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What is a brand?

A Brand is a product, services or concept that is publicly distinguished from other products, services or concept so that
it can be easily communicated and usually marketed.

Branding is the process of creating and disseminating the brand name, its qualities and personality, branding could be
applied to the entire corporate identity as well as to individual products and services or concepts.

Corporate Brands: Corporate branding is a way for companies to enhance their reputations and distinguish themselves from competitors in
their industries. The company's pricing, mission, target market and values all reflect the corporate brand.

Personal Brands: Social media enabled ordinary people to become influencers. Their financial success depends on their
ability to create a brand that attracts an audience that certain advertisers want to reach. Personal brands are built through
social media posts, sharing images and videos, and conducting meet-and-greets.

Product Brands: Establishing and preserving a product's brand is necessary for both introducing new products and supporting those that
already exist. Finding the ideal target market and conducting market research are the first steps in branding a product.
What is brand equity?
- Brand equity is the perceived value of a brand. Separate from the actual value of your products or services, brand equity is the worth consumers
assign to a brand itself.

Businesses earn positive brand equity by achieving:

Widespread brand awareness: Consumers know your brand name and what you sell.

Positive brand associations: Consumers connect your brand with positive feelings, positive experiences, and positive concepts.

Strong brand loyalty: Members of your customer base strongly prefer your brand over competitors.

High perceived quality: Consumers perceive your products and services as high-quality.

Ownership of proprietary assets: Your brand owns intellectual property, such as trademarks or patents.
What are the Components of Brand Equity?
Brand equity is made of a variety of components. A few important components include:

 Brand Awareness
 Brand Association
 Perceived Quality
 Brand Experience
 Brand Preference
 Brand Loyalty
Brand Awareness
- Brand awareness is important for brand equity. It means customers can recognize and link a brand with a product or service. This initial
familiarity is important for building brand value. For example, companies like Nike, Coca-Cola, and BMW have established such strong brand
awareness that people can instantly recognize them just by their logo.

Brand association
- Brand association is the lasting impression a customer has about a brand. It's what comes to mind when they hear the brand name. For example,
Nike is linked with athletic performance. This association builds as a customer interacts with the brand. It's crucial for brands to align with
positive attributes. Think of M&M's slogan, "Melts in your mouth, not in your hand" - it's a memorable association that sticks with customers.
This helps in brand recall.
Perceived Quality
- Perception is a powerful force in consumer behavior. Perceived quality, how a product meets expectations, is key in building brand equity. It
influences buying decisions and enhances other brand elements. For products, quality is assessed through performance, reliability, features, and
more. For services, it's about responsiveness, competence, and empathy. Customer knowledge, association, and experience with a brand are
crucial in decision-making. For instance, Pepsi is perceived as youthful, innovative, and dynamic, boosting its brand equity.
Brand Experience
- Brand experience encompasses a customer's overall interaction with a product and the brand. This includes pre-sale, sale, and post-sale experiences. A
positive brand experience leads to a preference for that brand over competitors, enhancing brand equity. Elevating brand experience involves generating
positive emotions in customers, fostering brand loyalty, and ultimately boosting brand value. Lego exemplifies this with hands-on experiences in their
stores and engaging content, creating a strong brand connection.

Brand Preference
- Brand preference is when customers choose a specific brand's product over similar options, even if it's pricier or more effort to obtain. It strongly impacts
brand equity and is influenced by factors like quality, service, loyalty, and effective marketing. This preference often stems from emotional responses to a
brand's image and strategy. Harley-Davidson, known for its personality and resilience, exemplifies this, having garnered devoted customers who prioritize
their brand.

Brand Loyalty
- Brand loyalty occurs when a consumer consistently chooses one brand over others in the same category, even when faced with higher prices or less
convenience. This steadfast customer base contributes significantly to brand equity. Loyal customers remain unfazed by competitors' marketing efforts and
continue to choose the brand's products.
Wh a t i s t h e I mp o rt a n ce o f Bra n d Eq u i t y ?
Yo u r co mp an y ' s b r an d eq u i t y i s an i mp o r t an t co mp o n en t o f i t an d i t i s v er y v al u ab l e. Hi g h er p r i ces an d i n cr eas ed
s al es ar e ex amp l es o f y o u r b r an d ' s t an g i b l e v al u e, wh er eas b r an d awar en es s an d g o o d wi l l ar e ex amp l es o f i t s
i n t an g i b l e v al u e.

Importance of Brand Equity

 Increase in Margin
 Increases Market Share
 Business Expansion
 Intangible Asset
 Competitive Edge
• Increase in Margin
- P o s i t i v e b r an d eq u i t y al l o ws a b r an d t o ch arg e mo r e t h an t h e mar k et av er ag e. Cu s t o mer s ar e wi l l i n g t o p ay a p r emi u m
f o r a b r an d t h ey t r u s t . Th i s ad d i t i o n al v al u e co n t r i b u t es t o i n cr eas ed p r o f i t marg i n s .
• Increases Market Share
- Br an d eq u i t y g i v es r i s e t o b r an d l o y al t y, l ead i n g cu s t o mer s t o s t ay l o y al t o a s p eci f i c b r an d . Th i s , i n t u r n , b o o s t s t h e
b r an d ' s mar k et s h ar e.
• Business Expansion
- Br an d eq u i t y p r o v i d es a co mp an y wi t h t h e l ev er ag e t o ex p an d i t s b u s i n es s i n t o n ew p r o d u ct s an d r eg i o n s , cap i t al i zi n g
o n t h e es t ab l i s h ed p o s i t i v e b r an d r ep u t at i o n .
• Intangible Asset
- Br an d eq u i t y i s an i n t an g i b l e as s et . P o s i t i v e b r an d eq u i t y i s mo r e v al u ab l e an d i s t r an s f er ab l e t o o t h er s t h r o u g h
l i cen s i n g , s al es , o r l eas e ag r eemen t s . Br an d eq u i t y i s an i n t an g i b l e as s et . P o s i t i v e b r an d eq u i t y i s mo r e v al u ab l e an d i s
t r an s f er ab l e t o o t h er s t h r o u g h l i cen s i n g , s al es , o r l eas e ag r eemen t s .
• Competitive Edge
- Br an d eq u i t y g i v es b u s i n es s es a mar k et ad v an t ag e. Cu s t o mer s r eco g n i ze a b r an d an d ar e d ev o t ed t o i t . As a r es u l t , t h e
co mp et i t i v e ed g e o f t h e p r o d u ct s i s en h an ced . A co mp an y ' s b r an d eq u i t y i n cr eas es wi t h h i g h er b r an d r eco g n i t i o n , g i v i n g
i t a co mp et i t i v e ad v an t ag e o v er o t h er wel l - k n o wn b r an d s .

1. Emotional 2. Quality of
Customers 3. Branding
Bond with
Experience strategy

5. Positive Social
4. Product Media
Innovation Reputation
Emotional Bond With Customers
- A company that provides similar products, customer service, and prices can stand out in a competitive marketplace by incorporating softer
components like emotions. By providing customers with emotional motivations like a sense of pride, passion, trust, faith, self-expression, and a
sense of belonging with the brand, larger brands have incorporated emotional bonds with consumers.

Quality of Customer Experience

- Customer Experience QualityGreat brand value can be produced by great customer experiences, and this directly increases brand equity. A
business that has decided to raise brand equity should start by enhancing the customer experience. Knowing what makes a customer satisfied and,
by extension, adds value to your business, is the first step. Your employees are the first point of contact for customers, so they are the guardians of
excellent customer service.

Branding Strategy
- Branding strategy is a long-term action plan for an organization and is used to differentiate its products and services from those of its
competitors. Brand strategy is essential to define the image that a company wants to build for its customers.

Product Innovation
- Customers frequently believe that the majority of brands offer products that are extremely similar, or even identical in some cases, to one another.
Customers seek out goods that are useful and capable of resolving their issues. As a result, businesses are struggling to provide a product that will
stand out from the competition. Product innovation can help to accomplish this.

Positive Social Media Reputation

- In the age of social media, cultivating a positive online reputation is crucial for fostering growth and enhancing brand equity. This process
mirrors brand-building, demanding consistent efforts to earn and maintain customer trust over time. Your social media reputation serves as
tangible evidence of how customers perceive your brand and offerings. Businesses with exceptional online reputations have a strong foundation
for further success and expansion.
Brand equity is of two kinds:
1. Positive Brand Equity - A positive brand experience creates higher trust in a product and
impacts the choice that a customer makes while buying a product.
2. Negative Brand Equity- Negative brand equity is created when a brand consistently Negative
brand equity is created when a brand consistently fails to deliver its promise and hence disappoints
its customers to the extent that customers stop buying their products and also recommend others
not to use it. Negative brand equity will damage and hurt the existing products by having a long-
lasting effect on the brand.
What is Brand Name
A brand name is a word, term, or phrase that is used to identify and distinguish a particular product, services, or a
company from others in the market. It is a crucial elements of a brand’s identity. A brand name serves as a verbal or
written identifier for a brand , allowing consumers to refer and remember a specific product, service, or company.

Descriptive Brand Names Acronymic Brand Names

Evocative Brand Names Geographical Brand

Invented Brand Names
Founder Brand Names
Lexical Brand Names
Descriptive Brand Names
-Descriptive names are straightforward and directly convey the product or service offered by a company.
They have the advantage of clearly indicating what kind of business the company is in, leaving no room
for confusion. While they may seem ordinary, some brands have successfully embraced their
straightforward names and turned them into memorable and effective identities.

Evocative Brand Name

- Evocative names employ suggestion and metaphor to evoke brand positioning and/or brand
experience. They go beyond mere description and allow a company to convey a larger brand narrative
that encompasses more than just the products or services they offer. This type of name can be
particularly effective in creating a powerful and memorable brand identity.

Invented Brand Names

- Invented names are entirely unique and created through linguistic fabrication. Unlike descriptive names,
they are not restricted to existing words, offering a wide creative scope for naming a company or product.
However, generating a successful invented name can be a challenging task, despite the expansive creative
possibilities it presents.
Lexical Brand Names
- Lexical names rely on wordplay for their memorability. This common name technique includes puns,
phrases, compound words, alliteration, onomatopoeia, deliberate misspellings, and foreign words.

Acronymic Brand Names

- The acronym is the one naming convention that has come to represent big, national companies. The
string of capital letters denoting an established company has always had weight, from AT&T to IBM.

Geographical Brand Names

- Geographical names provide a brand all of its namesake's historical, cultural, and natural associations.
While names like Hawaiian Punch and Florida's Natural suggest clean beaches and verdant orchards of
orange trees, names like Klondike and Outback convey the excitement and wilderness of the outdoors.

Founder Brand Names

- The founder brand tradition dates all the way back to the earliest brands. There weren't many brands
that weren't named after their founders during the time when Fords built every street and Kellogg's
dominated breakfast tables.
A brand mark, also known as a logo is a visual symbol, design, or graphic element that represents a brand.
It is a distinctive and recognizable image that serves as a visual identifier for a company, product, or
Brand marks are an essential component of a brand’s visual identity and play a crucial role in creating
brand recognition and establishing a unique and memorable image in the minds of consumers. They are
use in products, packaging, marketing materials, websites, and various forms of media to visually
represent the brand.
Monogram / Lettermark Logo
- A monogram logo, also known as a letter mark, is made up of one or more letters that are typically the
business's initials. The most frequent use is when a company decides to use just its initials to represent itself
because its name is too long.

Wordmark Logo
- Similar to a lettermark logo, a wordmark logo (or logotype) includes the entire company name. This
typeface-based logo is primarily utilized by businesses with distinctive names. The brand's name itself creates
a picture by utilizing distinctive typography, or the different letter shapes and sizes.

Abstract Logo
- Businesses often choose to use an abstract logo design to draw in customers. An eye-catching and easily
recognizable symbol or icon serves as a representation of the good or service. In summary, it uses an
interesting shape, form, and icon to communicate a difficult idea.
Pictorial Type
- A pictorial type of logo is a stylized and simplified image, a picture, which is immediately recognizable.
The Apple logo and Twitter's bird logo are the most well-known examples. Because they convey more
information about a brand than merely a text or abstract shape, they are a popular type of logo.

Mascot Logos
- A mascot type of logos is the most prominent element is the use of illustration and characters.

- Emblem a long history – families, castles, and universities use emblems for a long time.Because of this, an emblem-
style logo conveys reliability and a "here-to-stay" mentality.It has a solidity geometric shape and a word that is a

Combination Mark
- This type of logo is a combination between pictorial marks and wordmarks.
- The elements can be laid side by side, on top of one another, or integrated together.

Name: Mark Wayne B. Tapec

Course & Year: BSBA- MM 2
Instructor: Ma’am Sylvia Lalaine Grace L. Foronda

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