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• It shows the relationship of Noun or Pronoun

with the rest of sentence.
• For example = Darshan puts the book on the
table….here relationship of book and table is
indicated by word ON….it is a preposition.
• There are different types of prepositions which
show different meaning like place, time, direction,
speed etc….
•We will show many prepositions with their
different meanings and examples.
• 1] In, At
• In = it indicates the big places like any city, state or country.
• I am living in Ahmedabad.
• I have been in Gujarat since my childhood.
• At = it indicates small places.
• I am at restaurant right now.
• I am living at Bavla.
• I have been living at Satellite for many years.
• 2] In, At, On
• In = it indicates time in years and months.
• I will be in Ahmedabad in July.
• I came Ahmedabad in 2012.
• It is also used with morning, evening and afternoon.
• I will reach there in morning
• At = it indicates particular time.
• I will reach there at 5pm.
• It is used with night, midnight and noon
• I will be there at night.
• On = it indicates day and date
• I will reach there on Monday.
• I will reach there on 27th June.
• 3] In, Into
• In = we have to use this word when we mean that a person,
thing, or animal is located inside something.
• For example = they were already in the garden.
• He was in the house.
• We can use ‘In’ to indicate that something rests within
something. Most probably idea.
• For example = beauty lies in the eyes of beholder.
• Value of money lies in the fact that how one lives the life.
• Into = this word is used with the verbs which show speed.
• For example = I am coming into the house.
• Soldiers march into the another area.
• He is going into garden.
• He stepped into my house.
• After waiting in the compound, I finally entered into a restaurant.
• 4] On
• It is used when one object is touching directly to
the another object.
• I have placed book on the table.
• It indicates the still object.
• 5] Over
• It means that one object is not touching the another object and
higher, but perpendicular to it.
• One object is higher than another and moving and covering the area.
• Object should cover the another object.
• if any of the above mentioned condition is fulfilled alone or together,
we can use word ‘Over’
• Birds are flying over the garden.
• That means there is movement of birds as well as they are covering
the garden area.
• I always wear blazer over a shirt…that means my blazer is covering my
• He jumped over the wall….that means he is moving and also covering
the wall.
• It is also used with Numbers.
• He is working there over ten years.
• Alarm rang over 5 minutes.
• 6] Above
• First = It is used to indicate an object that is higher
in place than another object.
• The photo is above the blackboard.
• We were flying above the clouds.
• They are living above my apartment.
• Second = It is used to indicate the higher position.
• President is ranked above the captain.
• Third = it also indicated the greater than something.
• My marks are above average.
• Inflation is above 6% than last year.
• Children above the age of 10 are not allowed.
• 7] Beside, Besides
• Beside = it means near or close.
• He sat beside me.
• I always sit beside my best friend.
• Besides = it means in addition to.
• I am practicing in my field, besides I teach English.
• My main business is garment, besides I sell toys too.
• 8] Between, Among
• Between = when we are talking about only two people or things, we
have to use ‘Between’
• I sat between you and him.
• I stuck between walls.
• Among = when we are talking about three or more people or things,
we have to use ‘Among’
• We sat among trees.
• I sit among them.
• 9] Underneath, Beneath
• It is used when we want to say that some object is completely
covered by another object.
• I always wear shirt underneath the blazer.
• He seems angry outside but he is very kind underneath.
• Beneath is a synonym of Underneath but it is formal word and rarely
used in English language.
• 10] Below
• It can be used in place of under but two objects must not be
• There is a painting below the clock.
• It is also used to describe a position that is lower.
• Prime minister’s position is below President’s position.
• It is also used to indicate lower than something like opposite of
• Your marks are below average.
• Temperature is below 6 degree.
• 11] Beyond
• It means ‘ far away from something’
• There is a garden beyond the river.
• He can see beyond that building.
• It also indicates ‘out of limit’
• Situation of Gujarat is now beyond Gujarat government.
• This is beyond science.
• 12] Across
• It means move from one side to another.
• I ran across the road.
• It also means ‘the opposite side.’
• There is a bus stand across the mall.
• It also means ‘spread of something’
• There are many branches of Star Bucks across the world.
• 13] Along
• It means parallel to something.
• I walk along the beach.
• My house is alongside the beach….that means at
the one side of beach.
• 14] Up to
• It means Responsibility
• Now it is up to you how you control the situation.
• It also means ‘doing something secretly’
• I am sure that he is up to something.
• It also shows the limit.
• I walked up to hills.
• 15] To
• It shows the destination. Generally it is used with the verbs that show
• I am going to school.
• I am going to Ahmedabad.
• It also indicates the receiver of an action.
• I am writing this letter to my friend.
• I gave money to my friend.
• In the context of time
• I work from Monday to Friday.
• He works from Morning to Evening
• That shop is opened from 7am to 9pm.
• 16] Towards
• It shows the direction or closer to someone or something.
• He was going towards school.
• Go towards the mall and take right.
• It seems that the whole country is drifting towards war.
• He came towards me and whispered in my ears.
• 17] Until and Till
• Until = it shows the limit of time
• I stayed awake until midnight.
• I will wait for him until midnight
• Till is used in a same way but in informal English
• Wait there till evening.
• I want to go to Bombay ……… train. [by, in, into]
• She is standing ……… the door. [by, at, after]
• He cuts the apple …… the knife. [by, with, for]
• Will you go there …… foot ? [with, by, on]
• Have you heard …….. the accident ? [about, at, from]
• He sat ….. me. [beside, as, at]
• The children are playing …… a tree. [on, in, under]
• The mad man jumped …… the wall. [into, over, from]
• He distributed the two mangoes …… two brothers. [between, before,
• The dog jumped …… the pond to take the ball. [into, in, under]
• I went to the post office ….. my uncle. [by, with, at]
• Do not go …… school. Today is a holiday. [to, at, for]
• My brother did not agree ….. my proposal. [on, to, with]
• He did not go out ……. the rain stopped. [since, if, till]
• He died …… sorrow. [with, form, of]
• He has been ill ….. Monday. [for, since, from]
• He had a lot of faith ….. nature. [of, in, on]
• India became free …….. the British rule in 1947. [from, of, with]
• Many Indians fought ……. the freedom of their motherland. [for, of, or]
• Netaji Bose also fought …… the leadership of Gandhiji. [under, in, for]
• Do you depend …….. others for help? [on, in, for]
• You cannot always agree ….. a person. [about, with, on]
• Do you prefer milk ……. tea? [than, to, for]
• The airplane flies …… our head. [on, over, above]
• He must be ….. his office. [at, to, on]
• The boy threw a stone …….. the well. [in, by, into]
• He divided the prize ……. the three boys. [between, into, among]
• Our school team won the match …….. an inning, [with, by, for]
• She has lived in this house ……. 1980. [since, for, from]
• Our life is not free …….. worries. [from, by, with]

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