BSBXTW401 - Presentation 1

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Welcome to
ACT Cyber security

term 3 of
diploma of it
Presentation 1 - BSBXTW401
Who is your facilitator for Term 3?
Jonatas Lira
● Write your name on the yellow
● These will be displayed on your
table at every class

Attendance ● This is how I will be marking your

Tell me about yourself

Come up with 2 true statements and 1 false statement

about yourself.
Share this with the class along with your name. The
rest of us have to guess which one is the lie.
Class Rules?
Class Values?
● Our classes start at 5 PM

Our Class Values

2. No class can be miss. If you need
to miss class for COMPELLING
Our Class Values reasons you need to send me an
EMAIL and provide evidences.
3. If you don’t understand
something, always ASK, no one is
Our Class Values going to judge you and if the do,
we keep them out of the class!
4. COPY/PASTE from the
INTERNET or from each other is

Our Class Values NOT allowed.

allowed, you have to make the
Our Class Values time to come to class, you can
work any other day of the week,
Our Class Values class
● WiFi: Laneway Edu
● Password: Melbourne2020

IT Stuff
● Join the Whatsapp group

● Everyone must have a computer device for


● Phones can’t be used during class, thanks!

● 5am - 8pm: Class Lecture

Class Timetable ● 9am - 11am: Assessment

Term 3:
Monday 4th September - Sunday
17th September
Holiday Dates
Term 4:
Monday 27th November - Sunday
7th January
Assessment 3 Due
Assessment 3: Knowledge Test
BSBXTW401 Due: 09/07/2023
Assessment 4 Due
Assessment 4: Project Portfolio
BSBXTW401 Due: 30/07/2023
Assessment 1 Due Assessment 1: Knowledge Test
ICTSAS527 Due: 13/08/2023
Assessment 2 Due Assessment 2: Project Portfolio
ICTSAS527 Due: 03/09/2023
Each student will only be given
Assessment 1 chance per term for an extension.

Extension Once you have used this chance, the $150

invoice will be sent to you.
● Maximum of 2 attempts to resubmit.

● You are given 7/3 days to re-submit

● Late submissions will also incur
Re-assessment and $150.00 re-assessment fee

Late submission ● Submit your answers in red for

Group Work
You can work in
groups but...
you have to provide individual
answers in your assessment!
What will you learn?
Term 3 (First Half) - Diploma of IT (Cyber

BSBXTW401 - Lead and facilitate a team

Week 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Term 3 (Second Half) - Diploma of IT (Cyber

ICTSAS527 - Manage client problems

Week 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10
What will you learn in the next 5
Roadmap for Term 3
Introduction + Working in Teams
Assessment 3 Workshop (BSBXTW401 Knowledge Questionnaire)

Plan Team Outcome

Assessment 3 Workshop + Assessment 3 Due This Sunday

Coordinate Team and Individuals

Assessment 4 Workshop (BSBXTW401 Project Portfolio)

Support Team
Assessment 4 Workshop (BSBXTW401 Project Portfolio)

Monitor Team Performance

Final Presentations + Assessment 2 Due This Sunday
● What is a team?

Today’s plan ● Team Planning

● Team Meeting and Task Allocation
What is a Team?
Red Bull Team - F1
What characteristics makes them so successful?
What qualities do
effective team leaders
Google Project Aristoteles
Google Project Aristoteles
● Started 2012 - 5 years
● 180 teams
● 37,000 employees
● Goal: To build the most effective teams

They analysed everything, e.g:

● Who would eat together on breaks (most

productive employees tend to build larger
networks by rotating dining companions)
● Traits of the best managers (good
communication and avoiding micromanaging)
Google Project Aristoteles

Characteristics of a successful team:

● How often they socialised outside the office?

● Same hobbies?
● Educational background similar?
● Better outgoing people work together? Shy
people together? A mix of both?
● Gender balance?

● After 1 year they found out group
norms were keys to improving
Google’s Teams
Group Norms → Norms are the traditions, behavioral
Google Project Aristoteles standards and unwritten rules that
govern how we function when we
Which group would you rather join?

Group A Group B

● People smart and successful ● Successful people + people still learning

● When the topic comes, the expert speaks their jobs
and explains well to the group ● Teammates jump in and out of a
● Activities are assigned discussion
● Meeting finishes on time ● When a team member changes the topic,
● Everyone is back to work the rest of the group follow him off the
● At the end of the meeting everyone talks
gossip and about their lives, therefore the
meeting doesn't end
● 699 people divided in small teams
● The teams received activities
“Good” Teams ● What distinguished “good” teams
from dysfunctional teams was how
Research from M.I.T. teammates treated each other
● Their knowledge and experience
didn’t matter
“Good” Teams ● Equality in distribution of
conversational turn-taking
● High average social sensitivity
Things in common
Equality in distribution of conversational turn-

● Team members spoke for roughy same


‘‘As long as everyone got a chance to talk, the team

did well. But if only one person or a small group
spoke all the time, the collective intelligence
declined.’’ - Woolley
Average Social Sensitivity
A fancy way of saying when someone is skilled at intuiting
how others feel based on their tone of voice, their expressions
and other nonverbal cues

Easiest ways to gauge social sensitivity = Reading the Mind

in the Eyes test (show someone photos of people’s eyes and
ask them to describe what the people are thinking or feeling)

● Good teams scored above average → They seemed to

know when someone was feeling upset or left out.
● Ineffective teams scored below average → as a group
they had less sensitivity toward their colleagues.
Knowing the information you now know, would you
change your answer?

Which group would you rather join?

You should opt for Team B!
Psychological Safety

‘‘A sense of confidence that “Shared belief held by members

the team will not embarrass, of a team that the team is safe
reject or punish someone for
for interpersonal risk-taking.’’
speaking up, It describes a
team climate characterized by
interpersonal trust and mutual
respect in which people are
comfortable being

Amy Edmondson - Harvard Business School

Matt Sakaguchi

● He was not a engineer but he managed

engineers at Google
● He found out people in his team didn’t know
the impact of their work at Google
○ It was a surprise “Why no one never told me that?”
○ People didn’t feel free to talk
● He gathered all of his team off campus and ask
everyone to share something personal about
their lives
○ He shared he had cancer stage 4
Matt Sakaguchi

● After that everyone shared their personal

● They agreed to adopt new norms
○ Matt would make an extra effort to let the
team members know how they work would fit
into Google’s mission
○ They agreed to try harder to notice when
someone is excluded or down
Google Project Aristoteles - Results
What are your thoughts on the results?
Psychological 1.
They are available and welcoming
They get second opinions

Safety 3.
They encourage collaboration
They engage in personal
How leaders can create it? conversations
5. They spread kindness
Google Project Aristoteles - Summary
Group vs Team
Not always a group of individuals are a team. Team
characteristics are:

● Are chosen for specific functions

● Have shared purpose and goals
● Have strong leadership
● Demonstrate support for members and other
● High level of trust between the members
● Work together to achieve greater results
● Monitor, evaluate and review performance
Effective ● Shared Values
● Mutual Trust
Teamwork ● Inspiring vision
● Skill/Talent
Characteristics ● Rewards
Case Study: Luna Corporation’s Product
Development Team

Luna Corporation is a leading technology company known for developing

innovative products. The Product Development team, responsible for creating
new products, consists of cross-functional members, including engineers,
designers, marketing specialists, and project managers.

The team is facing a few challenges and you have to find possible solutions
for them.

● Communication Breakdown: The team faced challenges in effective communication, leading

to misunderstandings and delays in decision-making. There were instances where critical
information was not conveyed to all team members, resulting in confusion and rework.
● Conflicting Priorities: Team members had differing opinions on project priorities, creating
conflicts and hampering progress. Some members prioritized technical aspects, while others
focused on market demands, leading to tension and disagreements.
● Lack of Accountability: The team struggled with a lack of individual accountability, as team
members often pointed fingers or avoided taking responsibility for mistakes or missed
deadlines. This lack of accountability affected the overall team performance and created a
negative work culture.

Discuss some possible solutions to overcome these issues

Lunch Break!
See you back here at 1pm.
Class Clean-Up.

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