Department of Mechanical Engineering, DNRCET, BVRM
g) State the conditions for self-locking and reversibility
h) Calculate effort lost in friction and load equivalent of friction
i) Evaluate the conditions for maximum M.A.& Maximum efficiency
6) Understand the concept of Basic Link mechanisms
a) Define important terms of basic link mechanisms
i) Link
ii) Kinematic pair
iii) Kinematic chain
iv) Mechanism, structure & machine
b) Explain kinematic pair and kinematic chain with the help of sketches
c) Give examples for Lower and Higher pairs
d) Give examples of inversion

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DNRCET, BVRM

1) Understand the concept of Statics
a) Explain the meaning of mechanics in engineering
b) State the importance of mechanics in engineering
c) State the system of units used
d) Explain the concept of force
e) List the types of forces
f) Explain the force systems
i) Co-planar and Non-coplanar
ii) Parallel and Non-Parallel
iii) Like and Unlike
iv) Concurrent and Non-concurrent
g) Explain the concept of equilibrium
h) State the parallelogram law of forces
i) State the triangle law of forces
Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN
j) State the polygon law of forces
k) State Lami‘s theorem
l) Explain the concept of free body diagram
m) Solve the problems involving concurrent coplanar forces
n) Solve simple problems involving non-concurrent coplanar forces
o) Solve simple problems using Lami‘s theorem
p) Define the terms couple and moment of couple
q) Explain the properties of a couple

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

Importance of Mechanics
Engineering mechanics is the application of mechanics to
solve problems involving common engineering elements. The goal
of this Engineering Mechanics course is to expose students to
problems in mechanics as applied to plausibly real-world scenarios
Engineering mechanics is the application of mechanics to solve
problems involving common engineering elements.The goal of
this Engineering Mechanics course is to expose students to
problems in mechanics as applied to plausibly real-world
scenarios. Problems of particular types are explored in detail in the
hopes that students will gain an inductive understanding of the
underlying principles at work; students should then be able to
recognize problems of this sort in real-world situations and
respond accordingly.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN
‘force’ can be given in several ways. Most simply it can
be defined as ‘the cause of change in the state of motion of a
particle or body’. It is of course, the product (multiplication) of
mass of the particle and its acceleration.
A Force has following basic characteristics
i) Magnitude
ii) Direction
iii) Point of application
iv) Line of action
Force is represented as a vector .i.e an arrow with its magnitude.
e.g. for the force shown in Fig. 2.1, magnitude of force is 4KN,
direction is 40° with the horizontal in fourth quadrant, point of
application is C and line of action is AB.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

Types of forces
forces can be broadly divided into two types, contact and non-
contact forces. Some non-contact forces are the gravitational
force, electrical and magnetic forces between charged and
magnetic bodies. mostly, we will focus on the contact forces
which are common forces in mechanics.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

Contact Force
A contact force arises when an object is in contact with some other
object. Whenever two objects are in contact with each other,
mutual contact forces exist which satisfy Newton’s Third Law of
Motion. The component of the contact force normal to the contact
surfaces is called ‘Normal Reaction’.
Also, the component parallel to the surfaces is called ‘Friction’. A
contact force can arise even when solids are in contact with liquids.
Some examples of contact forces are buoyant force experienced by
a solid immersed in a liquid, air resistance, viscous force, etc.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DNRCET, BVRM

The tension in a string and the force due to a spring are two other
common forces of mechanics.
What happens when you compress or extend a spring using an
external force?
A restoring force proportional to the compression or elongation is
generated, right? It goes back into its original form. T
his restoring force can be represented as F = –kx, where x is the
displacement and k is the force constant. The negative sign
simply means that the restoring force is opposite to the external
force. In case of an inextensible string, the force constant is very
high. The restoring force is called ‘Tension’.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

When a mechanics problem or system has more than
one force acting, it is known as a ‘force system’ or ‘system of force’.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

Collinear Force System
When the lines of action of all the forces of a system act along the
same line, this force system is called collinear force system.

Parallel Forces

Coplanar Force System

When the lines of action of a set of forces lie in a single plane is
called coplanar force system.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN
Non-Coplanar Force System
When the line of action of all the forces do not lie in one plane, is
called Non-coplanar force system

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

Concurrent Force System
The forces when extended pass through a single point and the
point is called point of concurrency. The lines of actions of all
forces meet at the point of concurrency. Concurrent forces may or
may not be coplanar.
Non-concurrent Force System
When the forces of a system do not meet at a common point of
concurrency, this type of force system is called non-concurrent
force system. Parallel forces are the example of this type of force
system. Non-concurrent forces may be coplanar or non-coplanar .
Coplanar and concurrent force system
A force system in which all the forces lie in a single plane and
meet at one point, For example, forces acting at a joint of a roof
P = External force
F1 to F5 = Member forces (internal) RA and RB = Reactions
C = Point of concurrency Department DNRCET,
of Mechanical Engineering,
Coplanar and non-concurrent force system
These forces do not meet at a common point; however, they lie in
a single plane, for example, forces acting on a beam

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Non-coplanar and concurrent force system
In this system, the forces lie in a different planes but pass through
a single point. Example is forces acting at the top end of an
electrical pole

Non-coplanar and non-concurrent force system

The forces which do not lie in a single plane and do not pass
through a single point are known as non-coplanar and non-
concurrent forces. Example is the loads transferred through
columns to the rectangular mat foundation
Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN
Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN
In mechanics, a particle is in mechanical equilibrium if
the net force on that particle is zero. a physical system made up
of many parts is in mechanical equilibrium if the net force on
each of its individual parts is zero.
In addition to defining mechanical equilibrium in terms of force,
there are many alternative definitions for mechanical equilibrium
which are all mathematically equivalent. In terms of momentum,
a system is in equilibrium if the momentum of its parts is all
constant. In terms of velocity, the system is in equilibrium if
velocity is constant.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

Parallelogram law of forces
The law of parallelogram of forces states that if two vectors
acting on a particle at the same time be represented in magnitude
and direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram drawn
from a point their resultant vector is represented in magnitude
and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram drawn from
the same point .

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

Magnitude and Direction of Resultant:
Draw a perpendicular QN to OP produced.
And let us assume that OP=A, OS= PQ= B, OQ=R and angle SOP=
angle QPN = θ.
Now considering this if we proceed further , in the case of triangle
law of vector addition , the magnitude and direction of resultant
vector will be given by
R= sqrt of A^2 + B^2 + 2 AB cosθ
tan B = B sinθ/ A+B cosθ
Special cases :-
(1) When two vectors are acting in the same direction , then θ= 0 ,
cosθ=1 and sinθ= 0
R= sqrt of A^2 + B^2 + 2 AB
=sqrt of (A+B)^2 = A + B
tan Beta = B X 0/ A+B = 0
Beta = 0
Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN
Thus for two vectors acting in the same direction the magnitude of
the resultant vector is equal to the sum of the magnitudes of two
vectors and act along the direction of A and B.
When two vectors are acting in opposite directions , then θ= 180 ,
cos θ= -1 and sinθ= 0
R= sqrt of A^2+ B^2+ 2 AB (-1)
= sqrt of (A-B) or (B-A)
tan beta = B X 0/ A+ B (-1)= 0
Beta = 0 or 180.
Thus for two vectors acting in opposite directions, the magnitude
of the resultant vector is equal to the difference of the magnitudes
of the two vectors and acts in the direction of bigger vector .
When two vectors act at right angle to each other θ = 90 , sinθ =
1 and cosθ = 0
R= sqrt of A^2+B^2 + 2 AB (0)
= sqrt of A^2+B^2
tan beta = B(1)/A+B(0)= B/A or, Beta = tan^-1 B/A
Department of Mechanical Engineering, DNRCET, BVRM
1) Two forces 5 N and 20 N are acting at an angle of 120 degree
between them . Find the resultant force in magnitude and
Solution : Here A = 5 N
B = 20 N ; θ= 120 degree ; R= ?; beta =?
R= sqrt of A^2+ B^2+ 2 AB cosθ
= sqrt of 5^2 + 20^2+ 2 X 5 X 20 cos 120 degree
= sqrt of 325
= 18.03 N
tan beta = 5 sin 120 /20 + 5 cos 120
= 5 sqrt 3 / 2 /20 +5 X (-0.5)
= 0.2475 = tan 13 degree 54 min
hence, beta = 13 degree 54′

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

2) Two forces 10 N and 14 N are acting upon the a body .
What can be the maximum and minimum resultant force on
the body ?
Solution :
Here, A= 10 N ; B= 14 N
R= sqrt of A^2 + B^2 + 2 AB cosθ
a) R will be maximum if cosθ= 1 , then
R= (A+B)=10+14=24 N in the direction of 14 N

b) R will be minimum if cosθ= -1 ,

then R= (A-B) or (B-A)
= 14- 10
=4 N in the direction of 14 N

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

Triangle law of forces
The resultant of two forces acting at a point can also be found by
using triangle law of forces.
“If two forces acting at a point are represented in magnitude and
direction by the two adjacent sides of a triangle taken in order, then
the closing side of the triangle taken in the reversed order
represents the resultant of the forces in magnitude and direction”.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

Polygon law of forces
If a number of forces acting simultaneously on a particle be
represented in magnitude and direction by the sides of a polygon
taken in order, their resultant may be represented in magnitude
and direction by the closing side of the polygon taken in
opposite order.

Where A, B, C and D are the forces and

R = Resultant force
Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN
Lami’s theorem
Lami' s theorem states that if three forces acting at a point are in
equilibrium, each force is proportional to the sine of the angle
between the other two forces. Consider three forces A, B, C
acting on a particle or rigid body making angles α, β and γ with
each other

where A, B and C are the magnitudes of the three coplanar,

concurrent and non-collinear forces, FA , FB , FC which keep the
object in static equilibrium, and α, β and γ are the angles directly
opposite to the forces.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

As the forces must balance FA + FB + FC=0, hence by making all the
forces touch its tip and tail we can get a triangle with sides A,B,C
0 0 0
and angles. 180 – α, 180 – β, 180 – γ By sine rule,

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

1) The cable and boom shown in Fig.support a load of 600 lb.
Determine the tensile force T in the cable and the compressive for
C in the boom.

∘ ∘
Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN
∘ ∘


Tsin30 +(1.2247T)sin45 =600
T=439.24 lb

C=537.94 lb
By lami’s Theorem

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DNRCET, BVRM

∘ ∘ ∘
Tsin45 = Csin60=600sin75
T=439.23 lb
C=537.94 lb

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

Free Body Diagram
A free-body diagram is a sketch of an object of interest with all the
surrounding objects stripped away and all of the forces acting on the
body shown. The drawing of a free-body diagram is an important step
in the solving of mechanics problems since it helps to visualize all the
forces acting on a single object. The net external force acting on the
object must be obtained in order to apply Newton's Second Law to
the motion of the object.
A free-body diagram or isolated-
body diagram is useful in problems
involving equilibrium of forces.
Free-body diagrams are useful for
setting up standard mechanics

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

Couple and moment of couple
The two equal and opposite forces, whose lines of action are
different, form a couple,

The perpendicular distance (x) between the lines of action of two

equal and opposite forces is known as arm of the couple. The
magnitude of the couple (i.e. moment of a couple) is the product of
one of the forces and the arm of the couple. Mathematically,
Moment of a couple=P x X
A little consideration will show, that a couple does not produce any
translatory motion (i.e. motion in a straight line), but a couple
produces a motion of rotation of the body on which it acts.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN
Properties of a Couple

 A couple produces rotation without translation.

 Moment of couple is product of magnitude of Forces and the
distance between them.
 Moment of couple is independent of the origin of the forces
or reference point.
Conditions for Equilibrium

 The first condition of equilibrium is that the net force in all

directions must be zero.
 The second condition of static equilibrium says that the net torque
acting on the object must be zero.
 In equilibrium, the net force and torque in any particular direction
equal zero.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN
1.State the Parallelogram law of forces Mar/Apr 2018

The law of parallelogram of forces states that if two vectors

acting on a particle at the same time be represented in magnitude
and direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram drawn
from a point their resultant vector is represented in magnitude
and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram drawn from
the same point .

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

2) The following forces act at a point Mar/Apr 2018
a) 25 N inclined at 35 towards north of west
b) 20 N towards North
c) 30 N towards North – West
d) 20 N inclined at 20 towards South of West
Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

Mar/Apr 2018

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN
4) Define fundamental and derived quantities with
examples. Mar/Apr 2017

Fundamental Quantities are independent and don’t depend upon

other quantities for their measurement. On the other hand,
derived quantities depend upon other fundamental quantities for
their measurement.
for example: Mass is a fundamental physical quantity. It’s SI unit
is Kg.
Speed is a derived physical quantity. It’s unit is m/s (meter per
second). So, speed depends upon length and time for being

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN

5) Define force and state the characteristics of force Mar/Apr 2017

‘force’ can be given in several ways. Most simply it can be defined
as ‘the cause of change in the state of motion of a particle or body’. It is of
course, the product (multiplication) of mass of the particle and its
A Force has following basic characteristics
i) Magnitude
ii) Direction
iii) Point of application
iv) Line of action
Force is represented as a vector .i.e an arrow with its magnitude.
e.g. for the force shown in Fig. 2.1, magnitude of force is 4KN, direction is
40° with the horizontal in fourth quadrant, point of application is C and line of
action is AB.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, DN


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