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Eating Choco rolls can provide a few benefits. Firstly, they can give
you a quick burst of energy due to the sugar content. This can be
helpful if you need a pick-me-up during the day. Additionally, Choco
rolls can boost your mood as they are considered a comfort food for
many people. Lastly, Choco rolls contain dietary fiber, which can aid
in digestion and promote a healthy digestive system. However, it’s
important to consume Choco rolls in moderation as they are
considered a processed food.
Ingredients we used:
• 2 cups of water
• 1 cup of flour
• 2 sachet of milo
• 5 tbsp of sugar
• 50 pieces of wrapper
• Vegetable oil
What problem are we solving?
Most people like chocolate especially children and teenagers but
they lack of money/allowance to buy it because a chocolate is little
bit expensive in them and you rarely find a store that sells chocolate
in San Miguel. So most people crave for it and according to various
research, when children & teenagers consume chocolate it perceive
a feeling of satisfaction and happiness in them. So we made a snack
that taste like chocolate and its choco roll that made up of a
chocolate/milo powder that can satisfy the wants of our target
market and it also affordable.
Who has this problem?

Our target market which is Children and Teenagers

What we want to achieve?

• We want to satisfy the craving of our target market.
• We want to bring happiness and joy in them.
• We want to success our business and have a good reputation.


To provide a healthy snack and bring happiness in our community.

What make our product unique to other products

Even our product is inexpensive it is unique because the main

ingredients we use is milo and we all know that milo contains lot of
vitamins .

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